In the Yule-Log Glow, Book I | Page 4

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men say, because that Mary, a young woman,
sitting upon an ass, heavy and sorry, and full weary of the way, was
near to the time of bearing of her child. Then Joseph led his wife into
this shed that none took keep of, down into the little dark house, and
there our Lord, Jesus Christ, the same night was born of the Virgin,
without any disease or sorrow of her body, for salvation of all mankind.
And in that house, before the cave of old time, was left a manger of the
length of a fathom, made in the wall; and to that same manger was an
ox of a poor man tied, that none might harbor. And beside that ox
Joseph tied his ass, and in that same manger Mary wrapped her blessed
Son in cloths and laid Him on high before the ass and the ox,--for there
was none other place.
And shepherds were fast by in the same country keeping their sheep in
the night, and an angel of Heaven came and stood beside them with a
great light, wherefore they were in much dread. And the angel said to
them, "Be not afraid, for I tell you a great joy that shall be to all people,
for this day is born to us our Lord, Christ, in the city of David, and this
shall be to you a token: Ye shall find a young child wrapped in cloths
and put in a manger." And then suddenly there came a great multitude
of angels of Heaven praising God, who said: "Joy be to God on high
and peace in earth to men of good will."
Now the place where the angel appeared to the shepherds that night

when Christ was born is but half a mile from Bethlehem, and in that
same place David, when he was a child, fed sheep and kept them from
the bear and the lion.
Some books say that the shepherds in that country, twice in the year,
are wont to keep their sheep in the night, and, therein, times be when
the day and the night are both of one length. And you shall understand
that the land about Bethlehem is all mountainous for the most part, so
that in some places a man shall not well know winter from summer,
and in some places it is right cold, and some it is both winter and
summer at one time, and sometimes on the mountains, in parts of the
East, men shall find snow in the month of August, and that snow is
gathered by them that dwell about, and put in caves, and afterward it is
borne to the market, where the great lords of the country will buy it,
and take it to their houses, and set it in a basin upon their board to make
their drink cold.
In September and October, when the sun cometh a little low in that
country, then seeds and all manner of herbs commonly begin to wax in
the fields, as in this country herbs begin to grow in March and April;
also in some parts of the East they reap corn in April and in March, but
most in May, as in some places the ground is higher, in some places
lower; but beside Bethlehem are many more places of good pasture and
of flat ground than elsewhere: insomuch that at Christmas-tide barley
beginneth to ear and to wax ripe; and then men send thither, from
divers countries, their horses and mules, to make them fat: and that
time we call among us Christmas, they call, in their language, the time
of herbage. And forasmuch as when Christ was born, peace was in all
the world, and betwixt Bethlehem and that place where the angel
appeared to the shepherds was but half a mile and a little way more,
and also there was no great cold thereabout, therefore the shepherds, all
that winter night and day, now in one place, now in another, dwelled
there with their sheep, and so they do yet to this day.
Now when Christ was born of the Virgin Mary for salvation of all
mankind, then His Star, that was prophesied of Balaam and long
awaited and looked for by the twelve astronomers on the hill of Vaws,

at that same night and at that same hour, began to arise in the manner of
a sun, bright shining; and so after, in the form of an eagle, it ascended
above the hill of Vaws. And all that day in highest air it abode without
moving, insomuch that when the sun was most hot and most high there
was no difference in shining betwixt them.
But when the day of the Nativity was passed, the Star ascended up
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