In the Yule-Log Glow, Book I | Page 3

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breadth than a little chapel is made upon, the which the three
worshipful kings did build of stone and timber. And there be about this
hill many steps upon which men go up to the chapel on high, and also
there grew many good trees and herbs and divers spices all about the
hill--for else men might not well go upon this hill because it is so high
and so narrow. There is also a pillar of stone made above this chapel, of
wondrous height, and in the head of the pillar standeth a great star, well
made of gilt, and which turneth with the wind as a vane: and through
the light of the sun by day, and of the moon by night, this star gives
light a great way about the country. And many other marvels are
spoken of this hill of Vaws, the which were long to tell.
Now when the time of grace was come, that God would have mercy on
all mankind, in which time the Father of Heaven sent down his Son to
take flesh and blood and to be born a man for salvation of all the world:
in that time Octavianus, that was Emperor of Rome, sent out a

commandment that all the people within his empire should be counted
and taxed; and every man went forth from his dwelling-place into his
native country. Then came Joseph up from Nazareth unto Bethlehem
the city of David, because he was of the household and race of King
David, and with him came Mary that was his wife, and also great with
And you shall understand that Bethlehem was never of much reputation,
neither a place of great quantity. It hath a good site and good ground,
for there be many caves and dens under the earth thereabout; and it is
distant from Jerusalem but two little miles; and it is but a castle, but is
called a city because King David was born there. And in that town was
sometime a house which belonged to Isai, the father of David, where
David was born and anointed into the kingdom of Israel by Samuel the
prophet. And in this same dwelling was the Son of Heaven born of
And this same house was at the end of a street that was in that time
called the Covered Street, because, to keep out the great heat and
burning of the sun, this street was canopied above with black cloths and
other things,--for such is the use in that country always. And here was
wont to be great bargaining, or a fair once a week of old clothes; and
specially of trees or timber, by the little house which stood before a den
under the earth, made and shaped like a little cellar, where Isai and
others that dwelt there after him put certain necessaries that belonged to
the household, against the heat of the sun. It is also the manner in all
that country that there be certain houses, the which be called there
alchan, that we call hostelries, and in these houses be mules, horses,
asses, and camels always ready, that, if so that any merchant or any
man that travelled by the way, be it far or near, need any beast for
himself, or for his merchandise, then he goeth to such a house and there
he may hire a horse, or what beast that he will, for a certain price. And
when he hath such a beast then he goeth from that city to another,
where to abide and rest him for a time. Then he dischargeth his beast of
his burden, and so sendeth him to a house called there also alchan; and
the master of the house giveth his beast meat, and, when he may, he
sendeth it home to the same place that it came from.

And such a house was, before the birth of Christ, in the place where
Christ was born; but, about the time of the Nativity, that house was all
destroyed, insomuch that there was nothing left but broken walls on
every side, and a little cave under earth, and a little unthrifty house
before the cave: and there men sold bread on the same ground; for it is
the usage in all that country that all the bread that is sold shall be
brought unto a certain place.
Now when Octavianus had sent out a commandment as it is aforesaid,
then went Joseph and Mary riding on an ass, late in the eventide,
toward the city of Bethlehem, and because they came so late, and all
places were occupied with pilgrims and other men, and also because
they came in poor array and went about the city, none would receive
them, and specially,
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