How To Get The Women You Desire Into Bed | Page 7

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as if these strange women
were long lost friends that he dearly loved.

And they bought it! Even the chickiest woman, who is very uptight about being a
sex object, wants to feel loved and special. And just by the warmth in the tone
of his voice and his smile he made these girls feel as if they WERE long lost

Look at it this way: Even the nastiest person finds it hard to react fearfully
or angrily to someone who makes them feel loved and appreciated.

I suggest you make this AS IF principle part of your bag of tricks. The next
time you approach a woman who is making you burst out of your pants with lust,
try putting aside the lust and turning on the warmth.

Conveying warmth and affinity isn't so tough - just think of how you look and
sound when you see a niece or nephew, or even a pet that delights you. No, I am
not suggesting baby talk as a way of scoring babes. I'm trying to give you an
example of where it's natural for you to behave the way I'd like you to try
behaving with women.

The important principle to apply here is that THE MEANING OF YOUR COMMUNICATION
IS THE RESPONSE IT GETS. If you use a tone of voice or a facial expression that
makes women fearful or suspicious, then no matter how clever your words are, the
message you convey to her is that she should be afraid and suspicious of you.

If voice tone and physiology (and again I don't mean your appearance per se, but
rather your posture and facial expressions) are so crucial in how women react to
you, then what is the key to producing voice tone and physiology? Your belief
and expectation about your outcome.

If you believe you are going to get rejected then you are either going to convey
fear, and make her fearful or else you are going to try to beat her to the punch
and act so obnoxious that she rejects you right off, so you don't have to wait
too long in suspense for your negative prediction to come true. You just want to
get it over with quickly so you actually produce the humiliation that you
believe you cannot avoid.

By contrast, if you act as if you truly were someone who everyone liked and
received warmly, then that warmth is what your tone and physiology will convey,
and that's the response you will get, nine times out of ten. I'm not saying
you'll get laid with everyone you approach, but seldom will you have a nasty
experience either. And any woman who doesn't respond positively to warmth and
affinity is seriously sick and should be avoided at all costs anyway.

PRACTICE EXERCISE: OK, I know this one is going to SEEM a little silly, but it's
going to help you get laid like CRAZY, so just do it!

Step One:

Remember the words to the pledge of allegiance. In case you don't here they are:
(You may stand and put your hand over your heart if you so choose.)

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the
Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty
and justice for all.

Step Two:

Practice, out loud, saying these words with all the warmth and friendliness you
can muster.

Step Three:

Practice saying them out loud as if you thought they were the funniest thing in
the world and you might crack up laughing at any moment.

OK, so you feel a bit silly practicing (and if someone should catch you they may
think you've joined the John Birch Society) and it seems weird. But just
remember -


Chapter Seven


I have a brother who's in advertising - more specifically he writes newspaper
and magazine ad copy. I once watched him at work, and he sat for about three
hours and then wrote one sentence! One sentence!

I asked him why he took so long on one sentence and his answer stuck with me:
It's that first sentence that determines whether they even read the rest of the

Look at meeting women like an ad man who's writing copy for a newspaper ad.
Maybe one out of a hundred readers is actively looking for the product
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