a girl
find a lesbian
The second way for threesomes to happen is two girls
and a guy.
To make this happen you need to get one of your lady
sex-partners involved.
Find out if she has ever had or wanted to have sex with
another girl. If there is any trace of a “yes” in her answer,
then suggest that you two go do something different. Tell
her you would be very happy if she would let you watch
her make out with another chick. She may be appalled at
your suggestion. If so leave the subject and pretend you
were joking about it. If she responds “OK” then suggest
that you two go to a lesbian bar.
How to find lesbians
To find one, you can check the local “gay guide”. Lesbian
bars are less common than gay bars, so sometimes-gay
bars have lesbian nights, since there is still a market for
them. Chicago, for instance, has 40+ gay bars, but only
4 full time lesbian lounges. Do this research before
hand, but pretend you didn’t after your partner agrees to
Get into Threesomes
13 Go to the bar. Guys are welcome too in most lesbian
bars; you just have to be respectful of the environment.
You will notice that it can get very scary in most lesbian
bars, since you are dealing with women that don’t like
guys for one reason or another (which is very different
from gay bars, where gays are cool with women).
Side note:
If I were you, I wouldn’t hit on any chick in there
(they are there for a reason) or if one starts
talking crap to you, eat it. You don’t know what
kind of pact all those women have. Also, before
going into the men’s bathroom, knock. They
usually use that room to make out.
Your first goal is to let everyone at the bar know that you
and your girl are together. So walk around the place,
maybe shoot a little pool, talk to a few groups of women
(ask about what time the place closes), and make your-
self seen.
Lesbo pick up
Now comes the coolest part. It took me several attempts
at threesome before figuring this one.
Instead of hitting on lesbians and asking them if they
want to have sex with you and your girl...
.... let them pick up your girl!
Amazingly easy because you don’t do shit!
Get into Threesomes
14 Think about. The lesbians that want to get involved with
your girl will hit on her. Yet since you already made clear
that the two of you came together, the lesbian under-
stands that you are involved in the process. If they don’t
want to deal with you, they won’t hit on your girl, if they
have a little of bi-sexuality in them, then the fact that you
come attached to your girl won’t bother her.
So what do you do? You tell your girl to go dancing by
herself on the dance floor. Within minutes (depending on
how packed the place is) your girl will be hit on. Tell your
girl that she can reject them until she finds some one
she likes. Once the two are talking, they will start making
out. They are good at this and this part will take care of it
self. This is very normal at lesbian bars, they tend to se-
duce simply by skipping the conversation and going
straight to kissing (lucky bitches).
Getting you in the picture
Tell your girl that once she feels the two of them have
made out enough, that she should come out and intro-
duce her catch to you.
The lesbian will feel awkward until you tell her that you
thought, “the two of you looked very sexy” making out on
the dance floor. At this point, the lesbian won’t feel like
she is intruding on someone’s territory, but rather that
she is a welcome guest. Make the situation less tense.
Chit chat, order a few drinks and get everyone bubbly.
Maybe move to a slightly darker part of the bar, where
you three are less visible. This should help make all
Get into Threesomes
15 three of you less self-conscious.
Three-way kiss
If the two start making out again in front of you, this
means that things are going well and that you should join
in. Don’t ask for permission, just join in and kiss your girl
first. Then, while grabbing both by the waste, kiss the
lesbian. If she totally refuses to kiss you, you’re barking
up the wrong tree. If she goes with it, then you’re golden.
Go Somewhere
As soon as the scenario becomes favorably intimate,
you should start making plans for pulling the “let’s go
somewhere” technique, where you suggest to go some-
where else because “this place is too [insert complaint
here]”. You should, however, get your girl to propose go-
ing somewhere else. This way, the lesbian is less likely
to refuse.
On your way out, figure out who lives closest. This will
not only help decide where to go (without using the
dreaded “my place or yours”), but will also create a
sense of urgency. Furthermore, it jumps to the assump-
tion that there is more to be had, that you three will be
getting down.
Keep the engines hot
Let your girl sit in the back of

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