Ehi, well!
Etahi, each.
Haere, come; go.
Haerenga, coming; going.
Haha, feel; to search with the hand.
Hanga, built.
Hapu, conceive.
Hari, rejoiced.
Hauwhenuapo, evening land breeze.
He, a.
Hei, at.
Heoti, enough.
Hi, dawn.
Hiahia, desire.
Hiainu, thirst.
Hihiri, strongly desired.
Hinemoa, see table.
Hinemaru, see table.
Hinewhata, name of the stump out in the Lake.
Hoa, friend.
Hoatu, give.
Hoe, paddle.
Homai, give.
Hoki, also; for; return.
Hokinga, return.
Horihori, false.
Huihui, gathered.
Huihuinga, gatherings.
Humariretanga, beauty.
I, sign of past tense, sign of the object. case, in.
Ia, but; he; she.
Iana, now.
Iho, implying direction downwards.
Ina, since; from.
Inu, drinking.
Inumia, drank.
Ingoa, name.
Iriirikapua, proper name.
Iwi, tribe.
Ka, inceptive particle (untranslatable).
Kahakaha, name of a garment.
Kahore, no.
Kahu, garment.
Kai, Kai tiki; messenger.
Kainga, dwelling place.
Kaiweka, a name.
Kakahu, garment.
Kaore, indeed; not.
Karanga, call.
Karearoto, darling.
Karere, messenger.
Katahi, first.
Katoa, all.
Kauanga, swimming.
Kauhoe, swimming.
Kauhoenga, swimming.
Kauwhau, story.
Kauwhautia, be recited.
Kawana, governor.
Kawea, was carried; (Kawe).
Kei, lest; at; with.
Keiwhea, where.
Ki, to; at.
Kia, let. Kia=ki a, to--
Kiaka, calabash.
Kiri, skin.
Kite, saw.
Kitekite, see frequently.
Kitemea, if.
Ko, particle (untranslatable) used before common Noun.
Koauau, flute.
Koe, thee; thou.
Koia, indeed.
Kopako, see table.
Kore, not; future negative.
Kotuku, white crane.
Kowhatu, rock.
Kua, sign of the perfect tense.
Kupu, word.
Ma, by.
Maeke, cold.
Mahara, thought.
Mai, implying direction towards the speaker.
Makere, go down; lost.
Manawa, heart.
Manu, float.
Manuhiri, stranger.
Marenatia, marriage.
Marino, calm.
Matamua, first born.
Mate, sick.
Matewai, thirsty.
Matoro, woo.
Matou, we.
Matua, parent.
Mau, grasp; take.
Maua, us two; we two.
Me, me pehea; how; like.
Mea, said; thing.
Miharo, wondered.
Mo, for.
Moana, sea.
Moe, sleep.
Moea, marriage, cohabit. Moea tahaetia, seduced.
Mohio, thought.
Mokai, slave.
Mokoia, the island in Rotorua.
Moku, for me.
Momoe, sleep together; marriage.
Mona, for him or her.
Muri, after.
Mutu, end; finish.
Na, denoting position near person spoken to. (Tena), lo.
Nana, his; hers.
Nei, denoting position near speaker. (Tenei).
No, from.
Noa, without restraint.
Noho, dwelt.
Nohoia, passive of Noho.
Nona, hers.
Nui, many.
Nunumikino, hasty.
Nga, sign of the plural.
Ngakau, heart.
Ngararanui, see table.
Ngaro, lost.
Ngenge, weariness.
Ngutu, lip.
O, of.
Ona, his or hers.
Ono, six.
Otiia, but.
Otira, but.
Owhata, a name.
Pa, touch.
Pai, fine; beautiful.
Pakaru, broken.
Pakikau, garment.
Pareparenga, banks.
Patu, weapon.
Pea, perhaps.
Pehea, how.
Pera, in this manner.
Pihanga, window.
Piki, climb.
Pirangi, desire; wish for.
Po, night.
Pokohiwi, shoulder.
Pononga, servant.
Poriro, bastard.
Potiki, child.
Pourewa, tower.
Pouri, darkness; sad.
Pu, general term for wind musical instruments.
Puhaehae, jealous.
Puhi, betrothed.
Puhihumarire, Puhi, betrothed; humarire, lovely.
Puku, secretly.
Pupuri, kept.
Puta, come forth.
Putorino, flute.
Ra, that.
Ranei, whether--or. Usually untranslatable.
Rangatira, chief.
Rangi, melody.
Rangiuru, mother of Tutanekai. See table.
Rangona, was heard.
Ratou, their; them; they.
Rapu, search.
Raua, they (two).
Raurangi=Taua rangi, that day.
Rawa, quite.
Reira, there. (Ki reira ki).
Rekareka, sweetness.
Reo, voice.
Ringa, hand.
Riro, gone.
Rite, like.
Ritenga, custom.
Roa, long.
Rongo, news; heard.
Roto, in; i roto i, within.
Rotorua, scene of the story.
Ru, earthquake.
Rua, second.
Runga, upon. (Ki runga ki).
Ta=Te a, thee of.
Tae, arrive.
Taha, calabash.
Tahae, thief.
Tahaetia, thievishly.
Tahi, one.
Tahu, cook.
Tahuri, turn.
Takatapui, bosom friend of the same sex.
Takawai, calabash; drinking vessel.
Takoto, lie down.
Taku, my.
Tamahine, daughter.
Tamaiti, child.
Tamariki, children.
Tana, hers; his.
Tane, husband; man.
Tangata, man.
Tangi, sound.
Tango, took.
Tapere, Whare tapere, meeting house.
Tapukorako, white hawk.
Tatahi, shore.
Tatemea, for.
Taua, that; before mentioned.
Tauhou, stranger.
Taurekareka, slave.
Tauwharenga, overhanging bank.
Tauwharewharenga, overhanging bank.
Tawakeheimoa. See table.
Tawaru, a garment.
Tawhito, ancient.
Te, the.
Teina, younger brother.
Tena, that.
Tenei, this; near the speaker.
Tera, that; implying distance.
Tere, drift.
Tetehi, one.
Tika, straight.
Tikanga, custom.
Tiki, bring.
Tiki. See table.
Tikina, bring.
Titiro, look.
To, To matou, our. Te o, the of; drag.
Tohu, sign.
Tohutohu, show.
Tokotoru, three.
Tona, hers; his.
Tonoa, be sent.
Tonu, always.
Toru, three.
Toto, drawn.
Totohu, sink.
Tu, stand.
Tuahine, sister.
Tuakana, elder brother or brethren.
Tuarua, second.
Tumu, stump.
Tupa. See table.
Tupato, cautious.
Tupu, real.
Tupuna, ancestress.
Turuawepo, midnight.
Tutanekai. See table.
Tuteaiti. See table.
Tutua, common person.
Tuwharetoa. See table.
U, arrive.
Ueue, shake.
Ui, ask.
Umukaria. See table.
Uri, offspring.
Uta, ashore.
Utu, dip.
Wa, time.
Waewae, feet.
Wahi, place; break.
Wahia, broke.
Wahiao. See table.
Wahine, woman.
Waho, outside.
Wai, who; water.
Waiariki, hot spring.
Waihotia, left.
Waikimihia, Hinemoa's bath.
Wairerewai, a name.
Waka, canoe.
Wawata, desire.
Wiri, tremble.
Wiringa, trembling.
Wha, four.
Whaiaipo, sweetheart.
Whare, house.
Whakaae, consent.
Whakaarahia, rouse.
Whakaaro, remember.
Whakahoroa, throw over.
Whakama, modesty.
Whakamahana, warm.
Whakamoea, married.
Whakangaio, pretend; pretence.
Whakapakanga, last.
Whakapuaki, declared.
Whakapupuni, hide.
Whakaritea, arranged.
Whakaroa, lingered.
Whakarongo, listen.
Whakata, took breath.
Whakatangata, become men.
Whakatangi, played.
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