Himalayan Journals, vol 1 | Page 7

J.D. Hooker
of nettles -- Edible plants -- Lepcha war -- Do-mani stone -- Neongong -- Teesta valley -- Pony, saddle, etc. -- Meet Campbell -- Vegetation and scenery -- Presents -- Visit of Dewan -- Characters of Rajah and Dewan -- Accounts of Tibet -- Lhassa -- Siling -- Tricks of Dewan -- Walk up Teesta -- Audience of Rajah -- Lamas -- Kajees -- Tchebu Lama, his character and position -- Effects of interview -- Heir-apparent -- Dewan's house -- Guitar -- Weather -- Fall of river -- Tibet officers -- Gigantic trees -- Neongong lake -- Mainom, ascent of -- Vegetation -- Camp on snow -- Silver-firs -- View from top -- Kinchin, etc. -- Geology -- Vapours -- Sunset effect -- Elevation -- Temperature, etc. -- Lamas of Neongong -- Temples -- Religious festival Bamboo, flowering -- Recross pass of Raklang -- Numerous temples, villages, etc. -- Domestic animals -- Descent to Great Rungeet.

Tassiding, view of and from -- Funereal cypress -- Camp at Sunnook -- Hot vapours -- Lama's house -- Temples, decorations, altars, idols, general effect -- Chaits -- Date of erection -- Plundered by Ghorkas -- Cross Ratong -- Ascend to Pemiongehi -- Relation of river-beds to strike of rocks -- Slopes of ravines -- Pemiongehi, view of -- Vegetation -- Elevation -- Temple, decorations, etc. -- Former capital of Sikkim -- History of Sikkim -- Nightingales -- Campbell departs -- Tchonpong -- Edgeworthia -- Cross Rungbee and Ratong -- Hoar-frost on plantains -- Yoksun -- Walnuts -- View -- Funereal cypresses -- Doobdi -- Gigantic cypresses -- Temples -- Snow-fall -- Sikkim, etc. -- Toys.

Leave Yoksun for Kinchinjunga -- Ascend Ratong valley -- Salt-smuggling over Ratong -- Landslips -- Plants -- Buckeem -- Blocks of gneiss -- Mon Lepcha -- View -- Weather -- View from Gubroo -- Kinchinjunga, tops of -- Pundimcliff -- Nursing -- Vegetation of Himalaya -- Coup d'oeil of Jongri -- Route to Yalloong -- Arduous route of salt-traders from Tibet -- Kinchin, ascent of -- Lichens -- Surfaces sculptured by snow and ice -- Weather at Jongri -- Snow -- Shades for eyes.

Ratong river below Mon Lepcha -- Ferns -- Vegetation of Yoksun, tropical -- Araliaceae, fodder for cattle -- Rice-paper plant -- Geology of Yoksun -- Lake -- Old temples -- Funereal cypresses -- Gigantic chart -- Altars -- Songboom -- Weather -- Catsuperri -- Velocity of Ratong -- Worship at Catsuperri lake -- Scenery -- Willow -- Lamas and ecclesiastical establishments of Sikkim -- Tengling -- Changachelling temples and monks -- Portrait of myself on walls -- Block of mica-schist -- Lingcham Kajee asks for spectacles -- Hee-hill -- Arrive at Little Rungeet -- At Dorjiling -- Its deserted and wintry appearance.

Dispatch collections -- Acorns -- Heat -- Punkabaree -- Bees -- Vegetation -- Haze -- Titalya -- Earthquake -- Proceed to Nepal frontier -- Terai, geology of -- Physical features of Himalayan valleys -- Elephants, purchase of, etc. -- River-beds -- Mechi river -- Return to Titalya -- Leave for Teesta -- Climate of plains -- Jeelpigoree -- Cooches -- Alteration in the appearance of country by fires, etc. -- Grasses -- Bamboos -- Cottages -- Rajah of Cooch Behar -- Condition of people -- Hooli festival -- Ascend Teesta -- Canoes -- Cranes -- Forest -- Baikant-pore -- Rummai -- Religion -- Plants at foot of mountains -- Exit of Teesta -- Canoe voyage down to Rangamally -- English genera of plants -- Birds -- Beautiful scenery -- Botanizing on elephants -- Willow -- Siligoree -- Cross Terai -- Geology -- Iron -- Lohar-ghur -- Coal and sandstone beds -- Mechi fisherman -- Hailstorm -- Ascent to Kursiong -- To Dorjiling -- Vegetation -- Geology -- Folded quartz-beds -- Spheres of feldspar -- Lime deposits.
Fig. I. The Dhak, _Butea frondosa,_ and _Cochlospermum gossypium,_ with the Kymore Hills in the background. p.53 Fig. II. View of Kinchinjunga from Mr. Hodgson's bungalow at Dorjiling, from a sketch by W. Tayler, Esq., B.C.S. Frontispiece. Fig. III. From Chingtam, looking up the Tambur Valley. p.196 Fig. VI. Nango mountain, from the summit of the great moraine in Yangma Valley, looking eastward. p.232 Fig. V. Junnoo mountain from the Choonjerma Pass. p.264
Fig. 1. Old tamarind trees. p.17 Fig. 2. Crossing the Soane River above Tura, with the Kymore Hills in the background. p.47 Fig. 3. Equatorial sun-dial, Benares Observatory. p.74 Fig. 4. Equinoctial sun-dial, Benares Observatory. p.75 Fig. 5. Azimuth circle, Benares Observatory. p.76 Fig. 6. Monghyr on the Ganges. p.88 Fig. 7. Punkabaree, Sikkim Terai, and Balasun River. The trees in the foreground are _Araliaceae._ p.105 Fig. 8. Lepcha girl and Boodhist priest. From a sketch by Miss Colvile. p.129 Fig. 9. _Pinus longifolia,_ in the great Rungeet Valley. p.148 Fig.
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