Himalayan Journals, vol 1 | Page 5

J.D. Hooker
careful revision of the sheets as they passed through the press, and for numerous valuable suggestions throughout, I am indebted to my fellow-traveller, Dr. Thomas Thomson.

Sunderbunds vegetation -- Calcutta Botanic Garden -- Leave for Burdwan -- Rajah's gardens and menagerie -- Coal-beds, geology, and plants of -- Lac insect and plant -- Camels -- Kunker -- Cowage -- Effloresced soda on soil -- Glass, manufacture of -- Atmospheric vapours -- Temperature, etc. -- Mahowa oil and spirits -- Maddaobund -- Jains -- Ascent of Paras-nath -- Vegetation of that mountain.

Doomree -- Vegetation of table-land -- Lieutenant Beadle -- Birds -- Hot springs of Soorujkoond -- Plants near them -- Shells in them -- Cholera-tree -- Olibanum -- Palms, form of -- Dunwah pass -- Trees, native and planted -- Wild peacock -- Poppy fields -- Geography and geology of Behar and Central India -- Toddy-palm -- Ground, temperature of -- Baroon -- Temperature of plants -- Lizard -- Cross the Soane -- Sand, ripple-marks on -- Kymore hills -- Ground, temperature of -- Limestone -- Rotas fort and palace -- Nitrate of lime -- Change of climate -- Lime stalagmites, enclosing leaves -- Fall of Soane -- Spiders, etc. -- Scenery and natural history of upper Soane valley -- Hardwickia binata -- Bhel fruit -- Dust-storm -- Alligator -- Catechu -- Cochlospermum -- Leaf-bellows -- Scorpions -- Tortoises -- Florican -- Limestone spheres -- Coles -- Tiger-hunt -- Robbery.

Ek-powa Ghat -- Sandstones -- Shahgunj -- Table-land, elevation, etc. -- Gum-arabic -- Mango -- Fair -- Aquatic plants -- Rujubbund -- Storm -- False sunset and sunrise -- Bind hills -- Mirzapore -- Manufactures, imports, etc. -- Climate -- Thuggee -- Chunar -- Benares -- Mosque -- Observatory -- Sar-nath -- Ghazeepore -- Rose-gardens -- Manufactory of attar -- Lord Cornwallis' tomb -- Ganges, scenery and natural history of -- Pelicans -- Vegetation -- Insects -- Dinapore -- Patna -- Opium godowns and manufacture -- Mudar, white and purple -- Monghyr islets -- Hot springs of Seetakoond -- Alluvium of Ganges -- Rocks of Sultun-gunj -- Bhaugulpore -- Temples of Mt. Manden -- Coles and native tribes -- Bhaugulpore rangers -- Horticultural gardens.

Leave Bhaugulpore -- Kunker -- Colgong -- Himalaya, distant view of -- Cosi, mouth of -- Difficult navigation -- Sand-storms -- Caragola-Ghat -- Purnea -- Ortolans -- Mahanuddy, transport of pebbles, etc. -- Betel-pepper, cultivation of -- Titalya -- Siligoree -- View of outer Himalaya -- Terai -- Mechis -- Punkabaree -- Foot of mountains -- Ascent to Dorjiling -- Cicadas -- Leeches -- Animals -- Kursiong, spring vegetation of -- Pacheem -- Arrive at Dorjiling -- Dorjiling, origin and settlement of -- Grant of land from Rajah -- Dr. Campbell appointed superintendent -- Dewan, late and present -- Aggressive conduct of the latter -- Increase of the station -- Trade -- Titalya fair -- Healthy climate for Europeans and children -- Invalids, diseases prejudicial to.

View from Mr. Hodgson's of range of snowy mountains -- Their extent and elevation -- Delusive appearance of elevation -- Sinchul, view from and vegetation of -- Chumulari -- Magnolias, white and purple -- _Rhododendron Dalhousiae, arboreum_ and argentium -- Natives of Dorjiling -- Lepchas, origin, tradition of flood, morals, dress, arms, ornaments, diet -- Cups, origin and value -- Marriages -- Diseases -- Burial -- Worship and religion -- Bijooas -- Kumpa Rong, or Arrat -- Limboos, origin, habits, language, etc. -- Moormis -- Magras -- Mechis -- Comparison of customs with those of the natives of Assam, Khasia, etc.

Excursion from Dorjiling to Great Rungeet -- Zones of vegetation -- Tree-ferns -- Palms, upper limit of -- Leebong, tea plantations -- Ging -- Boodhist remains -- Tropical vegetation -- Pines -- Lepcha clearances -- Forest fires -- Boodhist monuments -- Fig -- Cane-bridge and raft over Rungeet -- Sago-palm -- India-rubber -- Yel Pote -- Butterflies and other insects -- Snakes -- Camp -- Temperature and humidity of atmosphere -- Junction of Teesta and Rungeet -- Return to Dorjiling -- Tonglo, excursion to -- Bamboo, flowering -- Oaks -- Gordonia -- Maize, hermaphrodite flowered -- Figs -- Nettles -- Peepsa -- Simonbong, cultivation at -- European fruits at Dorjiling-Plains of India.

Continue the ascent of Tonglo -- Trees -- Lepcha construction of hut -- Simsibong -- Climbing-trees -- Frogs -- Magnolias, etc. -- Ticks -- Leeches -- Cattle, murrain amongst -- Summit of Tonglo -- Rhododendrons -- Skimmia -- Yew -- Rose -- Aconite -- Bikh poison -- English genera of plants -- Ascent of tropical orders -- Comparison with south temperate zone -- Heavy rain -- Temperature, etc. -- Descent -- Simonbong temple -- Furniture therein -- Praying-cylinder -- Thigh-bone trumpet -- Morning orisons -- Present of Murwa beer, etc.

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