Gold, Sport, and Coffee Planting in Mysore | Page 5

Robert H. Elliot
between caste and idolatry. They may and do exist apart.
Caste as it exists in Ceylon.
The way in which caste probably did originate.
The Jews a strictly guarded caste.
Caste difficulties as regards taking the Sacrament.
Its sanitary advantages.
Caste no bar to the exercise of hospitality and charity.
Advantages of caste in increasing hospitality and charity.
Caste has a levelling as well as a keeping down tendency.
Instances of people rising into a superior caste.
Rigidity of caste laws much exaggerated. They vary in different places. Occasional violations of caste law condoned. Remarkable instance of this.
Infringement of caste when out tiger shooting.
Instance of variation in caste law. Caste apt to be made the scapegoat of every Indian difficulty.
Mr. Pope's remarks on the effects of caste.
Mr. Raikes's remarks on the evil effects of caste. Thinks that it is the cause of infanticide.
Instance to show that infanticide can exist amongst people free from caste. Polyandrous habits not necessarily a cause of infanticide.
Summary of principal conclusions arrived at.
Curious customs of the Marasa Wokul tribe in Mysore.
The effect of caste on the transmission of acquired aptitudes.

Description and the history of Coorg.
Conquered and annexed by us in 1834. My first visit to Coorg in 1857. The pioneer planters.
Planting without shade caused the failure of many of the plantations.
After shade was introduced coffee flourished.
European and native plantations. Their number and the probable yield from them. Expenditure per acre.
The kinds of manure used. Experiments by an analytical chemist.
Proportions of manure varied according to the condition of the coffee. The time in which manure should be applied. Applications of burnt earth.
Widespread results arising from the expenditure on plantations in Coorg.
Rates of wages, and system of procuring labourers. Leaf disease and Borer.
Remedies experimented on as regards leaf disease and Borer.
Primary cause of the existence of so much Borer. The terms on which Government lands are sold for planting.
Reasons why certain of the reserved State forests should be given out for planting.
Cinchona and Ceara rubber planting tried and abandoned. Coffee seed introduced from Brazil, and other countries, without any apparent advantage. Liberian coffee tried experimentally.
The capital spent on labour and the consequential results of this on agriculture. My visit to Coorg in 1891.
The route from Mysore. The coffee works at Hunsur. Interesting adventure with a panther.
To Mr. Rose's estate near Polibetta. Description of Bamboo district.
Life in the Bamboo district. The club, church, and co-operative store.
Visits to plantations. Left for Mercara.
The Retreat. Mr. Meynell's house. Its kitchen arrangements, etc.
Mr. Mann's coffee garden at Mercara. The large profits from it. To the Hallery estate six miles from Mercara.
Visits to several estates. To the Coovercolley estate. Mr. Mangles's.
Left Coovercolley for Manjarabad in Mysore.
General observations on coffee planting in Coorg. Its flourishing condition. More attention should be paid to shade.
Defects as regards shade. More attention to it would lessen Borer.
Manures used on the best kept up estates.
The profits that may be expected from good, well-managed estates. The great want of a Game Preservation Act.

An agreeable life for an active intelligent man who must work somewhere.
Qualities necessary to make a successful planter.
The work not hard. The climate agreeable and healthy. The elevation of the coffee districts above sea level.
The changes that may be taken in the slack season by planters. The durability of well-shaded plantations.
Shaded plantations a very permanent property. The profits of coffee. Case of an estate bought with borrowed money.
Analysis of yield, expenses, and profits on a Manjarabad estate.
Probable profits on estates in the northern part of Mysore.
From want of information coffee plantations in Mysore not saleable at good prices. Failure of coffee in Ceylon. This gave coffee generally an undeservedly bad name.
Early notices of coffee in India. Its early history in Mysore.
Failure of the variety of coffee first introduced.
The successful introduction of the Coorg variety of coffee.
Mysore coffee fetches the highest price in the London market. Original Mysore coffee land tenures.
The new Coffee Land Rules introduced in 1885.
In the south of Mysore all coffee land probably taken up. In north, land reported to be still available. Planters well satisfied with the Government.
Advances to labourers. Legislation as regards them much needed.
Proposed measure to meet the advances to labourers difficulty.
Legislation required to amend the extraditions laws.
The New Cattle Trespass Act. The want of a Wild Birds' Protection Act. The neglect of game preservation.
In consequence of game destruction tigers forced to prey heavily on village cattle. Great losses in consequence.
Cruelty of native hunters. Evidences of extermination of game birds.
The want of a Government Agricultural Chemist. The discovery of a new hybrid coffee plant.
Enormous yield from it.

General remarks on the importance of shade.
The governing principle as regards shade for coffee.
The most desirable kinds of shade trees. Those of less desirable kinds.
The Jack. Its merits and defects.
The Att��. Good when young, less desirable when old.
The Noga. The objections to relying on this tree.
Other kinds of less
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