Games for Hallow-een | Page 8

Mary E. Blain
18. Where did you first meet? 19. What is your rival's name? 20. Where do you intend to live? 21. How many other proposals have you had, or made? 22. Will the marriage be a happy one?
A cozy corner or a convenient part of the room may be converted into an impromptu dispensary with the addition of the Love potions and receptacles containing them, presided over by Dr. Dopem and his assistants. There are a number of pill boxes containing different colored pills, which are nothing but little round candies. The powders, composed of powdered sugar or brown sugar are folded in the regulation way, only in paper of various colors. Plasters, court plaster cut in small pieces of different design. The directions for taking the powders, etc., may be read or told to each patient, as they are prescribed for, or a copied prescription could be given with each remedy. Tell the guests that you understand they are all more or less inoculated with the Love germ in some form and this condition, if neglected, may prove serious--so for their benefit, Dr. Dopem will prescribe for each, according to his need, a remedy which is guaranteed to have the desired effect.
Red pills--six, take one every two and a half minutes. Will cause your ideal to reciprocate your love.
Pink pills--four at once. Will renew your fading love.
White pills--three, taken with eyes closed. Will cure jealousy.
Black pills--three--take one between each breath. Will vanquish your rival.
Yellow pills--sneeze, take three pills and sneeze again--repeat if necessary. Will make you love the one who loves you.
Lavender pills--stand on left foot, place right hand on heart, take two pills, reverse position, stand on right foot, left hand on heart, take two pills. Will bring about a proposal--or consent to your proposal.
White powder--take with fingers crossed and eyes shut. Will make you fall in love with the first one of the opposite sex you see.
Pink powder--take with feet crossed. Will gain consent for a kiss from the right party.
Blue powder--take with right hand holding left ear. Will bring about an introduction to Miss or Mr. Right.
Red powder--take with right hand on stomach and standing on right foot. Will bring your heart's desire, providing you tell what it is.
Yellow powder-take while kneeling. Will make your rival jealous.
Purple powder--take with right hand and arm extended forward, left foot and limb extended backward. Will bring a speedy marriage.
Black powder--take while on left knee, with left hand on top of head. Will cause unwelcome attentions to cease.
The plasters worn conspicuously--have the following meaning:--
Worn on the right cheek--I love you. On the left cheek--I dislike you. On the forehead--I will be your friend. On the nose--I am looking for a partner. On the chin--I wish to speak to you. At the corner of the mouth--I am willing to be kissed.
Prescriptions may be paid for with some trinket which may be redeemed as a forfeit. A forfeit may be demanded if directions are not faithfully carried out.
Forfeits may be demanded or omitted as desired by the hostess. Suggestions for redeeming forfeits will be found under heading "Forfeits" in this book.
Suspend horizontally from ceiling a stick three feet long. On one end stick an apple, upon other tie small bag of flour. Set stick whirling. Each guest takes turn in trying to bite apple-end of stick. It is amusing to see guests receive dabs of flour on face. Guest who first succeeds in biting apple gets prize.
Long bright colored strings, of equal length are twined and intertwined to form a web.
Use half as many strings as there are guests.
Remove furniture from center of a large room--stretch a rope around the room, from corner to corner, about four feet from the floor. Tie one end of each string to the rope, half at one end and half at one side of the room; weave the strings across to the opposite end and side of the room and attach to rope. Or leave furniture in room and twine the strings around it.
Each guest is stationed at the end of a string and at a signal they begin to wind up the string until they meet their fate at the other end of it.
The lady and gentleman winding the same string will marry each other, conditions being favorable; otherwise they will marry someone else. Those who meet one of their own sex at the other end of the string will be old maids or bachelors.
The couple finishing first will be wedded first.
A prize may be given the lucky couple, also to the pair of old maids and the pair of bachelors finishing first.
Partners for different games or for the midnight spread may be decided by the fates. Write a number on one side of a small slip of
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