Games for Hallow-een | Page 7

Mary E. Blain
and the aim of the others is to endeavor by every means in their power to keep him from recognizing them. As may be imagined, the task of the single player is not an easy one, the distorted shadows being vastly different from the originals as seen before the lights were extinguished.
Name two wet apple seeds and stick them on forehead. First seed to fall indicates that the person for whom seed is named is not a true lover.
The players divide themselves into ladies and gentlemen, if the ladies predominate some must personate gentlemen, and vice versa. The gentlemen then proceed to choose lady partners. One of the players next undertakes to question the couples. The fun consists of the questions being put to the lady and the gentleman answering for her. "Do you like your partner?" the lady is asked, and the gentleman may reply, "Yes, I adore him." Whatever the reply the lady is forbidden to deny it; if she does, or if she answers for herself, she must pay a forfeit. But retaliation comes, for when all the ladies have been questioned the gentlemen's turn arrives, and the ladies answer for their partners. "What is your favorite occupation?" the question may be, and the lady may answer "Dressing dolls," or "Making mud pies," or anything ridiculous that occurs to her.
Each guest, receiving apple and knife, is requested to peel apple without breaking; then swing paring around head, and let it drop to floor. The letter formed is initial of future mate's name. Or, you may hang your paring over door--the first of opposite sex to pass under will be your mate.
This game, if carried out properly, will cause great amusement. One of the party announces that he will whisper to each person the name of some animal, which, at a given signal, must be imitated as loudly as possible. Instead, however, of giving the name of an animal to each, he whispers to all the company, with the exception of one, to keep perfectly silent. To this one he whispers that the animal he is to imitate is the donkey.
After a short time, so that all may be in readiness, the signal is given. Instead of all the party making the sounds of various animals, nothing is heard but a loud bray from the one unfortunate member of the company.
Each person melts some lead and pours it through a wedding-ring or key into a dish of water. The lead will cool in various shapes, supposed to be prophetic. Any ingenious person will interpret the shapes, and furnish much amusement for the listeners; thus, a bell-shaped drop indicates a wedding within a year; a drop resembling a torch or lamp signifies fame; a pen or ink-bottle, that the future companion is to be an author; a horn of plenty, wealth; a bag or trunk, travel; etc.
The Fortune Teller must provide the person who is to have his or her fortune told with a piece of paper and a pencil and then proceed to say:
1. Write "Yes" or "no." 2. "State a gentleman's or a lady's name." (If a lady's fortune is to be told she must write a gentleman's name and vice versa.) 3. "Give a number." 4. "Length of time." 5. "Yes or no." 6. "Yes or no." 7. "Yes or no." 8. "A color." 9. "A color." 10. "Yes or no."11. "Yes or no." 12. "A shape." 13. "A measure." 14. "A sum of money." 15. "A sum of money." 16. "A virtue." 17. "A profession." 18. "The name of a place." 19. "A lady's or gentleman's name." 20. "The name of a place." 21. "A number." 22. "Yes or no."
When these have all been written down, the Fortune Teller proceeds to read out the list of questions he has, with the answers corresponding in number. Below is appended the list of questions, which, of course, must not be shown to the person whose fortune is being told until he or she has written the answers.
1. Have you a lover? 2. What is his or her name? 3. How old is he or she? 4. How long have you known him or her? 5. Does he or she know you love him or her? 6. Is your affection returned? 7. Have you or has he proposed? 8. What color is his or her hair? 9. What color are his or her eyes? 10. Is he or she handsome? 11. Is he or she conceited? 12. What shape is his or her nose? 13. What size is his or her mouth? 14. What is his or her fortune? 15. How much will he or she allow you? 16. What is his or her chief virtue? 17. What is his or her profession?
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