Female Psychic Attack
Recently, I have been giving MUCH thought to the subject of Female Psychic Attack and how it can
temporarily turn us into AFC's and supplicators ...
I invite this to be part of an ongoing exploration on list of this topic and hope some of the Bros who
chimed in with the Anti-Supplication Treatise will add their thoughts.
Let me define "Female Psychic Attack" ...
First, I do NOT mean DIRECT, honest statements of disinterest, etc, which we seldom hear anyway!
A woman saying, "Look ... I am just NOT interested in you and I'm seeing someone I really truly like.
Please, take it somewhere else …might be a little rude, but she is NOT doing a psychic attack! Her in-
tent is to convey the truth, which is, FUCK OFF! Most important, she leaves you NO DOUBT as to
where you stand!
Psychic attacks involve any action/utterance which is designed or has the effect of causing confusion
and doubt, either so the woman can avoid responsibility of being direct, or so she can keep getting
your attention as she bats your back and forth between the twin poles of DOUBT and HOPE.
Psychic attacks work through the unspoken implications of what a woman is NOT actually saying,
rather than her spoken words. They occur when a woman is either ambivalent/not certain about her in-
terest in you but is incapable or unwilling to communicate this, OR when she is quite certain she is NOT
really interested, BUT enjoys the attention she gets from you and wants that attention to continue with-
out HER having to give YOU what YOU want. This frequently happens with insecure (yet often very
PHYSICALLY attractive women) who have an obsessive need to confirm their attractiveness by keep-
ing an army of male hanger-ons, "orbiters" (as one HB I know calls them) etc. etc. etc.
This behavior happens ALSO frequently happens with women of all ages; if there is some JERK in her
life who is psychically attacking HER and getting HER to bounce between DOUBT and HOPE with
HIM ... She props up her flagging self-image by using YOU to make her more able to handle HIM, the
guy she is really lost over.
This explains the phenomena of the eternal AFC/"nice guy" who gets to be
her "friend" who she strings along while she dumps ALL of her problems
about the guy she really is stuck on who has her swinging wildly between
Anyone on this list ever experience that?
Let me give you some examples of female psychic attack and how they work through IMPLICATION,
and NOT direct statements and some great rejoinders to reverse the situation and put HER solidly stuck
between HOPE and DOUBT. Remember, the motive can be she just isn't certain, in which case her
INTENT is not to make you doubt yourself, but he result is the same ... or the motive can be a
DELIBERATE desire to keep you coming back for more without giving you what YOU want.
1. You make arrangements to get together ... and either at the last minute or when you actually
meet her she says, "Oh ... I have to get up early tomorrow ... so we can't make this a late eve-
Now, this is a PURE attempt on her part to stay in control of the pace of things. What she is
really saying, WITHOUT saying it is, "I'm not really attracted to you and don't try anything!"
This is designed to unzip us, yank out our google, and replace it with a "Oh ... I'm so sorry ...
how can I please you, your highness attitude!"
The best responses?
Blow it off as a joke!
"Hey ... don't worry ... I've never been the kind of guy who believes in taking in his time…”
Then laff HYSTERICALLY and totally change the subject by asking a non-sequitur question
like, "Say ... when was the last time the Cubs won the World Series?"
This response works because it takes the UNSTATED assumption ... that her communication is
REALLY about sex and NOT about early or late ... and uses THAT as the basis of your re-
sponse! You are verbalizing, by way of a joke, the REAL subject of her communication!
What you are really saying is, "Jeez ... I know what you are trying to do, little girl and it is SO
immature. Why don't you just come right out and say what is bugging you?" …YOU have psy-
chically attacked HER with the unstated implication of YOUR communication!
The rule then is: Ask yourself, "What is the unstated topic or assumption of her communication?
And how can incorporate/use THAT in my verbal response?"
Another response using HER unstated/implied communication is to act like

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