Etiquette | Page 6

Emily Post
is personality--the
outward manifestation of one's innate character and attitude toward life. A gentleman, for
instance, will never be ostentatious or overbearing any more than he will ever be servile,
because these attributes never animate the impulses of a well-bred person. A man whose
manners suggest the grotesque is invariably a person of imitation rather than of real
Etiquette must, if it is to be of more than trifling use, include ethics as well as manners.
Certainly what one is, is of far greater importance than what one appears to be. A
knowledge of etiquette is of course essential to one's decent behavior, just as clothing is
essential to one's decent appearance; and precisely as one wears the latter without being
self-conscious of having on shoes and perhaps gloves, one who has good manners is
equally unself-conscious in the observance of etiquette, the precepts of which must be so
thoroughly absorbed as to make their observance a matter of instinct rather than of
conscious obedience.
Thus Best Society is not a fellowship of the wealthy, nor does it seek to exclude those
who are not of exalted birth; but it is an association of gentle-folk, of which good form in
speech, charm of manner, knowledge of the social amenities, and instinctive
consideration for the feelings of others, are the credentials by which society the world
over recognizes its chosen members.
The word "present" is preferable on formal occasions to the word "introduce." On
informal occasions neither word is expressed, though understood, as will be shown below.
The correct formal introduction is:
"Mrs. Jones, may I present Mr. Smith?"
"Mr. Distinguished, may I present Mr. Young?"

The younger person is always presented to the older or more distinguished, but a
gentleman is always presented to a lady, even though he is an old gentleman of great
distinction and the lady a mere slip of a girl.
No lady is ever, except to the President of the United States, a cardinal, or a reigning
sovereign, presented to a man. The correct introduction of either a man or woman:
To the President,
"Mr. President, I have the honor to present Mrs. Jones, of Chicago."
To a Cardinal,
"Your Eminence, may I present Mrs. Jones?"
To a King:
Much formality of presenting names on lists is gone through beforehand; at the actual
presentation an "accepted" name is repeated from functionary to equerry and nothing is
said to the King or Queen except: "Mrs. Jones."
But a Foreign Ambassador is presented, "Mr. Ambassador, may I present you to Mrs.
Very few people in polite society are introduced by their formal titles. A hostess says,
"Mrs. Jones, may I present the Duke of Overthere?" or "Lord Blank?"; never "his Grace"
or "his Lordship." The Honorable is merely Mr. Lordson, or Mr. Holdoffice. A doctor, a
judge, a bishop, are addressed and introduced by their titles. The clergy are usually
Mister unless they formally hold the title of Doctor, or Dean, or Canon. A Catholic priest
is "Father Kelly." A senator is always introduced as Senator, whether he is still in office
or not. But the President of the United States, once he is out of office, is merely "Mr."
and not "Ex-president."
In the briefer form of introduction commonly used,
"Mrs. Worldly, Mrs. Norman,"
if the two names are said in the same tone of voice it is not apparent who is introduced to
whom; but by accentuating the more important person's name, it can be made as clear as
though the words "May I present" had been used.
The more important name is said with a slightly rising inflection, the secondary as a mere
statement of fact. For instance, suppose you say, "Are you there?" and then "It is

raining!" Use the same inflection exactly and say, "Mrs. Worldly?"--"Mrs. Younger!"
Are you there?--It is raining! Mrs. Worldly?--Mrs. Younger!
The unmarried lady is presented to the married one, unless the latter is very much the
younger. As a matter of fact, in introducing two ladies to each other or one gentleman to
another, no distinction is made. "Mrs. Smith; Mrs. Norman." "Mr. Brown; Mr. Green."
The inflection is:
I think--it's going to rain! Mrs. Smith--Mrs. Norman!
A man is also often introduced, "Mrs. Worldly? Mr. Norman!" But to a very
distinguished man, a mother would say:
"Mr. Edison--My daughter, Mary!"
To a young man, however, she should say, "Mr. Struthers, have you met my daughter?" If
the daughter is married, she should have added, "My daughter, Mrs. Smartlington." The
daughter's name is omitted because it is extremely bad taste (except in the South) to call
her daughter "Miss Mary" to any one but a servant, and on the other hand she should
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