is hoped, will make it
unnecessary for the reader to be continually referring to large historical
atlases--tomes which (as we must confess with regret) are not to be
discovered in every private library. Genealogies and chronological
tables of kings are added where necessary.
THE TUDOR PERIOD, 1485-1603 An era of Revolutions--The
Intellectual Movement--The Reformation and
Counter-Reformation--The New World--The Constitution--Nobility,
Clergy, and Gentry--International Relations.
HENRY VII (i), 1485-1492-THE NEW DYNASTY 1485. Henry's
Title to the Crown-- Measures to strengthen the Title--1486.
Marriage--The King and his Advisers --Henry's enemies--1487.
Lambert Simnel--The State of Europe--France and Brittany--1488.
Henry intervenes cautiously--England and Spain--1489. Preparations
for war with France--Spanish treaty of Medina del Campo--The Allies
inert--1490. Object of Henry's Foreign Policy--1491. Apparent Defeat
--1492. Henry's bellicose Attitude--Treaty of Etaples.
HENRY VII (ii), 1492-1499-PERKIN WARBECK Ireland;
1485--1487-1492. The Earl of Kildare--1491. Perkin Warbeck's
Appearance--Riddle of his imposture-- 1492-5. Perkin and Margaret of
Burgundy--Diplomatic Intrigues--Ireland: Poynings, 1494-6--1495.
Survey of the Situation--Perkin attempts Invasion --Success of Henry's
Diplomacy--1496. Perkin and the King of Scots--A Scottish
Incursion--1497. The Cornish rising--Its suppression--Perkin's final
effort and failure--The Scottish Truce--The End of Perkin Warbeck:
1497-9--1498. The situation.
HENRY VII (iii), 1498-1509-THE DYNASTY ASSURED Scotland
and England-- Henry's Scottish Policy--France and Scotland--Relations
in 1498--Marriage Negotiations; 1498-1503--Marriage of James IV.
and Margaret, 1503--Spain and England; Marriage Negotiations,
1488-1499--France, 1499--Spain; Marriage Negotiations,
1499-1501--1501; the Spanish Marriage--1502. New Marriage
Schemes--1504. The Papal Dispensation--The Earl of Suffolk;
1499-1505--1505. Henry's Position--Schemes for Re-marriage--1506:
The Archduke Philip in England--Philip's Death--1507-8. Matrimonial
Projects --The League of Cambrai--Wolsey--1509. Death of Henry.
HENRY VII (iv), 1485-1509--ASPECTS OF THE REIGN 1485;
Henry's Position --Studied Legality--Policy of Lenity--Repression of
the Nobles--The Star-Chamber--Henry's Use of Parliament--Financial
Exactions--Sources of Revenue--Henry's Economics--Trade
Theories--Commercial Policy--The Netherlands Trade--The
Hansa--The Navigation Acts--Voyages of Discovery-- The Rural
Revolution--The Church--Henry and Rome--Learning and Letters--
HENRY VIII (i), 1509-1527--EGO ET REX MEUS Europe in
1509--England's Position--The New King--Inauguration of the
reign--Henry and the Powers-- 1512. Dorset's Expedition--Rise of
Wolsey--1513. The French War--Scotland (1499-1513)--The Flodden
Campaign--The Battle--Its Effect--Recovery of English Prestige--1514.
Foreign Intrigues--The French Alliance and Marriage --1515. Francis
I.--Marignano--1516-7. European changes--1518-9. Wolsey's
Success--1519. Charles V.--The Imperial Election--1520. Wolsey's
Triumph-- Rival Policies--Field of the Cloth of Gold--Wolsey's
Aims--Charles V. and Francis I.--Scotland: 1513-1520--1520-1. Affairs
Abroad--1521. Buckingham --Wolsey's Diplomacy--1522. A Papal
Election--War with France--Scotland-- 1523. Progress of the
War--Election of Clement VII.--1524. Wolsey's difficulties--Intrigues
in Scotland--1525. Pavia--The Amicable Loan--A Diplomatic
struggle--1526-7. Wolsey's success--A new Factor.
_The Reformation in England_--Its true Character--Religious
Decadence--The Scholar- Reformers--Ecclesiastical
Demoralisation--Monastic Corruption--The Proofs--Corruption of
Doctrine--Evidence from Colet and More--Later Evidence--Dean
Colet--His Sermon: 1512--Erasmus--The _Utopia_: 1516--
Exaggerated attacks--Clerical Privileges--Tentative Reforms--The
Educational Movement--Wolsey and the Reformation--_The Lutheran
Revolt_: 1517--Luther's Defiance--The Diet of Worms; 1521--The
German Peasants' Revolt; 1524--Its Effect in England--1525. The
Empire and the Papacy--The Sack of Rome, 1527--Diet of Augsburg,
1530-The Swiss Reformers; 1520-1530--English Heretics
Abroad--Contrasted Aims.
HENRY VIII (iii), 1527-1529--THE FALL OF WOLSEY "The King's
Affair"--Story of the Marriage--Anne Boleyn--1527. The King
Prepares--Theoretical Excuses--The Need of an Heir--The Plea of
Invalidity--Conjunction of Incentives--The Orleans
Betrothal--Conclusions--The first Plan--The second Plan--Knight's
Mission--Its Failure--The Pope and the Cardinal--1528. Gardiner's
Mission--Wolsey's Critical Position--Campeggio and Wolsey-- Henry's
Attitude--1529. The Trial--The Storm Gathers--The Storm Breaks--
Wolsey's fall--1530. Wolsey's Death--His Achievement--Appreciation
of Wolsey.
HENRY VIII (iv), 1529-1533--THE BREACH WITH ROME 1529.
No Revolt Yet-- Growth of Anti-clericalism--Thomas
Cranmer--Appeal to the Universities --The New Parliament--Thomas
Cromwell--Pope, Clergy, and King--Double Campaign Opens--1530.
Answer of Universities--Preoccupation of the Clergy--Menace of
Praemunire--1531. "Only Supreme Head"--Proceedings in
Parliament--1532. Parliament--Supplication against the Ordinaries--
Resistance of Clergy--"Submission of the Clergy"--Mortmain, Benefit
of Clergy, and Annates--The Powers and the Divorce--The Turn of the
Year-- 1533. The Crisis--Restraint of Appeals--Cranmer
Archbishop--The Decisive Breach.
Ecclesiastical Parties --Pope or King?--1534. Confirmatory Acts--The
Pope's Last Word--The Nun of Kent--The Act of Succession--The Oath
Refused--The "Bishop of Rome"-- Parliament--Treasons
Act--1529-1534: The New Policy--Thomas Cromwell--1535. More and
Fisher--Cromwell Vicar--General--The German Lutherans--Overtures--
Visitation of the Monasteries--1536. Suppression of Lesser
Houses--The Evidence--The Black Book--The Consequent
Commission--The Policy--Anne Boleyn Threatened--Her
Condemnation and Death--The Succession--Punishment of
Heresy--The Progressive Movement--The Ten Articles--The
Lincolnshire Rising--The Pilgrimage of Grace--Aske Beguiled--1537.
Suppression of the Rising--Turned to Account--Scotland,
1533-6--1536-7. Naval Measures--1537. An Heir--1538. Diplomatic
Moves--The Exeter Conspiracy--1539. Cromwell Strikes--Menace of
Invasion--The King and Lutheranism--The Six Articles-- Final
Suppression of Monasteries--Royal Proclamations Act--Anne of
Cleves-- 1540. The Marriage--Fall of Cromwell.
HENRY VIII (vi), 1540-1547--HENRY'S LAST YEARS 1540.
Katharine Howard--The King his own Minister--England and the
Powers--Scotland and England; 1541-- Cardinal Beton--1542--Solway
Moss--1543. Henry's Scottish Policy--Alliance with Charles V.--French
War--1544. Domestic Affairs--Intrigues in Scotland --Sack of
Edinburgh--French War--Peace of Crepy--1545. Ancram Moor--A
French Armada--1546. Peace concluded--1532-1549.
_Europe_--Lutherans and the Papacy--Conference of Ratisbon-Council
of Trent: first stages-- Death of Luther-Charles and the League of
Schmalkald--The Jesuit Order-- Calvin--_England_: the Ecclesiastical

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