David Deangelo - Double Your Dating - Advanced Series Notes - Summary | Page 4

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First date banter:
-Make it clear that you’re the selector, that she’s auditioning for you as much as you’re
auditioning for her or more,
-Make sure she’s the kind of woman you can spend time with in the future
-Leave yourself an easy excuse to leave if she tries to convert you to a religion or sign you up to
-Do something after, should the time be enjoyable
-Treat her like your bratty little sister
-Assume that you can do no wrong and just have a good time
-Go light on women that are overly shy or have low self-esteem
-Talk freely about men, women, sex, dating dynamics
-Treat her like a friend but constantly te ll her she’s messing up her chances with you
“I thought you had potential but you went and did THAT”


-Guess what’s going on with another couple
-When were the people around you last laid? Etc

Romantic stories, history, and interesting trivia

“You have beautiful glasses. Where’d you buy them, Home Depot?”

Every time she touches you, say “That’ll be 20$, I’m not giving this shit away for free.”

I could marry a woman like you. (really?) I’d divo rce you a week later and take half your money

Spills something on the ground: (exaggerated gasp) “You’re so embarrassing!”

Says something sexual: (act all offended)

“Oh, wait, is this the point where you like, give me your opinion? OH, that’s so cute, you have
an opinion!”

Always be a little bit better…don’t laugh as hard at her jokes as she laughs at yours, play it cool,
communicate in ways that show you’re still qualifying her

NEVER ask her if you’re her type, what kind of guys she usually goes for, what she’s feeling for
you, what she thinks of you, etc.

Set the high standards right at the beginning--you’ll get higher results.

Give things a little push:
-Interpret things as her coming on to you: “I think things are moving kinda fast for me” “I don’t
think this relationship is gonna work” “You like me”

-Misinterpret what she says: “Go to bed? But I don’t even know you!” Bed, “it”, “in”, blow, etc.
all leave room for intent ional misinterpretation.

How old are you? “Why, do you want to brag to all your friends about how you met this
gorgeous older guy?”

How many girls do you do this to? “Why? Do you wa nna meet girls? Do you want me to teach
you how?”

You look familiar…I know! You look like my FUTURE ex-girlfriend!

She’s so hot I’d follow behind her and finger bang her shadow

If you do ANYTHING with enough aut hority, you can get away with it

Rick invites all the women he met that week to a meeting at the same time, same place. As they
come in, he talks to one, then th e next arrives and joins, etc. Builds social proof. After a bit of
talk he excuses himself to get a drink, while girl s talk and gain rapport (doesn’t try to orchestrate
the conversation the whole time). Best case scenario: they end up liking each other and you hang
out with all of them. Worst ca se: They compete with each other over you. If one leaves? Big

When you assume authority, you HAVE to be comforta ble with it. If you’re not she’ll sense it
and she’ll bowl you over. You have to be comp letely congruent with what you’re suggesting.

If YOUR universe, what you believe, is stronger than what SHE believes, the dominant belief
system dominates/will win. And this applies not just to women but to everything in life: the
dominant belief system is going to be the fr ame in which all the communication is framed.

Don’t approach any woman/date with relationshi p expectations. This puts false pressure on you,
causes you to exaggerate positives, downplay negativ es, etc. Instead, go in with the attitude of
“I’m here to have a good time, if something physical happens then great”. No thinking about
relationships until at least date 10. No talking wi th women about relationships before at least 3
months. Wait at least a day to call her, only see her once or tw ice a week. Be a man, don’t be a
friend. Avoid dramatic talk and deep conversations whenever possible. Don’t get involved!

As soon as a woman starts drama, assume she likes drama. “Well you seem to like it, go ahead
and do it even more” etc. Don’t become the drama outlet! Don’t let your
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