the Attitude..............................................................................................124
Chapter 7: Most Guys Do Exactly the Wrong Thing When They Date
Attractive Women.....................................................126
The Way Of The Wuss..................................................................................................126
Why This Pattern Happens the Way It Does...................................................................126
Why Women Run Once the Submissive “Nice Guy” Appears.............................................127
Mistaking Affection for Attraction..................................................................................128
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„2004 All Rights Reserved. - Attraction Isn’t A Choice - By David DeAngelo
Adapting Wuss Behavior Into Attractive Behavior...........................................................130
Chapter 8: Don’t Bore Her!.........................................143
Boring Men Aren’t Attractive.........................................................................................143
Why Wusses Bore Women............................................................................................143
Don’t Be Predictable....................................................................................................144
Be Different Instead....................................................................................................145
To Get From Affection to Attraction, Play Hard To Get.....................................................146
Avoid Boring Conversation...........................................................................................147
So What Do You Say?..................................................................................................148
Humor Technique: Fake Drama....................................................................................148
Responding Correctly to Real Drama From a Woman......................................................149
Reframe Ass Kissers....................................................................................................149
Talk About Sex............................................................................................................149
Read Clues.................................................................................................................150
Be Mysterious.............................................................................................................151
Chapter 9: Cocky Comedy In Detail...............................152
Cocky Comedy............................................................................................................152
What Cocky Comedy Communicates.............................................................................153
Why Does Cocky Comedy Attract Women?.....................................................................153
It’s Cocky BALANCED With Comedy..............................................................................154
How to Create Cocky Comedy.......................................................................................154
Examples Of Cocky Comedy.........................................................................................155
My Personal Favorite Cocky Comedy Standards..............................................................156
Using Cocky Comedy To Beat Tests...............................................................................157
Exercise: Cocky Comedy..............................................................................................157
Remember That Cocky Comedy Is Desired When Unacknowledged..................................158
Don’t Cave In and Collapse—Continue Building with Cocky Comedy.................................158
Overdoing It...............................................................................................................159
Balancing Ball Busting With Regular Conversation..........................................................159
Flirt From The Very Start.............................................................................................161
An Example................................................................................................................161
From The Mailbag........................................................................................................163
Chapter 10: Frequently Asked Questions........................166
I Just Got My First Email Address... What Do I Do Now?”................................................166
How Long Should I Wait?.............................................................................................166
What Should I Do If She Doesn’t Call Back?...................................................................167
Should I Take Her Out To Dinner?.................................................................................168
I Have This Girl That's Been A Friend For 47 Years… How Do I Get Her To Feel Attracted To
Me? ...........................................................................................................................169
How Do I Handle Competition From Other Guys?............................................................170
Should I Date More Than One Woman?.........................................................................171
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„2004 All Rights Reserved. - Attraction Isn’t A Choice - By David DeAngelo
"How Do I Come Off As The Most Romantic Guy In The World, But Only Have Chicks Be
Interested In Me For Short Term Sex?...........................................................................171
The End.................................................................172
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„2004 All Rights Reserved. - Attraction Isn’t A Choice - By David DeAngelo
A hundred years ago Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychology,
said that there was one question that he couldn’t answer: “What do women
want?” My opinion is that old Sigmund was asking the wrong question. He
was thinking about the situation all wrong. The question isn’t “What do
women want?”, but “What do women RESPOND to?”
Everyone knows that if you ask a woman “What do you want in a guy?”
she’ll answer with something like, “I want a NICE guy who comes from a
good family… honest, stable, dependable… etc.” Right? But we also know
that a lot of really attractive women on this planet seem to be found with
guys who are exactly the opposite. Let’s look at some of the top models of
all time. Why is it that all the super-models seem to date violent, drug-
addicted, unstable, wild rock stars? And why is it that every attractive
woman that has ever been interviewed in history has admitted to being
attracted to “bad boys”? I think you get the picture.
My point is that there’s a HUGE difference between what women say they
want and what women are attracted to. Women have many conflicting drives
going on inside. And in many cases women RESPOND to completely illogical
things – which are often very different than what they say that they “want”.
The question that I am going to attempt to solve in this book is, “How can I
make women feel this attraction that they feel for ‘bad boys’ without having
to be an abusive jerk?”
When I first started studying this particular area, I was really fascinated
with this concept of women liking jerks but not “nice” guys. It has always
struck me as very interesting… even from a young age. When I was
younger, I never had any success with girls.
In middle school and high school, I wasn't one of the kids that got notes
from girls. I didn't socialize with girls at the dances. And I never had a
girlfriend (I know... boo-hoo for me).
I didn't have my first girlfriend until I was 18. I always just kind of
assumed that I wasn't attractive to women and just silently worshipped
them from afar. I'll tell you, back then I would have done ANYTHING to have
a girlfriend. But the more years that went by without one, the less likely it
In any event, I met a girl when I was 18...
She was unstable and came from the most bizarre, dysfunctional alcoholic
family... and was just the co-dependent, needs-a-guy-to-"save"-her project
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„2004 All Rights Reserved. - Attraction Isn’t A Choice - By David DeAngelo
that I thought I wanted.
Well, over the next 8 or 9 years I had about 5 or 6 girlfriends. They were
mostly great women, but I now realize that I got into relationships with
Whenever I was single, I always had a very lonely, insecure feeling that
created desperation to find a woman who would be with me. Then, when I
found one, I would cling to them instantly, hoping that they would love me.
About 5

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