who already work with symbolic models (mathematicians, physicists, engineers and so on) have a high capacity to understand it.
Let's see what MDT offers. First of all, MDT treats the brain as a device which processes the information. In this way, MDT has no direct connection with the medicine. MDT is concerning only with the basic functions associated with information processing and it is not interested by problems as "what part of the brain is doing something" or "how a function is implemented". MDT is a theory associated with the processing of the information and so it has no direct interference with the physical brain.
As a symbolic model associated with the basic function of the brain, it generates precise definition, based on logic, of all the terms used in association with the functions of the brain. In this way, all the terms are logical correlated between them.
Examples: MDT generates normal definitions for: knowledge, consciousness, to imagine, to think, intelligence, emotion, to be irritate, love, happiness and many others. E.g. the "consciousness" is the facility of a brain to make and operate a model which contains the being itself as an element. MDT defines, than, 6 different types of consciousness which are, of course, defined in the same precise way. Even more, based on MDT, it is possible to design a logical structure to implement the function called "consciousness".
MDT explains the basic functions of the brain up to the level to make a logical design to synthesize all the brain's functions (human or animal). Of course, a technological implementation of that functions is not possible now because the computers, for example, have yet a very low power to process the information and this situation will last, I think, at least in the next 25 years.
In fact, the brain is treated by MDT as a technological product. So, there are defined the main design goals and also, the main deficiencies (by design or given by technological implementation).
There is analyzed the problem if, by evolution, it is possible or not to evolve from animal brain to human brain.
There are analyzed the design and technological problems, including the functional illnesses of the brains.
The theory treats also the paranormal phenomenon and suggest some methods to develop such activities.
The Application section contains also many items as a history of the evolution of the brain, the evaluation of the problems of psychological tests and performance tests for a brain, some problems associated with the present and future levels of evolution of the brain, some long range problems associated with the development of the human society (including the terrorism) and many others. The basic elements of MDT occurs in 1993 and the first written form (on WEB) in 1997. The process of developing is continuing.
Dorin T. MOISA
[email protected] EXPLICATIE
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Aceasta carte se adreseaza numai celor care percep realitatea externa pe baza de logica. Acesti cititori vor avea tendinta naturala sa accepte eliminarea diacriticelor din scriere. In Germania exista' deja o forma oficiala de scriere a limbii numai cu caractere ASCII si care a fost impusa de guvern cu toate protestele populatiei. Poate ar trebui ca aceasta problema sa fie pusa, in mod serios, si la noi. Aici este deci o propunere. Pentru cei care nu agreeaza aceasta scriere, exista si o versiune W'97 a cartii, cu diacritice. Dorin Teodor MOISA
Dorin Teodor MOISA
[email protected]
Aceasta carte contine un model simbolic asociat functiilor de baza ale creierului.
Un model simbolic este un model bazat in exclusivitate pe logica. In consecinta, cartea nu este recomandata persoanelor care au tendinta de a intelege realitatea externa pe baza de imaginatie.
Cartea poate fi inteleasa cel mai usor de persoane intre 12 si 20 de ani, cu inclinatii speciale pentru stiintele exacte. De asemenea, cartea este recomandata persoanelor care lucreaza deja in domeniile stiintelor exacte (matematicieni, fizicieni, ingineri, etc.).
Introducere 2 Functiile de baza ale creierului 4 Termeni fundamentali 4 Definitiile asociate termenilor fundamentali 4 Celula functionala fundamentala de hardware 6 Probleme de principiu 11 Exemplificarea detaliata a constructiei de modele M-YM-ZM 13 Creierul uman (introducere) 15 Creierul uman fata de creierul animal