Catalogue of Linguistic Manuscripts in the Library of the Bureau of Ethnology. | Page 4

James Constantine Pilling
numbers 97 Ordinal numbers 98 Numeral adverbs, &c. 100 Multiplicatives 101 Distributives 102 9.--Measures 103 10.--Division of time 105 11.--Standards of value 107 12.--Animals--Mammals 109 Parts of body, &c., of mammals 113 Birds 115 Parts of body, &c., of birds 121 Fish 122 Parts of the body, &c., of fish 123 Reptiles 124 Insects 125 13.--Plants 127 14.--Geographic terms 129 15.--Geographic names 131 16.--The firmament, meteorologic and other physical phenomena and objects 132 17.--Kinship.--Relatives.--Lineal descendants of self, male speaking 134 Lineal ascendants of self, male speaking 135 First collateral line, male speaking 136 Second collateral line, male speaking 137 Third collateral line, male speaking 139 Fourth collateral line (male branch), male speaking 146 Fourth collateral line (female branch), male speaking 147 Lineal descendants of self, female speaking 148 Lineal ascendants of self, female speaking 149 First collateral line, female speaking 150 Second collateral line, female speaking 151 Third collateral line, female speaking 153 Fourth collateral line (male branch), female speaking 160 Fourth collateral line (female branch), female speaking 161 Affinities through relatives--Descendants of self, male speaking 162 First collateral line, male speaking 163 Second collateral line, male speaking 164 Third collateral line, male speaking 166 Affinities through the marriage of self, male speaking 171 Affinities through relatives--Descendants of self, female speaking 172 First collateral line, female speaking 173 Second collateral line, female speaking 174 Third collateral line, female speaking 176 Affinities through the marriage of self, female speaking 181 Ordinal names of children 182 18.--Social organization 183 19.--Government 185 20.--Religion 186 21.--Mortuary customs 187 22.--Medicine 189 23.--Amusements 191 24.--New words 192 25.--Number and gender of nouns--Demonstrative and adjective pronouns 196 26.--Personal and article pronouns--Transitive verbs 200 27.--Possession 206 28.--Intransitive verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and nouns used as verbs 210 29.--Voice, mode and tense 221 30.--Additional investigations suggested 228
Experience had demonstrated the propriety of some changes in the alphabet and a considerable enlargement of the scheme as given in the first edition of the work, and in the second Major Powell has made many modifications. The schedule of relationship was so large that graphic representation was considered necessary, and charts were prepared which it was thought both the student and the Indian could follow it with comparative ease. Experience has shown that the idea was well founded.
As in the first edition, blank spaces were given after each schedule for such additions as might suggest themselves to the collector; and to further facilitate the work separate alphabet cards of convenient size accompanied the volume.
This publication has not been long enough in the hands of collectors to meet with great returns, though a sufficient number have been received, filled or partly filled, to justify the Bureau in anticipating, in the not distant future, the receipt of a body of material prepared according to scientific methods which, when published, will prove a valuable contribution to this branch of ethnologic research.
=Abbott= (G.H.). Vocabulary of the Coquille; 180 words. 3 ll. folio. Collected in 1858, at the Silets Indian Agency.
=Anderson= (Alexander C.). Concordance of the Athabascan Languages, with Notes. 12 ll. folio. Comparative vocabulary of 180 words of the following dialects: Chipwyan, Tacully, Klatskanai, Willopah, Upper Umpqua, Tootooten, Applegate Creek, Hopah Haynarger.
---- Notes on the Indians of the Northwest Coast. 12 ll. folio.
---- Vocabulary of the Klatskanai Dialect of the Tahculli, Athabasca; 180 words. 3 ll. folio.
=Arny= (_Gov._ W.F.M.). Vocabulary of the Navajo Indians. 10 ll. 4^o. On Smithsonian form. Collected in 1874. Governor Arny was assisted by Prof. Valentine Friese and Rev. W.B. Forrey.
=Arroyo de la Cuesta= (_P._ Felipe). Idiomas Californios. 32 pp. folio. This manuscript, containing 12 short vocabularies, was copied from the original in Santa Barbara, Cal., by Mr. E.T. Murray. The following are the vocabularies: Esselen, or Huelel--Mutsun; San Antonio y San Miguel; San Luis Obispo; Nopthrinthres of San Juan Baptista--Yokuts; Canal de Santa Barbara; San Luis Rey; Karkin--Mutsun; Tuichun--Mutsun(?); Saclan; Suisun--Wintun; Hluimen, or Uhimen--Mutsun; Lathruunun--Yokuts.
=Azpell= (_Assist. Surg._ Thos. F.). Vocabulary of the Hoopa, and Klamath; 200 words each. 10 ll. 4^o. On Smithsonian form. Collected in California in 1870.
=Baer= (John). Vocabularies of the Yerigen (Tchuktchi), 250 words; and of the Chaklock, 100 words. 10 ll. folio. Mr. Baer accompanied the Rogers Ex. Ex. The Yerigen words were collected in Glasenep Harbor, Straits of Seniavine, west side of Behring Straits. The Chaklock words from the inhabitants of the island of Chaklock, about two miles to the southward.
=Balitz= (Antoine). Vocabulary of the Aleuts; 211 words. 10 ll. 4^o. On Smithsonian form. Collected in the Aleutian Islands in 1868.
=Ballou= (E.). Words, Phrases, and Sentences in the Shoshone Language. 162 pp. 4^o. In Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, 2 ed. Collected at the Shoshone and Bannock Agency, Wyoming Territory, 1880-1881. None of the schedules are neglected, and many are filled and additions made. Mr. Ballou has added much to the value of his
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