Better Homes in America | Page 5

Mrs W.B. Meloney
been so conducted as to benefit every line of business and to help the community as a whole. Neither the name of the builder or owner of the home exhibited, nor the name of any person or business firm furnishing any portion of the exhibit, is permitted to be displayed.
The motive behind the demonstration is primarily educational.
How to Form a General Committee for Better Homes Demonstration Week
A Better Homes Demonstration should be organized and directed by a disinterested group of prominent women, working from motives of public service. This group should be formed of a Chairman and a General Committee of from four to seven members, depending upon the size of the community.
Each member of the General Committee is Chairman of one or more sub- committees as outlined later in this Plan.
The Chairman of the General Committee is appointed through the National Advisory Council of Better Homes in America. She appoints the members of the local General Committee. They in turn appoint the members of the Sub-committees. In the case of the Sub-committees it is particularly important that appointments should be made with the knowledge and approval of the local civic and commercial interests whose co-operation is desired. Detailed suggestions for procedure are outlined later.
The duties of the members of the General Committee fit naturally into the following arrangement of Sub-committees with a member of the General Committee as Chairman of each Sub-committee:
(1) Sub-committee on Advertising and Publicity. (2) Sub-committee on Selection of Demonstration Home. (3) Sub-committee on Equipment of Demonstration Home. (4) Sub-committee on Furnishing and Decorating. (5) Sub-committee on Reception of Visitors and Management of Home. (6) Sub-committee on Program of Events. (7) Sub-committee on Budget for Demonstration Week.
Where the size of the community makes it desirable to have a General Committee of only four members, some such distribution of the Sub- committees as this is recommended:
(1) Chairman (a member of the General Committee) heading (a) Sub-committee on Advertising and Publicity; and (b) Sub-committee on Progress of Events. (2) Chairman (a member of the General Committee) heading (a) Sub-committee on Equipment of Demonstration Home; and (b) Sub-committee on Furnishing and Decorating. (3) Chairman (a member of the General Committee) heading (a) Sub-committee on Selection of Demonstration Home; and (b) Sub-committee on Reception of Visitors and Management of Home. (4) Chairman (a member of the General Committee) heading (a) Sub-committee on Budget for Demonstration Week.
How To Secure Patrons for Better Homes Demonstration; Full Cooperation of All Local Interests Essential
Following the organization of the General Committee, the first duty of its Chairman should be the arrangement for meetings of the Committee-- or its individual members--with the various City Officials, and Civic and Commercial Organizations in the community, to explain the Plan for a Better Homes Demonstration and to secure their endorsement and active support.
Those endorsing and supporting the Demonstration may be known as Patrons and should comprise the following:
The Mayor Commissioner of Education (or Superintendent of Public School) Publishers or Owners of Local Newspapers Presidents of Important Women's Clubs President of Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Home Bureau, etc. President of Real Estate Board President of Rotary Club President of Kiwanis Club Presidents of Building & Loan Associations Presidents of other Business or Trade Associations related to the Home Building and Furnishing Industries.
Churches should also be asked to support the movement.
Additional Patrons may properly be selected from prominent citizens of the community, who are noted for their public spirit and are not included in the above list.
The two essentials for a successful Better Homes in America Demonstration are genuine co-operation from all local civic, financial, commercial and educational interests, and full and extensive publicity through the local newspapers. From the youngest boy or girl scout to bank president, business man, school teacher, minister, manufacturer and city official, everybody in a community should have a real personal interest in the Demonstration. When the benefits of a successful Better Homes Demonstration are once understood this interest is readily aroused.
Investigation of successful exhibitions in Kansas City, Indianapolis, Cleveland and elsewhere proved conclusively that the cooperation of all local interests was the biggest single factor of success.
How to Form Sub-Committees
It is important to appoint as Chairman of each Sub-committee a member of the General Committee who is particularly fitted to the specific work assigned to her Sub-committee. The special abilities of the members of the General Committee should be taken into careful consideration and so used in the arrangement of the Sub-committees as to secure the best and quickest results.
The formation of Sub-committees is necessary not only to divide the work effectively, but also to arouse the interest and cooperation of the various local interests directly affected by home building and home betterment. All the local business groups--furniture dealers, hardware dealers, wall-paper and paint dealers, electrical dealers, real estate dealers, etc.--should be interviewed and asked
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