Better Homes in America | Page 4

Mrs W.B. Meloney
community in which it is possible a "Better Homes in America" Demonstration should be planned and carried through during the week of October 9th to 14th, 1922.
(Signed) Herbert Hoover

July 24, 1922.
Dear Mrs. Meloney:
Naturally I am interested in the "Better Homes in America" movement. When we consider the all powerful influence of home conditions and home atmosphere on the lives and character of our people, both young and old, surely every proper effort to improve those conditions should have the support of all good citizens.
Our people in the Department of Agriculture will be glad to advise with your committee chairmen on any matters in which they can lend assistance. Our home demonstration agents in different sections of the country can no doubt be helpful in advising as to the setting up of demonstration kitchens.
You seem to have gathered to your help the cooperation of a large number of state governors and also a number of other gentlemen who, because of their public work, can possibly contribute to the success of the campaign.
With very best wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. William Brown Meloney, Secretary to the Advisory Council for the "Better Homes" Campaign, 223 Spring Street, New York City.

[Illustration: DEMONSTRATION OF BETTER. HOMES--October 9 to 14, 1922]
Demonstration Week October 9th to 14th, 1922
The future history of America will be shaped in large measure by the character of its homes. If we continue to be a home-loving people we shall have the strength that comes only from a virile family life. This means that our homes must be attractive, comfortable, convenient, wholesome. They must keep pace with the progress made outside the home. Realization of this has crystallized into a national civic campaign for Better Homes in America endorsed and encouraged by Federal and State officials and by prominent men in public life as set forth in this Plan Book.
The following plan has been prepared to give practical help to citizens of any community organizing for a Better Homes in America Demonstration Week, October 9th to 14th, 1922.
The Campaign in each community centers about a Better Home-- completely equipped, furnished and decorated, in accordance with approved modern practice, and placed on exhibition during Demonstration Week.
Better Homes exhibitions have already been held, but now for the first time a national organization, endorsed and supported by the President of the United States and other Federal and State officials, is prepared to give practical help to every community wishing to share in the Better Homes in America movement.
The community which exhibits a Better Home during Demonstration Week will be given a powerful impetus for good. Every civic interest, every business and industry will be favorably affected. A Better Homes demonstration is a stimulus to better living, civic pride and community morale. It encourages thrift and industry. It develops a higher standard of taste. It means a better community in every way. This has been proved by the experience of many communities which have held successful exhibitions. They have ranged from cities as large as Cleveland, Milwaukee, Columbus, Kansas City and Dayton to villages of a few hundred population. In every case where the demonstration has been properly organized lasting benefits have followed.
Follow the Plan
The National Advisory Council of Better Homes in America, through its Bureau of Information, has made a thorough investigation of previous exhibitions of this character.
This investigation has shown clearly that when the local organizations proceed in the right way a Better Homes demonstration may easily be made a great success. Causes of trouble as well as of success have been analyzed to bring out the methods that should be avoided. The Advisory Council, therefore, is in a position to recommend plans that have stood the test of practical experience.
With Federal and State governments endorsing and encouraging this Plan of educating the people to Better Homes in America, the conduct of local demonstrations is given tremendous impetus and support. And with the suggestions and the Plan for conducting such demonstrations herewith presented, any community may confidently undertake the production of a Better Homes Exhibition during Demonstration Week, October 9th to 14th, 1922.
A comparatively few energetic and capable women, with the support of local civic organizations, can effectively put into practice the ideas and plans with which they will be supplied by the Bureau of Information. The expense of a Better Home demonstration need not be great; in some communities it may be kept as low as $25.00. Builders, merchants and prominent citizens will combine to supply the Model Better Home, and to furnish it. Civic organizations and newspapers will cooperate to interest the public.
The most successful demonstrations have been so managed as to impress upon visitors that they were not selfish enterprises, intended to help special interests, particular firms or individuals. They have
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