Arthur | Page 6

Marquis of Bath
He rewarded hem alle, bo[th]e More & lasse, 124
and returns to And [gh]af hem reward, bo[th]e lond and Fee, Britain. And turned to Breteyn, to Carlyo_n_e ayhe.
[And then Holds a Great Feast.]
Arthour_ wolde of hono_ur [Fol. 43_b_,
Arthur gives an Hold a fest at Eestour col. 1.] 128
Easter Feast Of regalye & worthynesse,
And feede alle hys frendess;
And sende Messanger
To kynges ferre & neer 132
[Th]at were to hym Omager,
to come to [th]is Dyner.
And alle at oo certeyn day
They come [th]yder in gode aray, 136
And kept [th]eire Ceson_e_
at Carlyon, At [th]e Castelle_ Cayrlyon_e.?greater than ere Thys fest was Muche Moore?before. [Th]an euere Arthour made a-fore; 140 Ten kings were For [th]ere was Vrweyn [th]e kynge
there, Of scottes at [th]at dynynge,
Stater [th]e kyng of south wales,
Cadwell_e_ [th]e kyng of north wale[gh], 144
Gwylmar [th]e kyng of yrland,
Dolmad [th]e kyng of guthland,
Malgan of yselond also,
Archyl of De_n_march [th]erto, 148
Aloth_e_ [th]e kyng of Norwey,
Souenas [th]e kyng of Orkenye,
Of Breteyn [th]e kyng Hoel,
and thirteen Cador Erl of Cornewell_e_, 152
earls Morice [th]e Erl of Gloucestr_e_,
Marran Erl of Wy_n_chestre,
Gwergou_n_d Erl of herford,
Boo[gh] Erl of Oxenford, 156
(including him Of bathe vngent [th]e Erl also,?of Bath), Cursal of Chestr_e_ [th]er-to,
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