Arthur | Page 5

Marquis of Bath
[Arthur Returns Victorious to Britain,]
till Arthur in ther ne wyst no man, as y can ler_e_,?wrath takes Who of ham two was [th]e better_e_ [th]er_e_. Brownsteel, Arthour was chafed & wexed wroth_e_,?Caliburn_us He hente brou_n_steell_e | and to Frollo goth_e_ 96 Arthuri Gladius_ Brou_n_stell_e was heuy & also kene;?[with a sketch Fra_m_ [th]e schulder(:) to [th]e syde?thereof in the went bytwene?MS.] and strikes Off frollo | and [th]an he fell to
Frollo [th]e grou_n_de
Ry[gh]t as he moste | deed(.) in lyte stou_n_de. 100
Frensche_ men made doell_e_ & wept full_e faste;
[Th]eir Crowne of frau_n_ce [th]ere [th]ey loste.
Arthur takes Than wente Arthour in-to paryse
Paris. And toke [th]e castell_e_ & [th]e town
at hys avyse. 104
Worschuped be god of hys grete grace
Glory to God. [Th]_a_t [th]us [gh]eue[th] fortune(:) and
worschup to [th]e Reme;
Thanke [gh]e hym all_e_ [th]_a_t be[th]
on [th]is place,
Say ye a Pater And seye[th] a Pater noster wy_t_hout
Noster therefore. any Beeme. 108

Pater noster.

Arthour_ fram paryse went w_y_t_h hys Rowte,
Arthur conquers And co_n_quered [th]e Cou_n_tre on euery the countries syde aboute;
around, Angeoy[2] , Peytow, Berry, & Gaskoyne,
Nauerne, Burgon_e_ | Loreyn & Toreyne; 112
He dau_n_ted [th]e proude | & hawted [th]e poure;
He dwelt long in Paryss after in honoure;
He was drad and loued in cou_n_treis abowte;
Heyest & lowest hym Loved & alowte; 116
And vpon an Estour tyme sone afterward
He fested hys knyghtis & [gh]af ham gret reward;
distributes To hys styward he [gh]af Angers & Au_n_geye; them among his To Bedewer hys botyler he [gh]af Norma_n_dye; 120 knights, He [gh]af to Holdyne flau_n_drys parde;
To Borel hys Cosyn, Boloyne [th]e cyte;
And eche man, after [th]e astat [th]at he was,
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