Anti-Achitophel | Page 4

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(M, B)?_Amnon_, Godfrey?*_Amiel_, Buckingham (B)?_Amram_, Sir William Jones?_Arabia_, Portugal?_Ashur_, Fourth Lord Herbert of Cherbury (M)?_Babylon_, Rome?_Barak_, Drake?*_Barzillai_, Shaftesbury (B)?*_Caleb_, Laurence Hyde, son of Clarendon (B)?_Camries_, Third Lord Howard of Escrick (M)?*_Corah_, Sir Edward Seymour (B)?_Deborah_, Queen Elizabeth?_Endor_, Oxford (B)?_Geshur_, Ireland?_Hanaan_, Lord Nottingham?_Hazor_, Spain?*_Helon_, First Duke of Bedford?*_Hothriel_, Slingsby Bethell?*_Hushai_, Earl of Argyll?_Ithream_, Monmouth?_Jabin_, Philip II?*_Jonas_, ?Sir William Gregory (M glosses as Seymour; _see Corah_) *_Jotham_, Earl of Essex?_Laura_, Anne Reeve?_Levitick chiefs_, English bishops (B)?_Micah_, Sir William Williams, Speaker of the Commons?*_Nadab_, Lauderdale?*_Shimei_, Jeffreys (B)?_Sidon_, Denmark?_Sisera_, Medina Sidonia?_Zeleck_, unidentified
*_Amiel_, ?Finch, Lord Chancellor?*_Bathsheba_, ?Queen Catherine?_Nimrod_, Cromwell?_Tory Roger_, L'Estrange
_Abidon_, unidentified?_Amalack_, ?Henry Hyde, son of Clarendon?_Amazia_, Charles II?_Aminadab, Ashur_, unidentified; _see_ Ashur _above_.?_Athalia_, Mary Queen of Scots?_Azaria_, Monmouth?_Azyad_, Sir Edmundbury Godfrey?_Bibbai_, L'Estrange?_Canaanites, Chemarim_, Papists?_Doeg_, Danby?_Edomites_, Irish?_Elam_, Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester?_Eliab_, Lord Russell?_Eliakim_, Duke of York?_Elishama_, ?Macclesfield?_Elizur, Enan_, unidentified?_Essens_, nonconformists?_Gamaliel_, unidentified?_Gedaliah_, Edward Coleman?_Gibbar_, ?Lord Clifford?_Harim_, ?Lord Wharton?_Helon_, Bedford?*_Hushai_, Shaftesbury?_Jehosaphat_, Henry VII?_Jeptha_, see Settle, p. 21?_Jerusha_, Anne, Countess of Buccleuch?_Joash_, Charles I?_Jocoliah_, Lucy Walters?*_Jotham_, ?Halifax?_Libni_, Oates?_Muppim_, ?Lauderdale?_Nashai_, Essex?_Pagiel_, unidentified?_Pharisee_, high churchman?_Rehoboam_, unidentified?*_Shimei_, Dryden?_Zabed_, Cromwell?_Zattue_, unidentified
Biblical parallels and parallels with _Absalom and Achitophel_ are omitted. The _Dedications_ of the poems can be compared with Dryden's in _Absalom and Achitophel_.
3: _Barak_. The only borrowing in the poem from a popular seventeenth century jest book, _Wits Recreations_ (1640), "Epigrams," no. 46, "On Sir Fr. Drake": "The sun itself cannot forget/His fellow traveller."
11: a _Jewish_ Renegade. Cardinal Philip Thomas Howard (B).
13: a Breaden God. Either a reference to transubstantiation (see also II Kings 2-3 and II Chron. 34) or an allusion to the Meal Tub Plot (1679).
16: a Cake of _Shew-bread_. In addition to the Biblical allusion, perhaps a reference to the poisoning of the Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII by the communion wafer.
17: in Possession. As this legal term is opposed to "reversion" emendation is unnecessary.
19: to bear. There was a belief that Jeffreys was connected with the Duchess of Portsmouth (B). The "Golden Prize" was perhaps protestantism, to be suppressed under a secret provision of the Treaty of Dover (1670).
19: Court-Drugster. Sir George Wakeman.
25: beautifyed. _OED_ notices this catachrestic form of "beatified"
32: All-be-devill'd Paper. Presumably that accusing Shaftsbury of high treason.
34: A Cell. Eton.
37: Midnight Bawd. Mrs. Cellier.
4: Ignoramus. the jury's verdict at Shaftesbury's trial.
5: the Joyner. Stephen Colledge.
9: motly Sight, read "Spight"?
10: Power on _Amazia_. Read "of _Amazia_"?
19: allay'd. Read "ally'd"?
28: to board. Read "hoard"?
38: swifty back. So in all copies seen.
4: Ignoramus. The jury's verdict at Shaftesbury's trial.?_text reads "the jury's"_]

Absalom Senior:

_Si Populus vult decipi_, &c.
[Illustration: Publisher's Device:?IL VOSTRO MALIGNARE NON GIOVA NVLLA]
Printed for _S. E._ and Sold by _Langley Curtis_,
at the Sign of Sir _Edmondbury Godfrey_,
near _Fleetbridge_. 1682.
To the TORIES.
_Gentlemen_, for so you all write your selves; and indeed you are your own Heralds, and Blazon all your Coats with _Honour_ and _Loyalty_ for your _Supporters_; nay, and you are so unconscionable too in that point, that you will allow neither of them in any other _Scutcheons_ but your own. But who has 'em, or has 'em not, is not my present business; onely as you profess your selves Gentlemen, to conjure you to give an Adversary fair play; and that if any person whatsoever shall pretend to be aggrieved by this POEM, or any part of it, that he would bear it patiently; since the Licentiousness of the first _Absolom_ and _Achitophel_ has been the sole occasion of the Liberty of This, I having only taken the Measure of My Weapon, from the Length of his; which by the Rules of Honour ought not to offend you; especially, since the boldness of that Ingenious Piece, was wholly taken from the Encouragement you gave the Author; and 'tis from that Boldness only that this POEM takes its Birth: for had not his daring Pen brought that Piece into the World, I had been so far from troubling my self in any Subject on this kind, that I may justly say in one sence, the Writer of that _Absolom_, is the Author of this. This favour, as in Justice due, obtain'd from you, I shall not trouble you with a
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