An Introduction to Chemical Science | Page 4

R.P. Williams

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An Introduction to Chemical Science
by R.P. Williams, A.M.,




The object held constantly in view in writing this book has been to
prepare a suitable text-book in Chemistry for the average High
School,--one that shall be simple, practical, experimental, and inductive,
rather than a cyclopaedia of chemical information.
For the accomplishment of this purpose the author has endeavored to
omit superfluous matter, and give only the most useful and interesting
experiments, facts and theories.
In calling attention, by questions, and otherwise, to the more important
phenomena to be observed and facts to be learned, the best features of
the inductive system have been utilized. Especially is the writing of

equations, which constitute the multum in parvo of chemical
knowledge, insisted upon. As soon as the pupil has become imbued
with the spirit and meaning of chemical equations, he need have little
fear of failing to understand the rest. To this end Chapters IX., XI., and
XVI. should be studied with great care.
In the early stages of the work the equations may with advantage be
memorized, but this can soon be discontinued. Whenever symbols are
employed, pupils should be required to give the corresponding
chemical names, or, better, both names and symbols.
The classification of chemical substances into acids, bases and salts,
and the distinctions and analogies between each of these classes, have
been brought into especial prominence. The general relationship
between the three classes, and the general principles prevailing in the
preparation of each, must be fully understood before aught but the
merest smattering of chemical science can be known.
Chapters XV.-XXI. should be mastered as a key to the subsequent parts
of the book.
The mathematical and theoretical parts of Chemistry it has been
thought best to intersperse throughout the book, placing each where it
seemed to be especially needed; in this way, it is hoped that the tedium
which pupils find in studying consecutively many chapters of theories
will be avoided, and that the arrangement will give an occasional
change from the discussion of facts and experiments to that of
principles. In these chapters additional questions should be given, and
the pupil should be particularly encouraged to make new problems of
his own, and to solve theta.
It is needless to say that this treatise is primarily designed to be used in
connection with a laboratory. Like all other text- books on the subject,
it can be studied without such an accessory; but the author attaches
very little value to the study of Chemistry without experimental work.
The required apparatus and chemicals involve but little expense, and
the directions for experimentation are the result of several years'
experience with classes as large as are to be found in the laboratory of
any school or college in the country.
During the present year the author personally supervises the work of
more than 180 different pupils in chemistry. This enables him not only
to assure himself that the experiments of the book are practical, but that

the directions for performing them are ample. It is found advisable to
perform most of the experiments, with full explanation, in presence of
the class, before requiring the pupils either to do the work or to recite
the lesson. In the laboratory each pupil has a locker under his table,
furnished with apparatus, as specified in the Appendix. Each has also
the author's "Laboratory Manual," which contains on every left-hand
page full directions for an experiment, with observations to be made,
etc. The right-hand page is blank, and on that the pupil makes a record
of his work. These notes are examined at the time, or subsequently, by
the teacher, and the pupil is not allowed to take the book from the
laboratory; nor can he use any other book on Chemistry while
experimenting. By this means he learns to make his own observations
and inferences.
For the benefit of the science and the added interest in the study, it is
earnestly recommended that teachers encourage pupils to fit up
laboratories of their own at home. This need not at first entail a large
outlay. A small attic room with running water, a very few chemicals,
and a little apparatus, are enough to begin with; these can be added to
from time to time, as new material is wanted. In this way the student
will find his love for science growing apace.
While endeavoring, by securing an able corps of critics, and in all other
ways possible, to reduce errors to a
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