An Icelandic Primer | Page 9

Henry Sweet
d?��ma (judge), d?��m?��a; f?��ra (lead), f?��r?��a; h??r?��a (harden), h??r?��a; hleypa (gallop), hleyp?��a.
B. With vowel-change
157. All these verbs have j preceded by a short syllable (t??lja), or a long vowel without any cons. after it (d��3ja), or gg (l??ggja); the j being kept before a and u, as in the pres. ind. of spyrja (ask): spyr, spyrr, spyrr; spyrjum, spyri?��, spyrja, pres. subj. 1 sg. ek spyrja; they unmutate their vowel in the pret. and ptc. pret. (spur?��a, spur?��r), the mutation being restored in the pret. subj. spyr?��a, spyr?��ir, etc. The ptc. pret. often has an i before the ?��.
b??rja (strike) bar?��a bar?��r l??ggja (lay) lag?��a lag(i)?��r t??lja (tell) tal?��a tal(i)?��r v??kja (wake) vak?��a vak?��r flytja (remove) flutta fluttr d��3ja (shake) d???��a d???��r
158. The following keep the mutated vowel throughout:
s??lja (sell) s??lda s??ldr s??tja (set) s??tta s??ttr
159. The following are irregular:
s?��kja (seek) s?tta s?ttr ??ykkja (seem) ???tta ???ttr
Subj. pret. s?��tta, ???��tta.
160. The following has an adj. for its partic. pret.:
g??��?ra (make) g??��?r?��a g??��?rr.
II. 'Have'-conjugation
161. The few verbs of this class are conjugated like those of conj. I, except that some of them have imperatives in -i: vaki, ????fi; uni. lifa, s??gja have imper. lif, s??g. They mutate the vowel of the pret. subj. (yn?��a). Their partic. pret. generally occurs only in the neut.; sometimes the a is dropped.
lifa (live) lifi lif?��a lifat una (be contented) uni un?��a unat skorta (be wanting) skorti skorta skort ??ola (endure) ??oli ??ol?��a ??olat ??ora (dare) ??ori ??or?��a ??orat n? (attain) n?i n??��a n??��r, n?it
162. The following show mutation:
s??gja (say) s??gi sag?��a sag?��r ????gja (be silent) ????gi ??ag?��a ??agat hafa (have) h??fi haf?��a haf?��r kaupa (buy) kaupi keypta keyptr
163. The present indic. of the first three is as follows:
Sing. 1. h??fi s??gi ????gi 2, 3. h??fir s??gir ????gir
Plur. 1. h??fum s??gjum ????gjum 2. hafi?�� s??gi?�� ????gi?�� 3. hafa s??gja ????gja
164. The rest of hafa is regular. Pres. subj. hafa, hafir, hafi; hafim, hafi?��, hafi. Pret. indic. haf?��a, haf?��ir, haf?��i; h??fdum, h??f?��u?��, h??f?��u. Pret. subj. h??f?��a, h??f?��ir, h??f?��i; h??f?��im, h??f?��i?��, h??f?��i. Imper. haf, h??fum, hafi?��. Ptc. hafandi, haf?��r.
III. 'Call'-conjugation
Pres. sg. 1. kall-a kall-a 2. kall-ar kall-ir 3. kall-ar kall-i
pl. 1. k??ll-um kall-im 2. kall-i?�� kall-i?�� 3. kall-a kall-i
Pres. sg. 1. kall-a?��a kall-a?��a 2. kall-a?��ir kall-a?��ir 3. kall-a?��i kall-a?��i
pl. 1. k??ll-u?��um kall-a?��im 2. k??ll-u?��u?�� kall-a?��i?�� 3. k??ll-u?��u kall-a?��i
Imper. sing. 2. kall-a; plur. 1. k??ll-um, 2. kall-i?��. Partic. pres. kall-andi; pret. kalla?��r (neut. kallat). Infin. kalla.
Pres. sg. 1. k??ll-umk k??ll-umk 2. kall-ask kall-isk 3. kall-ask kall-isk
pl. 1. k??ll-umk kall-imk 2. kall-izk kall-izk 3. kall-ask kall-isk
Pret. sg. 1. k??ll-u?��umk k??ll-u?��umk 2. kall-a?��isk kall-a?��isk 3. kall-a?��isk kall-a?��isk
pl. 1. k??ll-u?��umk kall-a?��imk 2. k??ll-u?��uzk kall-a?��izk 3. k??ll-u?��usk kall-a?��isk
Imper. sing. 2. kall-ask; pl. 1. k??ll-umk, 2. kall-izk. Partic. pres. kall-andisk; pret. kall-azk neut. Infin. kall-ask.
165. So also byrja (begin), h??rja (make war), vakna (awake).
Strong-Weak Verbs
166. These have old strong preterites for their presents, from which new weak preterites are formed.
eiga (possess) ? eigu ?tta ?ttr kunna (can) kann kunnu kunna kunnat n. mega (can) m? megu m?tta m?tt n. muna (remember) man munu mun?��a munat n. munu (will) mun munu mun?��a ---- skulu (shall) skal skulu skylda skyldr ??urfa (need) ??arf ??urfu ??urfta ??urft n. unna (love) ann unnu unna unnt n. vita (know) veit vitu vissa vita?��r
167. Of these verbs munu and skulu have preterite infinitives: mundu, skyldu.
Anomalous Verbs
168. Vilja (will):
Sing. Plur.
1. vil viljum 2. vill vili?�� 3. vill vilja
Subj. pres. vili. Pret. ind. vilda. Ptc. prt. viljat.
169. Vera (be):
Pres. sg. 1. em s?�� 2. ert s?��r 3. er s?��
pl. 1. erum s?��m 2. eru?�� s?��?�� 3. eru s?��
Pret. sg. 1. var v?|ra 2. vart v?|rir 3. var v?|ri
pl. 1. v?rum v?|rim 2. v?ru?�� v?|ri?�� 3. v?ru v?|ri
Imper. sg. ver; pl. veri?��. Ptc. prt. verit n.
170. Composition with the genitive is very frequent in Icelandic. Thus by the side of skip-stj?rn (ship-steering) we find skips-brot (ship's breaking, shipwreck), skipa-h??rr (army of ships, fleet). Genitival composition often expresses possession, as in konungs-skip (king's ship).
171. Prefixes are much less used in Icelandic than in Old English.
*al-* 'quite,' 'very': al-b??inn 'quite ready,' al-snotr 'very clever.'
*all-* 'all,' 'very': all-valdr 'all-ruler, monarch,' all-har?��r 'very hard,' all-st?rum 'very greatly.'
*and-* 'against': and-lit 'countenance' (lita, look), and-svar 'answer.'
*fj??l-* 'many': fj??l-m??nni 'multitude' (ma?��r, man).
*mis-* 'mis-': mis-l??ka 'displease.'
*??-* 'un-': ??-fri?��r 'war' (fri?��r, peace), ??-happ 'misfortune' (happ luck).
(a) Nouns
172. *-ingr*, *-ingi*, *-ing*: v??kingr 'pirate,' h??f?��ingi 'chief,' k??rling 'old woman.'
173. *-?��*, fem. with mutation: f??gr?�� 'beauty' (fagr, fair), f??r?�� 'journey' (fara, go), l??ng?�� 'length' (langr, long).
*-ing*, fem.: svipting 'pulling,' v??king 'piracy,' vir?��ing 'honour.'
*-leikr*, masc.: k?��r-leikr 'affection' (h?��rr, dear), skj?t-leikr 'speed' (skj?tr, swift).
*-an*, *-un*, fem.: skipan 'arrangement,' sk??mtun 'amusement.'
(b) Adjectives
174. *-ugr*: r??��ugr 'sagacious,' ??r???��ugr 'strong.'
*-?ttr*: koll?ttr 'bald,' ??nd?ttr 'fierce.'
*-lauss* '-less': f?��-lauss 'moneyless,' ?tta-lauss 'without fear.'
*-ligr* '-ly': undr-ligr 'wonderful,' sann-ligr 'probable' (sannr, true).
*-samr*: l??kn-samr 'gracious,' skyn-samr 'intelligent.'
*-ver?��r* '-ward': ofan-ver?��r 'upper.'
(c) Verbs
175. *-na*: brotna 'be broken' (brotinn, broken), hv??tna
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