thy enemyes. ¶ The .vij. bodely dedes of mercy. Fede the hongry /
gyue drynke to the thursty / clothe the naked / herborowe the
herbourles / comforte the seke / vysyte prysoners / burye the deed.
¶ These folowynge ben the .vij. gyftes of the holy goost / that euery
man sholde desyre to haue and kepe. Wysdome / counsell / knowynge /
pyte / vnderstandynge / strength / and drede of god.
¶ These folowynge be the .iiij. cardynall vertues
¶ Temperaûce. Is a meane betwix to moche & to lytell / & it standeth in
takynge suffycyently [that] nedeth & in refusyng [that] is to moche or
to lytel vtterly
¶ Ryghtwysnes / is a paynge of a dute to eche th[yn]ge [that] it duly
longeth vnto / as to god praysyng & thãkyng / to thy neyghbour loue &
charyte / & to thyself besynes to fulfyl goddes wyl & his
¶ Prudence or Wysdome. Is a vertue [that] departeth good from euyll /
& it standeth in chesynge good & refusynge euyll.
¶ Strength maketh ony myghty and hardy to do grete thynges for the
loue of god & in suffrynge pacyently aduersyte / and mekely takynge
¶ These ben the .vij. sacrementes of holy cherche Baptysme / wedloke /
the sacrament of [the] awter / cõfirmacõn / ordre / penaûce / & the last
¶ Here folowen the .x. cõmaûdement[es] ¶ Worshyp no fals god. In
whiche is forboden wytchecrafte / enchaûtement[es] / mawmentry /
redyng of dremes / & al mysbyleue & such other. ¶ Take not his name
in vayn. In which is forboden all heresyes / forsweryng of all
mysmenyng / vnworshyp of god / tak[yn]ge his name î vayn & other. ¶
Halowe [the] holydays herynge deuoutly thy seruyce / kepyng [the] out
of dedely s[yn]ne / & visyte [the] poore / & helpe to acorde them [that]
ben at debate & suche other. ¶ Worshyp thy fa[der] & thy moder. God
thy fa[der] holy chirche thy mo[der] / thy goostly fa[der]s / thy flesshly
fader & mo[der] / & people of age / & prelates of holy chirche. ¶ Slee
no man [with] hande smytynge / nor [with] thy mouth in bacbytyng
with herte cursynge / ne wyll ony euyll or vengeaûce. ¶ Do no lechery.
In this is forboden all spousebreche [with] bodely dede or goostly / &
all wylfull polucõns or prouokynge to [the] same. ¶ Do no theeft. as î
stelyng / wronge getyng / trechery / oker / dysherytage of
heyres.wronge amercymêt[es]. fals mesure wrong purchasyng ¶ Bere
no fals wytnes / in this is forboden fals byenge / bacbytyng / fals
accusyng and all such other. ¶ Desyre not thy neyghbours wyf. In this
is not only forboden the dede doyng but also the desyre & wyll of herte.
¶ Desyre not thy neyghbours thynge / as house / londe / beest / seruaunt
nor ony thynge that is his.
¶ These .vij. thynges folowynge sholde we haue euer in our mynde.
The synnes [that] we dayly do. The short tyme that we shall abyde here.
The vncertayne of the daye of our deth. The vnstablenes & fraylte of vs.
The strayte & ferefull Iugement of god. The bytter & vnspekable
paynes ordeyned for synnes. The euerlastynge losse of eternall glorye.
¶ Here foloweth a short remêbraûce for confessyon to al peple / & in
especyal to al religious folke.
Seldom shalt [thou] fynde tyme in all the yere in whiche [thou] shalt
not haue cause to shryue the of some of these folowynge / that is to
wete of hasty or neclygence saynge [the] seruyce of god / or of lesynge
of tyme / or els of vayne thought or of vndue reuerence to god or to our
lady or his saynt or to [the] other [that] ben thy souerayns. Or in
forgetynge god & his dayly benefayt. & not thankyng h[ym] for his
creacion & his redempcõn. & [that] he gaf the [that] mynde to dyspose
the better than other ben [with] suche other. And also not thankynge
h[ym] for thy dayly sustenaunce / clothynge & helth of thy body & for
remissyon of thy synnes / for thyn enherytaûce of heuen [with] other
Innumerable. Also remêbre thy wode wordes or noysom / or els fals
Iugementes in thy mynde / or fals suspycõn. Also of ony mouynge to
wrath or to vayne heuynes or vayne gladnes. Also serche in thy mynde
yf [thou] haue well spended [the] daye & nyght without synne / as yf
[thou] haue prayed or rede to lytell with suche other. Also yf [thou]
haue past thy boûdes in wordes or in etynge or drynkynge / slepynge or
laughynge with suche other. Also remembre how [thou] haste
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