A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men | Page 2

Thomas Betson
for lacke of a preest. as slepyng sodayn deth he
sholde be saue suffrynge afore harde payne of purgatory / wherfor it is
a good coûsel [that] euery crysten man ones or twyes a daye erly or late
/ or els at lest on holy dayes examyne his conscyence & remêbre yf he
may [with] al his herte vnfayn[yn]gly say these thre treuthes / & yf he
do he may be sure [that] he is in [the] state of grace. And yf he may not.
but is in wyll to synne ayen & to haue his delectacion [with] dede / &
wyll not flee the occasyons of mortall synnes & so drowned wyl not
aryse. as vsurers. fals marchaûts or [that] desyren vengeaûce [with]
suche other suche may be certayne [that] the pope may not assoyle
them Not for thy holsom coûsell is [that] suche praye & gyue almesse
& do other good dedes after theyr power [that] god the father may
lyghten theyr hertes. & the sooner torne them to goodnes. Amen.
¶ This Pater noster / taught our lorde his dyscyples / and all people by
his gospell.
Fader our that art in heuens / halowed be thy name. Thy kyngdom

come to [the]. Thy wyll be do as in heuen so in erthe. Our eche dayly
brede gyue vs to daye. And forgyue vs our dettes ryght as we forgyue
to our dettours. And lede vs not in to temptacyon. But delyuer vs from
euyll Amen / that is to saye. So be it.
¶ This is the Aue maria / that Gabryell sayd salutynge our blessyd lady
/ & it is the gospell.
Heyll Mary full of grace / the lorde is with the / blessyd be thou
amonge wymen / & blessyd be the fruyte of thy wombe Ihesus. Amen.
¶ These ben the artycles of our Crede / and oure byleue / that who is
baptysed and trusteth in hem shall be saued.
I byleue in god fa[der] almyghty shaper of heuen & erthe. And in Ihesu
cryste his oonly sone our lorde / the whiche is conceyued of the holy
goost / borne of Mary the mayde / suffred payne & passyon vn[der]
Ponce Pylate. Crucefyed / deed / & buryed / he lyghted downe to helles.
The .iij. daye he arose frõ deth to lyue. He flyed vp in to heuens. He
sytteth at the ryght syde of god the fa[der] almyghty From thens he is to
come to deme both quycke & deed. I trowe in [the] holy goost / holy
chirche vnyuersall / comunynge of sayntes / forgyuenes of synnes ayen
rysynge of flesshe / & euerlastynge lyf. Amen.
Hope is truste by the mercy of god to be saued. And it standeth in the
grace of our lorde & our good werkes. ¶ Charyte is the ende & the
perfeccion of all the cõmaûdementes of god / and it standeth in the loue
of god aboue all thynges / & thy neyghbour as thy self
¶ These ben the seuen vertues ayenst the seuen vyces.
¶ Mekenes ayenst pryde.
¶ As in boostynge / despysynge / scornynge / hyghe herte / fayrnes /
connynge / strengthe / vertue / pryde of kynne / vayne glory / dispyte of
other / ypocresy.
¶ Pacyence ayenst Wrathe.

¶ As fyghtynge / chydynge / hurtyng / betyng / warryeng / cursynge /
grutchynge / desyre of vengeaûce cruelnes &c.
¶ Charyte ayenst Enuye.
¶ As gladde of an other euyll fare / & to be heuy & sory of theyr
welfare / bacbytynge / sowynge of dyscorde / scornynge / and suche
¶ Largenes ayenst Couetyse & Auaryce.
¶ In wynnynge / in byenge / in sellynge / in met[yn]ge / in waynge /
gyle / trechery / sacrylege / symony / vsury / theeft / receyu[yn]ge of
stolen goodes / wronge withholdynge of ony dute to the the chirche &c.
¶ Good occupacyon ayenst Slouth.
¶ As ydelnes / delyte in slepe / neclygent to cõne [the] lawes of god /
vnlusty to [the] seruyce of god / myspendynge of tyme / dyspayre /
wanhope & suche other.
¶ Abstynence ayenst Glotony.
¶ As in moche etynge & drynkynge / brekynge of faste / desyrynge of
delycate metes & drynkes &c.
¶ These ben the fyue goostly wyttes. Mynde / reason / wyll /
ymagynacyon / vnderstandynge.
¶ These ben the fyue bodely wyttes. Herynge seynge / smellynge /
tastynge / and touchynge.
¶ Chastyte ayenst Lechery.
¶ As in thought / wyll / werke / in syght / in felyng in [pro]uokyng / or
synne ayenst kynde [with] many other ¶ The .vij. goostly dedes of
mercy. Teche / coûsel chastyte / comforte / forgyue / suffre / & praye
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