Achubwr, n. m. a saviour
Achudd, n. m. seclusion
Achul, a. narrow; lean; squalid
Achwaith, n. m. sourness
Achwaneg, a. more, additional
Achwanegiad, n. m. augmentation, addition
Achwanegol, a. augmentative
Achwanegu, v. to increase
Achwlwm, n. m. a tie
Achwr, n. m. genealogist
Achwre, n. m. a shelter, a skreen
Achwy, a. tending to be foremost, busy-body
Achwyn, n. m. complaint: v. to complain
Achwynedig, a. being complained
Achwynedigaeth, n. m. accusation, charge
Achwynedigol, a. accusatory
Achwynol, a. plaintive
Achwyngar, a. querulous
Achwyngarwch, n. m. querulousness
Achwyniad, n. m. a complaining
Achwyniaeth, n. m. accusation
Achwynwr, n. m. a complainer
Ad, a. a going on, over, or to. It is a general prefix to words answering
to RE
Adaddawiad, n. a promising again
Adaddewid, n. a second promise
Adaddo, v. to promise again
Adaerwch, n. importunity
Adafael, n. a distraint
Adafaeliad, n. a distraining
Adafaelu, v. to attach, to seize
Adail, n. a building
Adain, n. a wing; a bird
Adalw, v. to recall; to revoke
Adalwad, n. a recalling
Adan, n. a fin; a spoke
Adanadl, n. respiration
Adanadliad, n. a respiring
Adanadlu, v. to respire
Adanerch, n. second greeting
Adanerchiad, n. a resaluting
Adanerchu, v. to resalute
Adanfon, v. to send again
Adanfoniad, n. a sending again
Adanfonol, a. sending again
Adar, n. p. birds, fowls
Adara, v. to fowl
Adarol, a. relating to birds
Adardy, n. an aviary, a cage
Adarddelw, v. to reassert
Adarddelwad, n. reassertion
Adaren, n. a female bird
Adargi, n. a setting dog
Adargoel, n. augury
Adargoelio, v. augurize
Adargop, n. a spider
Adargopwe, n. a spider's web
Adarwr, n. a fowler
Adarwriaeth, n. the practice of fowling
Adaw, v. to glide off: to fly
Adawr, n. chewing the cud
Adbeniad, n. re-assignment
Adbenodi, v. to subdivide
Adbenod, n. subdivision
Adbenu, v. to re-assign
Adblan, n. a second setting
Adblaniad, n. a transplanting
Adblanu, v. to transplant
Adblyg, n. a second fold
Adblygadwy, a. reduplicable
Adblygedd, n. recurvity
Adblygiad, n. a recurvation
Adblygol, a. reduplicate
Adblygu, v. to fold back
Adborion, n. p. leavings, refuse
Adbrawf, n. re-tasting
Adbrofi, v. to taste again
Adbrynadwy, a. redeemable
Adbrynedigaeth, n. redemption
Adbrynedig, a. redeemed
Adbryniad, n. a ransom
Adbrynol, a. redeeming
Adbrynu, v. to repurchase
Adbrynwr, n. re-purchaser
Adchwanegol, a. additional
Adchwanegu, v. to re-augment
Adchwedl, n. a rumour
Adchwilio, v. to research
Adchwiliedig, a. researched
Adchwiliwr, n. a researcher
Adchwilio, v. to revolve
Adchwyl, n. a circumvolution
Adchwyladwy, a. revolvable
Adchwyliad, n. a revolving
Adeg, n. opportunity, season
Adeginad, n. the second budding
Adegino, v. to bud again
Adeilad, n. a building
Adeiladaeth, n. architecture
Adeiladol, a. edifying architectural
Adeiladu, v. to build
Adeiledydd, n. architect
Adeiladedig, a. built
Adeilo, v. to build or construct
Adeilwr, n. architect, builder
Adeiniad, n. winging
Adeinio, v. to fly, to wing
Adeiniog, a. winged, pinioned
Adeinol, a. relating to wings
Adeiriad, n. tautology
Adeirio, v. repeating of words
Adeiriog, a. tautological
Aden, n. a wing, a pinion
Adenedig, n. regenerated
Adenedigaeth, n. regeneration
Adeni, v. to regenerate
Adennill, v. to regain
Adennilliad, n. a thing regained
Adennillwr, n. regainer
Adenw, n. a second name
Adenwi, v. to name again
Aderbyniad, n. a receiving back
Aderyn, v. bird, a fowl
Adethol, v. to reselect
Adfach, n. the beard of a dart
Adfachiad, n. a re-hooking
Adfachog, a. barbed, bearded
Adfachu, v. to barb, to re-hook
Adfail, n. a ruin
Adfarn, n. reversed judgement
Adfarnedig, a rejudged
Adfarniad, n. reversing of judgement
Adfarnu, v. to rejudge
Adfath, n. a recoinage
Adfathiad, n. a recoining
Adfathu, v. to recoin
Adfedyddio, v. to rebaptize
Adfeddianu, v. to reposses
Adfeddianol, a repossessive
Adfeddiant, n. re-possession
Adfeddianwr, n. m. repossessor
Adfeddwl, n. second thought
Adfeddyliad, n. recollection
Adfeddylied, v. to recollect
Adfeiliad, n. a decaying
Adfeiliedig, a. decayed, in ruin
Adfeilio, v. to decay, to moulder
Adfeillog, a. decaying; ruinous
Adfeio, v. to recriminate
Adfer, n. what is restored
Adferadwy, a. restorable
Adferedig, a. restorable
Adferedigaeth, n. restoration
Adferiad, n. a restoring
Adferol, a. restorative
Adferth, n. comfort
Adferthiad, n. a comforting
Adferthol, a. comforting
Adferthu, v. to comfort, to recreate
Adferwi, v. to boil again
Adferwr, n. restorer
Adferyd, v. to make restitution
Adfesur, n. a second measure: v. to measure a second time
Adflagur, n. a second bud
Adflaguro, v. to bud again
Adflas, n. insipidity of taste
Adflin, a. fatigue over again
Adflinder, n. irritation
Adflino, v. to irritate
Adflith, n. a second milk
Adflitho, v. to yield second milk
Adflodau, n. m. second blossoms
Adflodeuad, n. m. refloration
Adflodeuo, v. to reflourish
Adflodeuog, a. reflorescent
Adfraenar, n. m. second fallow
Adfrawd, n. f. a reversed or second judgment
Adfryd, n. m. a second intention
Adfwriad, n. m. a recasting
Adfwrw, v. to recast
Adfwynhau, v. to re-enjoy
Adfydiog, a. in adversity; miserable, wretched
Adfydig, a. distressed, wretched
Adfyd, ad. perhaps, it may be
Adfyddin, n. f. a
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