A Narrative of Some of the Lords Dealings with George Müller | Page 7

George Müller
eleven o'clock, and I have not yet one
single penny towards the need of this day. The bag is brought from the
Orphan-Houses for money, but I have nothing to send, and am
therefore obliged to return the bag without anything. But my soul is
waiting for help. The Lord has so repeatedly helped as again during the

last weeks, and so He will surely do this day also. Evening. At half-past
twelve this morning I received two notes from two sisters who labour
in the Orphan-Houses, the one from the sister who, on the 6th, had sent
the 2l., being part of a present which she had received, and who now
sent 1l. more. She writes: "The enclosed I thought of applying to
another purpose; but His thoughts are not as ours. Please to use it as
you think fit." The other sister, likewise one of the labourers, sent 10s.
This 1l. 10s. met our need for today.
Aug. 10, Saturday. Only 3d., which had come in yesterday afternoon,
by sale of a Report, was in my hands, when the day began. A little after
nine o'clock I received a post-office order for 5l. from Hackney, to be
used as most needed. Of it I took one half for the Orphans, and the
other half for the Day Schools. There came in still further, 2l. 5s., 5s.
10d., 6d., and 3s. 4d.
Aug. 12. Yesterday I received from a sister 5s., with James i. 17., 2s.
6d., 6d. was put into the boxes at my house, and 6d. was given by an
aged friend. Thus, with what was left on Saturday, we had 1l. 15s. 5d.,
which met our need today.
Aug. 13. Nothing has come in, but one of the labourers, to whom 15s.
was given last evening to buy herself a new gown, gave that. I am
looking for more! The boxes in the Orphan-Houses were opened, in
which 5s. was found. Thus we had enough, except 6s., which one of the
labourers gave.
Aug. 14. Nothing at all had come in, when the bag was brought from
the Orphan-Houses for money, and I had therefore to return it without
any. About half an hour after, the labourers had an especial prayer
meeting. At this meeting one of the teachers of the Day-Schools gave
me 10s., which he had put by to buy himself some little books, but he
considered it now not to be the Lord's will to do so, but that he should
give this money for the present need in the Orphan-Houses. Another of
the labourers in the Orphan-Houses gave 5s. Thus we are provided with
the absolute necessaries till tomorrow after breakfast.
Aug. 15. Last evening I received 2s., just after our last public meeting

about the Orphan-Houses and other objects of the Scriptural
Knowledge Institution, at which I had testified afresh of my reliance
upon the living God, though I had not then one single penny in hand for
the work, which, of course, was not stated.--Now this morning,
between eight and nine o'clock sister L. M. came to me and brought me
30s., which she had received for the Orphans. But this will not be
enough for today. Yesterday and this morning, before this money came
in, the trial of faith had been very sharp.--Evening. At eleven o'clock I
received still further from A. A. 5s., and this afternoon, from one of the
labourers, 5s., and from two donors 6d. each.
Aug. 16. Our poverty is extremely great. The trial of faith as sharp as
ever, or sharper. It is ten o'clock, and there are no means yet for a
dinner. I now thought of some articles which I might be able to do
without, to dispose of them for the benefit of the Orphans, when one of
the labourers gave me 1l., which she had intended for another object,
and which she now considers must be left alone for the present. There
was also taken out of the boxes in the Orphan-Houses 1s. 6d., and by
knitting came in 2s. 3d., and from A. A. 2s.
Aug. 17, Saturday. The Lord has, in tender mercy, helped us, in
sending in 3l. for knitting done by the Orphan Girls, 9s. 10d. for
stockings knitted by the boys, 11s. 11d. for things sold, which were
given for the purpose, and 10s. 7d. put into the boxes at the
Aug. 18. There was put anonymously into the Chapel-boxes 1s., ditto
2s., ditto 2s. 6d., and A. A. gave 10s.
Aug. 19, Monday. Only 3s. has come in today.
Aug. 20. This 3s. was all there was in hand for this day, which was
needed at the Boys' Orphan-House towards the dinner. In the other
houses nothing was needed, but at the same time Nothing
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