A Narrative of Some of the Lords Dealings with George Müller | Page 6

George Müller
him (to send up again in the
afternoon, for what the Lord might have sent in the mean time. When I
was going to put the 2 ¾ d into the purse in the bag, I found
half-a-crown in the bag, slipped into it before it was opened. This
half-crown is a precious earnest that the Lord will help this day also. It
was found by me just after I had risen from my knees, having been with
some of the labourers in the work in prayer for means. Before I bad yet
finished the note to brother B. B., a sovereign was given to me, so that I
had 1l. 2s. 8 ¾ d. to send off. About two o'clock this afternoon I
received by sale of articles 10s. 6d., by sale of stockings 6s. 8d., and by
the sale of ladies' bags 9s. 4d. Thus I could send off the 14s. 6d. which
was still needed for today, and had 12s. left.
Aug. 3, Saturday. With the 12s. we began the day. My soul said: "I will
now look out for the way in which the Lord will deliver us this day
again; for He will surely deliver. Many Saturdays, when we were in
need, He helped us, and so He will do this day also."--Between nine
and ten o'clock this morning I gave myself to prayer for means, with
three of my fellow-labourers, in my house. Whilst we were in prayer,
there was a knock at my room door, and I was informed that a
gentleman had come to see me. When we had finished prayer, it was
found to be a brother from Tetbury, who hail brought from Barnstaple
1l. 2s. 6d. for the Orphans. Thus we have 1l. 14s. 6d., with which I
must return the letter-bag to the Orphan-Houses, looking to the Lord
for more. Evening. In the afternoon one of the labourers received 6s.
for himself, which he gave for the Orphans. This evening I went to the
usual prayer meeting, (which is held on Saturday evening at the
Orphan-Houses, to ask the Lord's blessing upon the work generally),
when I found that 2s. had been put into the boxes in the Orphan Houses
in the course of the afternoon; also 7s. had come in by the knitting of
the Orphan-Girls, and 3s. 6d. more one of the labourers was able to
give. Thus we hail 2l. 13s., which was enough for today. How very
kind of the Lord thus to listen to the prayers of His children, and to help
us day by day!--We had not yet separated, after our prayer meeting,
when a box was brought from Scarborough, containing 5s. and a
number of articles. When I came home I found that there had come in

still further, by sale of articles given for the purpose, 15s. 10d., and by
sale of stockings knitted by the Orphans, 7s. 8d. Thus the Lord has
greatly helped us today.
Aug. 5, Monday. There came in from A. A. 1s., and anonymously was
yesterday put into the Chapel-boxes 2s. 6d., ditto 2s. 6d.
Aug. 6. Without one single penny in my hands the day began. The post
brought nothing, nor had I yet received anything, when ten minutes
after ten this morning the letter bag was brought from the
Orphan-Houses, for the supplies of today.--Now see the Lord's
deliverance! In the bag I found a note from one of the labourers in the
Orphan—Houses, enclosing two sovereigns, which she sent for the
Orphans, stating that it was part of a present which she had just
received unexpectedly, for herself. —Thus we are supplied for today.
In the afternoon, when I had now again nothing at all in hand, as I had
paid out this 2l., there was brought to me from Oxford 1l. 2s. A sister
also gave 2s. 6d.
Aug. 7. There came in, when there was not one penny in my hands, 4s.
and 3s. 6d. I only found 3s. in the boxes in my house, 10s. was given as
the profit of the sale of ladies' bags, and 2s. 6d. as the produce of "A
forfeit-box at a young ladies' school." Likewise were given to me, two
gold rings, two gold watch-keys, a pair of earrings, a gold brooch, two
waist-buckles, a pair of bracelets, a watch hook, and a broken brooch.
Thus we have a little towards the need of tomorrow.
Aug. 8. The money which came in yesterday was not enough for the
need of today. The boxes in the Orphan-Houses were therefore opened,
as I had understood that some money had been put into them during the
last days, and they contained 1l. 4s. Thus we have been supplied this
day also.
Aug. 9. It is just now striking
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