A Middle High German Primer | Page 8

Joseph Wright
all the more, {weste}, I knew, {dreschen}, to thrash, {leschen}, to go out, {degen}, warrior; and also in a few words before a following {l}, as {helm}, helmet, {vels}, rock, {welch}, which, &c.
i = MHG. i, as OHG. {fisk}, fish, {nimu}, I take, {wi[zz]an}, to know = MHG. {visch}, {nime}, {wi[zz]en}.
o = (1) MHG. o, as OHG. {got}, God, p.p. {giholfan}, helped, {tohter}, daughter = MHG. {got}, {geholfen}, {tohter}. = (2) MHG. [o:], as OHG. {lohhir}, holes, {mohti}, I might = MHG. {l[o:]cher}, {m[o:]hte}.
u = (1) MHG. u, as OHG. {sunu}, {sun}, son, {butum}, we offered, {buntum}, we bound = MHG. {sun}, {buten}, {bunden}. = (2) MHG. [u:], as OHG. {dunni}, thin, {suni}, sons = MHG. {d[u:]nne}, {s[u:]ne}.
2. The long vowels: Apart from the changes caused by umlaut, viz. {[a]} to {[ae], [o]} to {[oe]}, and {[u]} to {iu} (Sec. 10), the OHG. long vowels remained in MHG., as
[a] = (1) MHG. [a], as OHG. {s[a]t}, seed, {sl[a]fan}, to sleep, {d[a]hta}, I thought = MHG. {s[a]t}, {sl[a]fen}, {d[a]hte}. = (2) MHG. [ae], as OHG {l[a]ri}, empty, {n[a]mi}, I might take = MHG. {l[ae]re}, {n[ae]me}.
[e] = MHG. [e], as OHG. {[e]ra}, honour, {l[e]ren}, to teach, {s[e]la}, soul = MHG. {[e]re}, {l[e]ren}, {s[e]le}.
[i] = MHG. [i], as OHG. {s[i]n}, his, {w[i]b}, woman, {sn[i]dan}, to cut = MHG. {s[i]n}, {w[i]p}, {sn[i]den}.
[o] = (1) MHG. [o], as OHG. {[o]ra}, ear, {t[o]d}, death, {k[o]s}, I chose = MHG. {[o]re}, {t[o]t}, {k[o]s}. = (2) MHG. [oe], as OHG. {h[o]hiro}, higher, {h[o]ren}, to hear, {sc[o]ni}, beautiful = MHG. {h[oe]her}, {h[oe]ren}, {sch[oe]ne}.
[u] = (1) MHG. [u], as OHG. {h[u]s}, house, {r[u]m}, room, {d[u]hta}, it seemed = MHG. {h[u]s}, {r[u]m}, {d[u]hte}.
= (2) MHG. iu, as OHG. {h[u]sir}, houses, {br[u]ti}, brides = MHG. {hiuser}, {briute}.
3. The diphthongs:
ei = MHG. ei, as OHG. {bein}, bone, {leiten}, to lead, {sneid}, I cut = MHG. {bein}, {leiten}, {sneit}.
ie (older ia, ea = Germanic [e]) = MHG. ie, as OHG. {hier}, here, {mieta}, reward, {hielt}, I held, {hie[z]}, I called, {slief}, I slept = MHG. {hier}, {miete}, {hielt}, {hie[z]}, {slief}.
io (eo) = Germanic eu (Sec. 16), and the io (eo) in the preterites of the old reduplicated verbs whose presents have ou, [o], uo (Sec. 87). = MHG. ie, as OHG. {liob}, dear, {biotan}, to offer = MHG. {liep}, {bieten}; OHG. {liof}, I ran, {stio[z]}, I pushed, {riof}, I called = MHG. {lief}, {stie[z]}, {rief}.
iu = MHG. [-u:] written iu, as OHG. {liuti}, people, {kiusit}, he chooses = MHG. {liute}, {kiuset}.
ou (older au) = (1) MHG. ou, as OHG. {ouga}, eye, {boug}, I bent, {loufan}, to run = MHG. {ouge}, {bouc}, {loufen}. = (2) MHG. [o:]u (eu), as OHG. {loubir}, leaves, {loufil}, runner = MHG. {l[o:]uber}, {l[o:]ufel}.
uo = (1) MHG. uo, as OHG. {bruoder}, brother, {muoter}, mother, {stuont}, I stood = MHG. {bruoder}, {muoter}, {stuont}. = (2) MHG. [u:]e, as OHG. {gruoni}, green, {fuo[z]i}, feet, = MHG. {gr[u:]ene}, {v[u:]e[z]e}.
Sec. 12.
By ablaut is meant the gradation of vowels both in stem and suffix, which was chiefly caused by the primitive Indo-Germanic system of accentuation. See the Author's Historical German Grammar, Sec. 23.
The vowels vary within certain series of related vowels, called ablaut-series. In MHG. there are six such series, which appear most clearly in the stem-forms of strong verbs. Four stem-forms are to be distinguished in a MHG. strong verb which has vowel gradation as the characteristic mark of its different stems:--(1) the present stem, to which belong all the forms of the present, (2) the stem of the first or third person of the preterite singular, (3) the stem of the preterite plural, to which belong the second person of the preterite singular and the whole of the preterite subjunctive, (4) the stem of the past participle.
By arranging the vowels according to these four stems we arrive at the following system:--
i. ii. iii. iv.
I. [i] ei, [e] i i II. ie ou, [o] u o III. i, [e:] a u u, o IV. [e:] a [a] o V. [e:] a [a] [e:] VI. a uo uo a
NOTE.--1. On the difference between {ei} and {[e]}, see Sec. 17; {ou} and {[o]}, Sec. 18; and in Series III {i} and {[e:]}, Sec. 14; {u} and {o}, Sec. 15.
2. Strong verbs belonging to Series II have {iu} in the indicative pres. singular; and strong verbs belonging to Series III-V with {[e:]} in the infinitive have {i} in the indicative pres. singular (Secs. 14, 16).
I. sn[i]den, to cut sn[i]de sneit sniten gesniten; l[i]hen, to lend l[i]he l[e]ch lihen gelihen. II. biegen, to bend biuge bouc bugen gebogen; sieden, to seethe siude s[o]t suten gesoten. III. binden, to bind binde bant bunden gebunden; h[e:]lfen, to help hilfe half hulfen geholfen. IV. n[e:]men, to take nime nam n[a]men genomen. V. g[e:]ben, to give gibe gap g[a]ben geg[e:]ben. VI. graben, to dig grabe gruop gruoben gegraben.
For further examples see
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