A Jolly by Josh | Page 8

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in gambling beyond the opportunity of watching the
human character, and, incidentally to develop it; but it is time lost, and
unworthily lost. The end does not justify the means. You had better
play and read and sleep rather than gamble.
Yes and no. Always in moderation. Do not acquire the habit of drinking.
It is useless; and, after all that is said in favor of it by our mutual friend,
Omar, and others, I can never see that a man is worse off for never
having been drunk, and I am even Puritanical enough to think that he is
better off, and, moreover, he has more self-respect, to say nothing of
the respect of others. Nobody ever loses caste by refusing to drink. It is
a difficult thing to do sometimes; but you know the old adage, that any
man can lead a horse to water, but a hundred cannot make him drink. It
is a pity that men should be inferior to horses in that respect. You will

think that this is becoming a temperance lecture. Perhaps it is; but
never mind, it does not call for total abstinence.
I can see no advantage to be gained by tobacco; and you will find that it
administers to your comfort, and that is the only advantage that it has.
This in itself is a very damaging kind of an advantage, as, without
advancing your object, it endangers your freedom, as all comforts do.
By all means cultivate this and in every form possible, but even here
have an eye to moderation. Do not develop your heart and lungs to such
an extent that, when you have taken up a more sedentary life later, they
will suffer a reaction. Almost all the great athletes suffer a few years'
discomfort while adjusting themselves to a less athletic existence than
was theirs in college. Therefore, be moderate and specialize in this, so
that in after life you may do what you are best fitted for, and in the
attainment of athletic success make a test case of your proficiency of
attainment. Do not fear to be prodigal of energy concentrated on the
right thing.
In fixing up your room, your house, or personal surroundings, have
good, comfortable furniture for rest and for work, but not for show. Be
simple, even to the extent of being severe. The fewer things you have,
the better off you are. Shun all other possessions as the devil would
holy water. Have nothing that is not for a definite purpose and that you
do not actually use. The criterion to be applied to these is not what you
can find use for, but what you cannot get along without. A traveller
who knows his business can travel on very slender baggage, and be
perfectly comfortable and clean. Consider yourself a traveller through
this world, and study to cut down your baggage. Thus you will avoid
dissipation, and keep your freedom.

Yes. Do not be afraid to cultivate the artistic. It is a card thrown to the
discard, but one which you cannot regret. Do not have too many. A
jumble of pictures is not what you want, but a few good ones. Only
beware lest a craze for expensive pictures overtake you, which would
interfere with your more definite object. If, however, your career lies in
the line of the artistic, the purchase and collection of fine pictures come
well within the golden things passed by our touchstone. Many men get
a craze after the futile,--a hobby it is usually called; and they will
dissipate great amounts of energy in collecting such things as
postage-stamps, post-marks, or some other object of little use, and at
great expense of time and money.
If you allow such things to distract your attention from your object, you
may lose it entirely, just as you lose sight of something in the hands of
a conjurer who has succeeded in directing your attention to something
of momentary interest. In this connection it is well to say that the habit
of spending must be avoided. Let a large expenditure be a circumstance.
You can afford, however, to spend money on charities even to the point
of dissipation. It is a cultivation of the heart. It might prove a career;
and so, before your object is chosen, you approach it, as a possibility,
afterward, as a card for the discard, in either case creditable.
There are other classes of desires which appeal to the sensuous and
sensual nature of man. Among these can be reckoned a taste for opium
or morphine, a taste for women, or for those kinds of literature and
drama which appeal to the sensuous nature. All these desires are like
drunkenness, in that no one is
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