A Concise Dictionary of Middle English | Page 5

A. L. Mayhew and Walter W. Skeat
ed. Morris and Skeat; from
A.D. 1298-1393.
This book contains extracts from:--~1~. Robert of Gloucester's
Chronicle (William the Conqueror and St. Dunstan); ~2~. Metrical
Psalter, Psalms 8, 14(15), 17(18), 23(24), 102(103), 103(104); ~3~.
The Proverbs of Hendyng; ~4~. Specimens of Lyric Poetry, ed. Wright
(Alysoun, Plea for Pity, Parable of the Labourers, Spring-time); ~5~.
Robert Mannyng's Handlynge Synne, ll. 5575-5946; ~6~. William of
Shoreham, De Baptismo; ~7~. Cursor Mundi, ed. Morris, ll.
11373-11791 [add 11372 _to the number in the reference_]; ~8~. Eng.
Metrical Homilies, ed. Small (Second Sunday in Advent, Third Sunday
after the Octave of Epiphany); ~9~. The Ayenbite of Inwyt, ed. Morris,

pp. 263-9, and p. 262; ~1O~. Hampole's Prick of Conscience, ll. 432-9,
464-509, 528-555, 662-707, 728-829, 1211-1292, 1412-1473, 1818-29,
1836-51, 1884-1929, 2216-2233, 2300-11, 2334-55, 2364-73, 7813-24;
~11~. Minot's Songs, Nos. 3, 4, 7; ~12~. William of Palerne, ed. Skeat,
ll. 3-381; ~13~. Alliterative Poems, ed. Morris, Poem B, ll. 235-544,
947-972, 1009-1051; ~14~. Mandeville's Travels, Prologue, part of
Chap. 12, and Chap. 26; ~15~. Piers the Plowman, A-text, Prologue,
Passus 1, part of Pass. 2, Pass. 3, Pass. 5, parts of Pass. 6 and 7; ~16~.
Barbour's Bruce, ed. Skeat, Book VII. ll. 1-230, 400-487; ~17~.
Wyclif's translation of St. Mark's Gospel,

1-6; Hereford's version of the Psalms, Ps. 14(15), 23(24), 102(103);
~18~. Trevisa's translation of Higden's Polychronicon, lib. i. c. 41, c. 59,
lib. vi. c. 29; ~19~. Chaucer, Man of Law's Tale; ~20~. Gower's
Confessio Amantis, part of Book V.

Part III, ed. Skeat; from A. D. 1394-1579.
This book contains extracts from:--~1~. Pierce the Ploughman's Crede,
ll. 153-267, 339-565, 744-765, 785-823; ~2~. Hoccleve's De Regimine
Principum, stanzas 281-301, 598-628; ~3~. Lydgate, London
Lickpenny, and the Storie of Thebes, bk. ii. ll. 1064-1419; ~4~. James I
(of Scotland), the King's Quair, stanzas 152-173; ~5~. Pecock's
Represser, pt. i. c. 19; pt. ii. c. 11; ~6~. Blind Harry's Wallace, bk. i. ll.
181-448; ~7~. Chevy Chase (earlier version); ~8~. Malory's Morte
Darthur, bk. xxi. c. 3-7; ~9~. Caxton's History of Troy; ~10~. The
Nut-brown Maid; ~11~. Dunbar, Thistle and Rose, and Poem on being
desired to be a Friar; ~12~. Hawes, Pastime of Pleasure, c. 33; ~13~. G.
Douglas, Prol. to Æneid, book xii; ~14~. Skelton, Why Come Ye Nat
to Courte, ll. 287-382, 396-756; Philip Sparrow, ll. 998-1260; ~15~.
Lord Berners, tr. of Froissart, c. 50, c. 130; ~16~. Tyndale, Obedience
of a Christian Man; ~17~. More, Dialogue Concerning Heresies, bk. iii.
c. 14-16; Confutation of Tyndale, bk. iii; ~18~. Sir T. Elyot, The

Governor, bk. i. c. 17, 18; ~19~. Lord Surrey, tr. of Æneid, bk. ii. ll.
253-382, 570-736, and minor poems; ~2O~. Sir T. Wiat, Three Satires,
and minor poems; ~21~. Latimer, Sermon on the Ploughers; ~22~. Sir
D. Lyndesay, The Monarchy, bk. iii. ll. 4499-4612, 4663-94, 4709-38;
bk. iv. ll. 5450-5639; ~23~. N. Udall, Ralph Roister Doister, Act iii. sc.
3-5; ~24~. Lord Buckhurst, The Induction; ~25~. Ascham, The
Schoolmaster, bk. i; ~26~. Gascoigne, The Steel Glas, ll. 418-470,
628-638, 750-893, 1010-1179; ~27~. Lyly, Euphues and his Ephoebus;
~28~. Spenser, Shepherd's Calendar, November, December.
The remaining eight publications in the Clarendon Press Series which
have also been indexed are those marked C, C2, C3, W, W2, P, H, and
G; i.e. three books containing extracts from Chaucer, two books
containing parts of Wyclif's Bible, part of Piers Plowman, Hampole's
Psalter, and Gamelyn; the full titles of which are given below.
We also give all the important words occurring in CM (Chaucer, ed.
Morris); and in addition to this, and for the purpose of illustration,
forms are given from various texts and Dictionaries, and from the
Glossaries to B (Bruce), PP (Piers Plowman), and WA (Wars of
NOTE.--The abbreviations referring to the authorities for the forms of
English words (AD. 1150-1580) are printed in italics. (CP = Clarendon
1. Alph.: Alphita, a Medico-Botanical Glossary, ed. Mowat, 1887. CP.
2. Anglo-Saxon Gospels,in AS. and Northumbrian Versions, ed. Skeat.
3. Apfelstedt: Lothringischer Psalter (des XIV Jahrhunderts), 1881.

4. _B_: Barbour's Bruce, ed. Skeat, 1870, EETS. (Extra Series xi).
5. _Bardsley_: English Surnames, 1875.
6. Bartsch: Chrestomathie de l'ancien français (glossaire), 1880.
6*. BH: Bartsch and Horning, Langue et Littérature françaises,
7. Bosworth: Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 1838.
8. Brachet: French Dict., 1882. CP.
9. Brugmann: Grundriss, 1886.
10. BT.: Bosworth-Toller AS. Dict. [A-SAR]. CP.
11. _C_: Chaucer; Prol., Knight's Tale, Nun's Priest's Tale. CP.
12. _C_2: Chaucer; Prioress, Sir Thopas, Monk, Clerk, Squire. CP.
13. _C_3: Chaucer; Man of Law, Pardoner, Second Nun, Canon's
Yeoman. CP.
14. Cath.: Catholicon Anglicum (A.D. 83), ed. Herrtage, 141881.
EETS (75).
15. Chron.: Two Saxon Chronicles, ed. Earle, 1865. CP.
16. _CM_: Chaucer, ed. Morris, 1880.
17. Constans: Chrestomathie de l'ancien
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