A Brief Memoir | Page 7

Eliza Southall
precious feeling: "I will take
of thee."
3d Mo. 27th. How does my heart long, this
evening, that the one
Saviour may be made unto
me "wisdom and righteousness,
sanctification and
redemption!" Teach me to keep silence, O God!

to mind my own business and be faithful to it; to
deny my own will
and wisdom; give me the spirit
of true Christian love, that my whole
life may be in
the atmosphere of love!
3d Mo. 28th. * * * To cease from my own
works, surely in a very
small degree, I can experimentally say, "this is the only true rest." This

blessed experience seems to me the height of enjoyment
to the
truly redeemed. Oh, a little foretaste
of this sabbath has been granted,
when I have
seemed to behold with my own eye, and to feel for

myself in moments too precious to be forgotten, the
waves of tumult
hushed into a, more than earthly
calm by Him who alone can say,
"Peace, be still."
My tossing spirit has never found such a calm in

any thing this world can give.
During her first attendance of the Yearly Meeting in London, in 1841,
she wrote the following affectionate lines in a letter to her sisters at
The crowds that past me ceaseless rush
Stay not to glance at me,
falling waters headlong gush
Into their native sea.
But hearts there are that brightly burn,
And light each kindling eye,

And home to them my thoughts return,
Swift as the sunbeams fly.

To home, to home my spirit hastes;
For why? my treasure's there;

'Tis there her native joys she tastes,
And breathes her native air.

Oh, sweetest of all precious things,
When this wide world we roam,

When meets us on its balmy wings
A messenger from home!
From home, where hearts are warm and true,
And love's lamp
brightly burns,
And sparkles Hermon's pearly dew
On childhood's
crystal urns.
Oh, sweet to mark the speaking lines
Traced by a sister's hand,
feel the love that firmly twines
Around our household band!
To one of her sisters:--
LONDON, 6th Month, 1841.
0. * * * I lay still half hour, and read over thy tenderly interesting and
affecting sheet, and poured out my full heart; but what can I say?
How I do long to be with you, and see, if it might be, once more,
our beloved uncle! But perhaps before this the conflict may be
over, the victory won, the everlasting city gained, none of whose
inhabitants can say, "I am sick." And if so, dare we murmur or
wish to recall the loved one from that home? Oh for that childlike
and humble submission which is befitting the children of a Father
of mercies, and the followers of Him who can and will do all
things well!
After the Yearly Meeting, she thus writes in her Journal:--
6th Mo. 12th. Many and great have been the
favors dispensed within
the last five weeks. The
attendance of the Yearly Meeting has been
occasion of many and solemn warnings and advices,
and, I trust,
the reception of some real instruction.
But, truly, I have found that in
every situation, the
great enemy can lay his snares; and if one more

than another has taken with me, it has been to lead
me to look
outward for teaching, and to depend too
much upon it, neglecting that
one inward adoration
for the want of which no outward ministry can
But I hope the enemy has not gained more than
advantages of this kind, and perhaps even
the discovery of these has

had the effect of making
me more distrustful of self. And, now, oh
that the
everlasting covenant might be ordered in all things
and sure,
and He only, who is King of Kings and
Lord of Lords, be exalted
over all, in my heart; and
the blessed experience thus described, be
more fully
realized: "He that hath entered into his rest hath
from his own works as God did from his."
6th Mo. 21st. Very early this morning the long
struggle with death
terminated, and the spirit of our
beloved Uncle E. was released from
its worn tenement.
The stony nature in my heart seems truly

wounded. May it not be as the wounded air, soon
to lose the trace.
My heavenly Father's tender
regard I have, indeed, felt this evening;
but I tremble
for the evil that remains in me. May I be blessed
the continued care of the good Shepherd, that
I may be preserved as
by the crook of His love.
And now, seeing that much is forgiven me,
may I
love much. I feel that my Saviour's regard is of
far more
value than any earthly thing; and oh
that my eye may be kept singly
waiting for Him!
The decease of her uncle was soon followed by that of his youngest son,
Joseph E. In reference to his death, she remarks:--
7th Mo. 22d. He, in whose sight the death of
His saints is precious,
has again visited with the
solemn call our family circle, and
summoned away
the sweetest, purest, and
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