TEMPTEDCHAPTER ONEZoeyThe night sky over Tulsa was alight with a magical crescent moon. Its brilliancemade the icethat coated the city, and the Benedictine Abbey where we`d just had our showdownwith a fallenimmortal and a rogue High Priestess, shimmer so that everything around meseemed touched byour Goddess. I looked at the moonlight-bathed circle that stood in front of Mary`sGrotto, theplace of power where not long ago Spirit, Blood, Earth, Humanity, and Night hadbeenpersonified and then had joined to triumph over hatred and darkness. The carvedimage of Mary, surrounded by stone roses and nestled within a ledge high in the grotto, appearedto be a beaconfor the silver light. I stared at the statue. Mary`s expression was serene; her ice-covered cheeksglistened as if she wept in quiet joy. My gaze lifted to the sky. Thank you. I sent a silent prayer up to the beautifulcrescent thatsymbolized my Goddess, Nyx. We're alive. Kalona and Neferet are gone. Thank you, I whispered to the moon. Listen within . . . The words swept through me, subtle and sweet like leaves touched by a summerbreeze, brushingmy consciousness so lightly that my waking mind barely registered them, yet Nyx`swhisperedcommand imprinted itself into my soul. I was vaguely aware that there were a lot of people (well, nuns, fledglings, and afew vampyres)around me. I could hear the mixture of shouting, talking, crying, and even laughingthat filled thenight, but it all felt distant. At that moment the only things that were real to me werethe moonabove and the scar that sliced from one shoulder all the way across my chest tothe othershoulder. It tingled in response to my silent prayer, but it wasn`t a tingle of pain. Notreally. Itwas a familiar warm, prickling sensation that assured me Nyx had, once again, Marked me ashers. I knew if I peeked under the neck of my shirt I would find a new tattoodecorating thatlong, angry-looking scar with an exotic filigree of sapphire--a sign that proved Iwas followingmy Goddess`s path. Erik and Heath, find Stevie Rae, Johnny B, and Dallas--then check the perimeterof the abbeyto be certain all the Raven Mockers fled with Kalona and Neferet! Darius shoutedthecommand, snapping me out of my warm, fuzzy prayer mode, and once I`d beenshocked out, itwas like an iPod had been cranked too high as sound and confusion flooded mysenses. But Heath`s a human. A Raven Mocker could kill him in a second. The wordsburst from mymouth before I could clamp it shut, proving beyond all doubt that being moonstruckwasn`t myonly moronic skill. Predictably, Heath puffed up like a cat-smacked toad. Zo, I`m not a damn pussy!Erik, looking very tall and full-grown, kick-your-butt vampyre-like, snortedsarcastically andthen said, No, you`re a damn human. Wait, that does make you a pussy!So, we defeat the big baddies and inside five minutes Erik and Heath are bangingtheir chests ateach other. How totally predictable, Aphrodite said with her patented sarcasticsneer as shejoined Darius, but her expression completely changed when she turned herattention to the Son ofErebus Warrior. Hey there, Hotness. You doing okay?You need not worry about me, Darius said. His eyes met hers, and theypractically telegraphedthe chemistry between them, but instead of going to her like he usually would anddoing somevery gross kissing, he remained focused on Stark. Aphrodite`s gaze went from Darius to Stark. Okay, eew. Your chest is totally crispycrittered. James Stark was standing between Darius and Erik. Okay, well, standing wasn`texactly what hewas doing. Stark was swaying and looking extremely unsteady. Ignoring Aphrodite, Erik spoke up. Darius, you should probably get Stark inside. I`llcoordinatethe reconnoitering with Stevie Rae and make sure everything runs smoothly outhere. His wordsseemed okay, but his tone was all I`m-the-big-guy-in-charge, and when he followedup with acondescending I`ll even let Heath help out, he really sounded like a pompousbutt. You`ll let me help out? Heath snapped. Your mom will let me help out. Hey, which one of them is supposed to be your boyfriend? Stark asked me. Evenin the terribleshape he was in, he caught my glance with his. His voice was scratchy, and hesounded scarilyweak, but his eyes sparkled with humor. I am! Heath and Erik said together. Oh, for crap`s sake, Zoey, they`re both idiots! Aphrodite said. Stark started to chuckle, which turned to a cough, which changed again to a painfulgasp. Hiseyes rolled back and, like a slinky, he collapsed. Moving with the quickness that came naturally to a Son of Erebus Warrior, Dariuscaught Starkbefore he hit the ground. I need to get him inside, Darius said. I felt like my head was going to explode. Sagging in Darius`s arms, Stark lookedwell on his wayto being dead. I-I don`t even know where the infirmary is, I stuttered. Not a problem. I`ll get a penguin to show us, Aphrodite said. Hey, you, nun! sheyelled atone of the nearby black-and-whiteclad sisters who

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