edge of the horizon she could see the faint gathering of clouds that towards the afternoon would likely result in a thunderstorm.
Expected. Very normal. Kerry exhaled and flexed her toes. “So, how did the meeting with Hans go? I never asked you about that on Friday.”
Dar had her sunglasses on, and she was sprawled in the chair in tank top and a pair of cotton shorts. “Pretty good.” She said. “I really wanted to be there when those ships got into port, but now I’m glad I postponed going over until week after next.”
“Big scene?”
Dar chuckled. “Hans said it was the most excitement in those parts since World War II, and not in a good way. I’d rather wait and meet with their executive board. A lot more fish to fry and the European sales team is drooling so badly we had to send three cases of old lobster bibs to them.”
Kerry sipped her coffee. “Well, you get one week to shake them all up, then I’m heading over there. That’s a lot of infrastructure we’re going to need.”
“No kidding.” Dar wiggled her toes. “Sure you don’t want to come with me?”
Kerry sighed. “Stop teasing me, Dar. I told Angie I’d go up there and help her pack up to move. I can’t back out on her now.”
“I know.” Her partner relented. “Sorry.”
“It’s not like I want to go to Michigan, y’know.”
“I know.” Dar repeated. “Hey, but it’ll give me a week to scope out the best beer spots for you.” She added, resting her elbows on the deck chair arms. “Hey, what do you think about softball?”
Whiplashed into a completely unexpected redirection of their conversation, Kerry nearly choked on a mouthful of coffee. “Bw..” She swallowed. “Huh?” She turned her head and looked at her partner. “What brought that on?”
The taller woman shrugged. “I bumped into Mariana in the hall Thursday and she said she had a bunch of people asking her if we could form a softball team to play in some half assed corporate softball league or something around here.”
“I didn’t think it sounded all that stupid, and the league raises money for charity.” Dar reasoned. “And we’re done with that other stuff for now.”
“So, she asked you because she expected you to play?” Kerry put her cup down and half turned, resting her chin on her fist.
“The other choice was bowling.” Dar said. “I don’t know about you but for me the biggest draw of the bowling alley is the cheese fries.”
“Hmm.” Kerry wrinkled her nose. “I think I’d like to try softball.” She decided. “I never played it in school, and I wanted to.”
“You said that once.” Dar remarked. “I think you look really cute in a baseball cap.” She added. “Sounds like it might be fun.”
“You want to do it?” A little surprised at her anti social partner’s sudden interest in team sports, Kerry watched her profile out of the corner of her eye. “I didn’t think you were into that sort of thing.”
Dar blew bubbles into her coffee, making a very odd gurgling noise. “Yeah, I know.” She admitted. “But I’ve never tried this, so what the hell. Why not?”
“Works for me..” Kerry got up and went over to the transom, sitting on it and swiveling so her legs were on the outside of the low wall, above the platform they stepped off of when diving. “Tattoo, motorcycle, wife, softball.” She glanced over her shoulder at Dar. “I think my rebellion is complete.” She turned around and dove into the dark blue water.
Dar smiled, and toasted Kerry with her coffee cup, content to remain in her deck chair as the sun slowly lifted higher over the horizon. She could hear Kerry splashing a little over the sound of the idling engines, and after a moment, she moved the deck chair closer to the back of the boat so she could keep an eye on her partner.
Kerry was doing the backstroke, swimming a few body lengths away from the boat and then coasting, putting her hands behind her head and floating like an otter in the warm water.
“How is it?” Dar asked.
“Bathtub.” Kerry stretched her body out. “Big enough for two.” She gazed up at the pink tinged, fluffy clouds overhead as she floated on the surface, enjoying the peace and quiet for about ten seconds when a wall of water swept over her. “Hey!”
Dar bobbed up a moment later, shaking her dark hair out of her eyes. “You invited me into your bathtub.” She grinned at Kerry, stroking through the water towards her. She ducked under the surface as she came closer, grabbing at the blond woman as she backpedaled rapidly through the water.
“Hey hey hey!!” Kerry twisted and reached out to grab Dar’s shirt, finding only smooth skin under her fingertips. “Holy

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