questions for couples | Page 3

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125. What do you love about your partner?

126. What is your idea of the perfect romantic evening from start to finish?

127. What do you think true love is?

128. Do you believe in soul mates?

129. Do you believe in love at first sight?

130. Do you believe fate plays a hand in finding love?

131. Do you feel romance is an important part of a relationship? Why?

132. Do you think friends make better lovers?

133. What have you learned about love from other people?

134. Do you think that true love can conquer all?

Your Relationship With Each Other

135. What was the most significant thing about your first kiss with your partner?

136. When did you know you were in love?

137. What was the most flattering thing your partner has ever said to you?

138. What five attributes do you admire most in your love?

139. What three things can you do to make your relationship even better?

140. How is your life better since you've met your love?

141. Do you have trouble expressing your feelings towards your partner? If so,

142. What are you looking forward to most when you see them?

143. What one thing do you really appreciate that your partner does for you?

144. How do your differences compliment each other?

145. Did you do anything to try and "get" your partner before you were together?

146. You love it when your partner does...

147. You love it when your partner calls you...

148. The most romantic thing your partner has ever done was...

149. The most memorable moment spent with your partner was...

150. What are the three best things about your partner...

151. What is the best thing about being with your partner?

Life Together

152. Should couples live together before marriage?

153. Is honesty is always the best policy, even if it hurts?

154. Do you believe marriage is forever?

155. What is the most important part of a relationship?

156. Do you feel comfortable asking your partner anything?

157. What role should a wife play in a marriage?

158. What role should a husband play in a marriage?

159. Do you know your partner's favorite: color, movie, food, and drink?

160. If you could change one thing about your relationship with your partner what
would it be?

For Better or Worse

161. Do you believe in marriage?

162. Do you believe you should only marry once?

163. What do you hope to gain from a marriage?

164. What do you expect from a marriage partner?

165. What do you feel is the purpose of a couple getting married?

166. How should we agree to handle arguments?

167. If you're mad about something how will you let me know?

168. If you were having problems would you talk it out or keep it inside?

169. Do you like sharing your feelings?

170. What are your views about friends of the opposite sex?

171. How do you feel about ex-lovers being friends?

172. How important is a girl or guy's night out?

173. How would you handle your partner if they developed a problem such as
gambling or alcohol?

174. What would you do if your partner cheated on you?

175. At what point would you consider divorcing a life mate?

For Love or Money?
176. Who should hold the main financial responsibility in a marriage?

177. Should a wife stay home with kids?

178. What are your views about stay-at-home dads?

179. How do you feel about women who make more money than men?

180. What are your views towards handling money?

181. Do you feel you should save everything?

182. Do you feel you should splurge a little?

183. How would you rate your ability to handle money?

184. How would you handle a debt problem?

185. What would you do if your partner became disabled and couldn't work?

186. What would you do if your partner faced long-term unemployment?

187. What would you expect from that partner?

Love and Children

188. Do you want children?

189. If so, how many?

190. Would you want a girl or a boy?

191. Do you enjoy being around children?

192. How many children do
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