Zophiel | Page 5

Maria Gowen Brooks
of power,?It gained an entrance thro' the leafy bower;?That scarcely shrank the tender lilly bell
Tranquil and lone in such a light to be,?How sweet to sense and soul!--the form recline?Forgets it ere felt pain; and reverie,?Sweet mother of the muses, heart and soul are thine. [FN#9]
[FN#9] Every one talks and reads of groves, but it is impossible for those who never felt it, to conceive the effect of such a situation in a warm climate. In this island the woods which are naturally so interwoven with vines as to be impervious to a human being, are in some places, cleared and converted into nurseries for the young coffee-trees which remain sheltered from the sun and wind till sufficiently grown to transplant. To enter one of these "semilleros," as they are here called, at noon day, produces an effect like that anciently ascribed to the waters of Lethe. After sitting down upon the trunk of a fallen cedar or palm-tree, and breathing for a moment, the freshness of the air and the odour of the passion flower, which is one of the most abundant, and certainly the most beautiful of the climate; the noise of the trees, which are continually kept in motion by the trade winds; the fluttering and various notes, though not musical, of the birds; the loftiness of the green canopy, for the trunks of the trees are bare to a great height, and seem like pillars supporting the thick mass of leaves above; and the rich mellow light which the intense rays of the sun, thus impeded, produce; have altogether such an effect that one?involuntarily forgets every thing but the present, and it requires a strong effort to rise and leave the place.
This calm recess on summer day she sought?And sat to tune her lute; but all night long?Quiet had from her pillow flown, and thought?Feverish and tired, sent for th' unseemly throng
Of boding images. She scarce could woo?One song reluctant, ere advancing quick?Thro' the fresh leaves Sephora's form she knew?And duteous rose to meet; but fainting sick
Her heart sank tremulously in her; why?Sought out at such an hour, it half divined?And seated now beside, with downcast eye?And fevered pulse, she met the pressure, kind
And warmly given; while thus the matron fair?Nor yet much marr'd by time, with soothing words?Solicitous; and gently serious air?The purpose why she hither came preferr'd:
"Egla, my hopes thou knowest--tho' exprest?But rare lest they should pain thee--I have dealt?Not rudely towards thee tender; and supprest?The wish, of all, my heart has most vehement felt.
"Know I have marked, that when the reason why?Thou still wouldst live in virgin state, thy sire?Has prest thee to impart, quick in thine eye?Semblance of hope has played--fain to transpire
"Words seem'd to seek thy lip; but the bright rush?Of heart-blood eloquent, alone would tell?In the warm language of a rebel blush?What thy less treacherous tongue has guarded well.
"Dost waste so oft alone--the cheerful day??Or haply, rather bath some pagan youth"--?She with quick burst--'whate'er has happ'd I'll say!?Doubt thou my wisdom, but regard my truth!
"Long time ago, while yet a twelve years' child?These shrubs and vines, new planted, near this spot,?I sat me tired with pleasant toil, and whiled?Away the time with many a wishful thought
"Of desolate Judea. Every scene?Which thou so oft, while sitting on thy knee,?Wouldst sing of, weeping, thro' my mind has been?Successive; when from yon old mossy tree
"I heard a pitious moan. Wondering I went?And found a wretched man; worn and opprest?He seemed with toil and years; and whispering faint?He said "Oh little maiden, sore distrest
"I sink for very want. Give me I pray,?A drop of water and a cake: I die?Of thirst and hunger, yet my sorrowing way?May tread once more, if thou my needs supply."
"A long time missing from thy fondling arms--?It chanced that day thou'dst sent me in the shade?New bread, a cake of figs, and wine of palms [FN#10]?Mingled with water, sweet with honey made.
"These did I bring--raised as I could, his head;?Held to his lip the cup; and while he quaffed,?Upon my garment wiped the tears that sped?Adown his silvery beard and mingled with the draft.
[FN#10] "The palm is a very common plant in this country,?(Assyria,) and generally fruitful; this they cultivate like fig-trees and it produces them bread, wine and honey." See Beloe's notes to his translation of Herodotus. Mr. Gibbon adds, that the diligent natives celebrated, either in verse or prose, three hundred and sixty uses to which the trunk, the branches, the leaves, the juice and the fruit of this plant were applied. Nothing can be more curious and interesting than the natural history of the palm tree.
"When gaining sudden strength, he raised his hand,?And in this guise did bless me, "Mayst thou be?A crown to him who weds thee.--In a land?Far distant bides a captive. Hearken me
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