have categories where we place people of the opposite sex and then
grade them accordingly. In order to avoid rejection, we have to do, say, or be something
that fits us into the Acceptance category and keeps us out of the other person’s Reject
category. We can’t do this until we understand the major basis upon which the sexes
grade, and they are vastly different for men and women :
1) Men grade visually
based on physical appearance. This, of course, is
universally understood... no big mystery here. There is some degree of personal variation
on what every man finds precisely most attractive, but the majority of men will fall into a
tolerance range that’s centered around our culturally defined image of female beauty or
prettiness. The better she looks (young, sexually mature, healthy enough for child
bearing, etc. etc.) the more desirable she is. Very straightforward. Personality figures
into the relationship quagmire later... for now I’m talking about the kind of initial
attractions that are based solely upon snap first impressions.
Women understand all this of course and work diligently with make-up, hair
styling and clothes to present an enticing visual appearance for men to admire (most of
Without Embarrassment
Is Your Ego Roadkill Yet?
(Chap 1 -- Pg. 6)
them, anyway). What’s less well understood however is the criteria that women use to
grade men...
2) Women grade men by gathering a sense of their position on the
grand scale of male pecking order, known as the Male Dominance Scale. And the
higher up you are perceived to be on this scale, the more attractive you will seem... often
in spite of a surprising assortment of physical shortcomings. This principle is understood
in a peripheral sort of way by most men, but it doesn’t seem to make the same kind of
powerful impression on us the way that most women intuitively understand the need to
keep their visual appearance as good as they possible can in order to remain attractive to
men. We all know how this principle works in the extreme... that a Congressman, a Rock
Star and a Rich Guy are more attractive to women (despite how they may look
physically) than a janitor and a homeless bum. But men for the most part don’t perceive
to what fine degree
women can sense the subtleties of where men grade out on this all
important “Male Scale”. Nor do they understand just how decisive their position is to a
woman when she’s trying to decide (even unconsciously) if a man is attractive to her in a
romantic sense. I’ll bet that most men probably think that their physical appearance is
central to their attractiveness to women, when in fact their attitude is vastly more
important. Why?...
Because attitude exposes your rating on the all important Dominant Male Scale!
This grading process takes into consideration your appearance (actually, your
packaging in the form of how you dress and groom is most critical here) but is filled in
primarily by how a woman senses your dominant behavior patterns. This stuff is
absolutely critical to know and understand! I’ll be delving into the topic of male
dominance in great detail in Chapter 3, but for now just understand that if you think your
situation is hopeless because you don’t look like George Clooney or Ricky Martin,
you’re wrong. Dead wrong. You can actually modify your attractiveness to women
Without Embarrassment
Is Your Ego Roadkill Yet?
(Chap 1 -- Pg. 7)
by how you behave and present yourself to her.
Without Embarrassment is a structured program of deliberate
actions that allow you to interact with women in a seductive-romantic
fashion while protecting your rejection sensitive ego at all costs.
This is
how my system is designed to function.
...Four...Four ...Four Types of Attractiveness / Rejection
Types of Attractiveness / Rejection Types of Attractiveness / Rejection Types of Attractiveness / Rejection
Sensitivity for Men
Sensitivity for MenSensitivity for Men Sensitivity for Men
irst I’d like to discuss the structure of the physical-psychological makeup of
most men from which their success or lack thereof with women can often be
traced. This is really pretty common-sensical but I like to articulate the
obvious in order to make sure that concepts later on have a clear basis for understanding:
Category 1...Attractive -- Insensitive to Rejection
The Best! This guy gets too much action... we hate him
Category 2...Attractive -- Sensitive to Rejection
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