Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date | Page 3

Irwin L. Gordon
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WHO WAS WHO 5000 B. C. to Date
Biographical Dictionary of the Famous and Those Who Wanted to Be
Edited by Irwin L. Gordon

THE editor begs leave to inform the public that only persons who can produce proper evidence of their demise will be admitted to Who Was Who. Press Agent notices or complimentary comments are absolutely excluded, and those offering to pay for the insertion of names will be prosecuted. As persons become eligible they will be included without solicitation, while the pages will be expurgated of others should good luck warrant.
Who Was Who contains over 500 biographies of those who did or endeavored to become famous. In a work of such magnitude errors occasionally occur. Should this be the case, the editor will be glad to receive corrections from the ex-celebrities or their enemies. These will be accepted gratis. Proofs will be sent to all subscribers. Members of the family will be able to order the coming editions in advance by applying and remitting to the publisher.
The work is fully protected by the libel laws of the United States and Great Britain. Under no circumstance will duels be fought.
The editor wishes to express his thanks to those who have furnished material for this book. He also trusts they will show their good feeling by purchasing a copy, and that all the unfortunates will speedily be returned to Who's Who. THE EDITOR.
A1.......... Can open charge account. A. B........ Four years hard sentence. A. M........ When we get up. Cit......... Common people. C. O. D..... No credit. Cong........ A Washington organization used for social and investigation purposes. D. D........ Be careful of your jokes. Dem......... Politicians who get in office, once in awhile. D. H........ Pull. D. T........ Delirium tremens. Ets......... The rest of us. F. R. A..... Brains. F. R. G. S.. People who do not stay at home. G. O. P..... Hic jacet. Hon......... Speaker of the occasion. H. R. H..... Chief advertiser for cigarettes, mustard and kid gloves. I........... Roosevelt. Incog....... Prominent men in Paris. IOU......... Hard luck. Ire......... Mother of politicians. LL. D....... American millionaires. M. P........ Home rule debaters. Parl........ Where the M. P.s debate. P. M........ When we go to bed. R. A........ Any kind of a painter but a cubist. Rep......... See G. O. P. R. I. P..... See following pages. Sir......... Writers and tea merchants. U. S. A..... Bryan + Wilson.

Bryan, William Jennings, of U. S. A. Cannon, Joseph G., of U. S. Congress. Castro, Cipriano, of Venezuela Asphalt Trust. Cavalieri, Lina, of Paris and New York City. Cook, Doctor Fred. A., of New York City and Denmark. Dewey, George E., of U. S. N. Diaz, Perfiro, of Mexico. Din, Gunga, of Kipling. Dreyfus, Captain, of France. Fallieres, Armand, of the French Republic. Gorky, Maxime, of Russia. Hafid, Mulai, of Morocco. Hamed, Abdul, of Turkey. Hammerstein, Oscar, of New York City and London. Holmes, Sherlock, of Doyle. Huerta, V., General of Mexico. Irish Home Rule, of Ireland and London. Johnson, Jack, of U. S. A. Lloyd-George, David, of England. Manuel, King, of Portugal. Pankhurst, Mrs., of England. Patti, Adelina, of Wales. Roberts, Frederick S., of Kandohr. Rojesvensky, Admiral, of Russia. Roosevelt, Theodore, of "The Outlook." Shackelton, Earnest, of England. Shuster, Morgan, of Persia.
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