Where We Live | Page 8

Emilie Van Beil Jacobs
used in our homes. Stones and bricks form part of many houses. All of these things come out of the earth. What a wonderful thing is the soil! Out of it come our food, our clothing and our shelter!
In one of your books read the wonderful story of how we obtain a loaf of bread.
Write a list of all the kinds of work you can think of which people do.
Copy this list of industries and place a cross beside the ones at which any persons you know work:
Mining Printing and bookmaking Weaving Iron and steel work Shipbuilding Glass-blowing Lumbering Pottery making Brickmaking Meat packing Farming Dairying Manufacturing foods Manufacturing clothing Ice cutting Manufacturing furniture
Which are town industries? Which are country industries?
Would you like to go to-morrow to visit a factory in which some food or clothing is manufactured? Look at the map of the town. Find your school. Find the factory. How far must we go and in what direction? What is the name of the place we will visit? Notice all of the things made there. Try to remember all of the materials needed at the factory, and find out where these materials come from. Try to remember just how the articles are made. Find out what will be done with the things that are manufactured. Notice the number and kinds of machines used. See how many workmen are employed.
Write a letter to a friend in another class telling all about your visit. Mention these points:
1. Where you went.
2. What was made.
3. How it was made.
4. The materials used.
5. The machinery.
6. The workmen.
7. The usefulness of the factory.
8. The care and skill of the workmen.
9. Anything else interesting about the trip.
Every town and every village is a workshop. There are many workmen here that do good, careful work. Some of the goods of our town may be sent thousands of miles away to other people who need them. The country people, too, do much useful work. Name some of the things which our workmen do for other people living at a distance from us.
Read about the manufacture of the articles which you saw being made at the factory.
There are many workers in the world who do not make things with their hands. Most of their work is done with their minds, though, of course, their hands help too. Name some of these. What kind of work does each of the following do?
Teacher Lawyer Minister Doctor Author Banker
There are many other living creatures in the world besides people. Write a list of all the kinds of animals that you have ever seen.
[Illustration: AMERICAN BUFFALO.]
Some of these animals live near the homes of men. They are tame. Men take care of them and see that they get food. Many of these animals are very useful to us. Write a list of these tame animals. At the top of the list write Domestic Animals. Of what use is each of the following animals when alive? Which are useful after they are killed? Of what use to man is each one?
Horse Pig Chicken Cow Dog Duck Sheep Cat Pigeon.
Read about how our meat is supplied to us.
Write a list of all the wild animals you remember ever having seen. Where did you see them? How were they prevented from harming people? Where was the natural home of these animals? How did they get their food? How do they now get their food?
[Illustration: RACCOON.]
Some of these animals so closely resemble the domestic animals that they are said to belong to the same family. Read the names of the animals belonging to the same family and tell in what way they resemble each other. Tell which are domestic and which are wild.
Cat Lion Tiger Leopard
[Illustration: TIGER.]
Dog Fox Wolf
Horse Zebra
Cow Buffalo
Describe some of these wild animals:
Elephant Fox Squirrel Wolf Bear Deer
There are also many fish, birds and insects.
Paste in your notebook any pictures of animals.
Take a trip to the Zoological Gardens and see these animals.
[Illustration: LEOPARD.]
Which domestic or wild animals are useful to us in obtaining food, clothing and shelter?
We cannot live without food, clothing and shelter. Let us see how plants help us to obtain these three great necessities.
Write a list of all the plants that you can name.
Draw a line under each that is useful for food.
Draw two lines under each that is useful for clothing.
Draw three lines under each that is useful in making or furnishing our homes or shelter.
[Illustration: ELK.]
Of what use are the plants that are not underlined? Are they beautiful? How dull the world would be without flowers!
We have:
1. Food plants.
2. Clothing plants.
3. Shelter plants.
4. Ornamental plants.
Think of the foods that you had on your dinner table yesterday. Where did each come from? How
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