Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech: Luke | Page 2

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my reproach among men." 001:026 Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 001:027 to a maiden betrothed to a man of the name of Joseph, a descendant of David. The maiden's name was Mary. 001:028 So Gabriel went into the house and said to her, "Joy be to you, favoured one! the Lord is with you." 001:029 She was greatly agitated at his words, and wondered what such a greeting meant. 001:030 But the angel said, "Do not be frightened, Mary, for you have found favour with God. 001:031 You will conceive in your womb and bear a son; and you are to call His name JESUS. 001:032 He will be great and He will be called `Son of the Most High.' And the Lord God will give Him the throne of His forefather David; 001:033 and He will be King over the House of Jacob for the Ages, and of His Kingdom there will be no end." 001:034 "How can this be," Mary replied, "seeing that I have no husband?" 001:035 The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for this reason your holy offspring will be called `the Son of God.' 001:036 And see, your relative Elizabeth--she also has conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. 001:037 For no promise from God will be impossible of fulfilment." 001:038 "I am the Lord's maidservant," Mary replied; "may it be with me in accordance with your words!" And then the angel left her. 001:039 Not long after this, Mary rose up and went in haste into the hill country to a town in Judah. 001:040 Here she came to the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth; 001:041 and as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the babe leapt within her. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 001:042 and uttered a loud cry of joy. "Blest among women are you," she said, "and the offspring of your body is blest! 001:043 But why is this honour done me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 001:044 For, the moment your greeting reached my ears, the babe within me leapt for joy. 001:045 And blessed is she who has believed, for the word spoken to her from the Lord shall be fulfilled." 001:046 Then Mary said: "My soul extols the Lord, 001:047 And my spirit triumphs in God my Saviour; 001:048 Because He has not turned from His maidservant in her lowly position; For from this time forward all generations will account me happy, 001:049 Because the mighty One has done great things for me-- Holy is His name!-- 001:050 And His compassion is, generation after generation, Upon those who fear Him. 001:051 He has manifested His supreme strength. He has scattered those who were haughty in the thoughts of their hearts. 001:052 He has cast monarchs down from their thrones, And exalted men of low estate. 001:053 The hungry He has satisfied with choice gifts, But the rich He has sent empty-handed away. 001:054 His servant Israel He has helped, Remembering His compassion-- 001:055 In fulfillment of His promises to our forefathers--For Abraham and his posterity for ever." 001:056 So Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned home. 001:057 Now when Elizabeth's full time was come, she gave birth to a son; 001:058 and her neighbours and relatives heard how the Lord had had great compassion on her; and they rejoiced with her. 001:059 And on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and were going to call him Zechariah, after his father. 001:060 His mother, however, said, "No, he is to be called John." 001:061 "There is not one of your family," they said, "who has that name." 001:062 They asked his father by signs what he wished him to be called. 001:063 So he asked for a writing-tablet, and wrote, "His name is John." And they all wondered. 001:064 Instantly his mouth and his tongue were set free, and he began to speak and bless God. 001:065 And all who lived round about them were filled with awe, and throughout the hill country of Judaea reports of all these things were spread abroad. 001:066 All who heard the story treasured it in their memories. "What then will this child be?" they said. For the lord's hand was indeed with him. 001:067 And Zechariah his father was filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke in a rapture of praise. 001:068 "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel," he said, "Because He has not forgotten His people but has effected redemption for them,
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