Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech: Acts | Page 5

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the man was over forty years of age on whom this miracle of restoration to health had been performed. 004:023 After their release the two Apostles went to their friends, and told them all that the High Priests and Elders had said. 004:024 And they, upon hearing the story, all lifted up their voices to God and said, "O Sovereign Lord, it is Thou who didst make Heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them, 004:025 and didst say through the Holy Spirit by the lips of our forefather David Thy servant, "`Why have the nations stamped and raged, and the peoples formed futile plans? 004:026 The kings of the earth came near, and the rulers assembled together against the Lord and against His Anointed.'" 004:027 "They did indeed assemble in this city in hostility to Thy holy Servant Jesus whom Thou hadst anointed--Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and also the tribes of Israel-- 004:028 to do all that Thy power and Thy will had predetermined should be done. 004:029 And now, Lord, listen to their threats, and enable Thy servants to proclaim Thy Message with fearless courage, 004:030 whilst Thou stretchest out Thine arm to cure men, and to give signs and marvels through the name of Thy holy Servant Jesus." 004:031 When they had prayed, the place in which they were assembled shook, and they were, one and all, filled with the Holy Spirit, and proceeded to tell God's Message with boldness. 004:032 Among all those who had embraced the faith there was but one heart and soul, so that none of them claimed any of his possessions as his own, but everything they had was common property; 004:033 while the Apostles with great force of conviction delivered their testimony as to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all. 004:034 And, in fact, there was not a needy man among them, for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the money which they realised, 004:035 and gave it to the Apostles, and distribution was made to every one according to his wants. 004:036 In this way Joseph, whom the Apostles gave the name of Bar-nabas-- signifying `Son of Encouragement'--a Levite, a native of Cyprus, 004:037 sold a farm which he had, and brought the money and gave it to the Apostles. 005:001 There was a man of the name of Ananias who, with his wife Sapphira, sold some property but, 005:002 with her full knowledge and consent, dishonestly kept back part of the price which he received for it, though he brought the rest and gave it to the Apostles. 005:003 "Ananias," said Peter, "why has Satan taken possession of your heart, that you should try to deceive the Holy Spirit and dishonestly keep back part of the price paid you for this land? 005:004 While it remained unsold, was not the land your own? And when sold, was it not at your own disposal? How is it that you have cherished this design in your heart? It is not to men you have told this lie, but to God." 005:005 Upon hearing these words Ananias fell down dead, and all who heard the words were awe-struck. 005:006 The younger men, however, rose, and wrapping the body up, carried it out and buried it. 005:007 About three hours had passed, when his wife came in, knowing nothing of what had happened. 005:008 Peter at once questioned her. "Tell me," he said, "whether you sold the land for so much." "Yes," she replied, "for so much." 005:009 "How was it," replied Peter, "that you two agreed to try an experiment upon the Spirit of the Lord? The men who have buried your husband are already at the door, and they will carry you out." 005:010 Instantly she fell down dead at his feet, and the young men came in and found her dead. So they carried her out and buried her by her husband's side. 005:011 This incident struck terror into the whole Church, and into the hearts of all who heard of it. 005:012 Many signs and marvels continued to be done among the people by the Apostles; and by common consent they all met in Solomon's Portico. 005:013 But none of the others dared to attach themselves to them. Yet the people held them in high honour-- 005:014 and more and more believers in the Lord joined them, including great numbers both of men and women-- 005:015 so that they would even bring out their sick friends into the streets and lay them on light couches or mats, in order that when Peter came by, at least his shadow might fall on one or other of them. 005:016 The inhabitants, too,
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