won't be sorry. You will be amply rewarded.
Biggest mistake men make on their first date
You may be shocked at the material in this section, but I've talked to hundreds of women and they are all in
agreement that men are too aggressive, to pushy, especially on the first date.
According to most women, men act like sex crazed idiots, like a dog in heat. This goes hand in hand with the "D"
technique which I will describe in the next section. A lot of good looking women expressed the same attitude as
Tina did.
"I just don't understand men. They all think that they have to act like some kind of macho horny he-man to win
over a woman. I met this real nice guy at a singles dance one night. His name was Jim and he came across as a
sincere, nice person. He asked me for a date and I agreed. He wasn't that good looking, but he seemed to have a
real nice personality.
He picked me up for our date and right away I noticed a difference. Women know. In the car, he seemed to be
leering at me, as if he was undressing me with his eyes. He looked as if his tongue was hanging out and he kept
panting like a dog in heat.
I couldn't believe that this was the same guy who I had met a few days earlier. He took me to a movie and put his
arm around me. That was nice and romantic but he started kissing me on my ear which was a real turnoff for two
It was too soon after I met him and it was in a crowded movie theater. He was also breathing hard like he was
extremely worked up and raring to go. We went to a singles bar afterwards and that was even worse. I love to
dance, but not with him. We danced a few slow dances and that was enough. On the dance floor he was humping
me as we danced.
It was crude and vulgar. I was embarrassed and humiliated. I felt as if I were being raped on the dance floor. I
finally told him that I didn't feel well and had to go home. At the door he asked if he could come in for a drink or
a cup of coffee. What nerve! I told him to go to hell and slammed the door in his face. He called me many times
after that, but I would never go out with him again.
Where are all the nice, courteous, romantic men? Practically every guy I meet expects sex on the first date. I want
to be courted in the old fashioned romantic way. Maybe it's just a dream. There are no nice guys around." It's a
shame that Tina feels that way. There are a lot of nice guys around, but most of them are misguided as to how to
treat a woman on the first date. A woman is not a piece of meat. She's a wonderful person with feelings.
A lot of books I read on meeting women say to move fast, that women like it when a guy moves fast. This is total
B.S. Do not feel that every time you take a woman out, it must end up in a heavy love making session, especially
on the first date.
Ignore some of the advice you may have heard about speeding up when you're with a woman. A woman today
wants a man who is different and unique. Show her some consideration and respect, especially on the first date.
You will rarely seduce a girl by being too horny. The more desperate you seem for sex, the less a woman will
want to have sex with you. For a woman, nothing is more important than having a man take his time.
Usually this is not what a woman runs into. Most men bombard women with sexual demands. If they don't come
right out and ask the woman to go to bed with them, they usually act sullen and withdrawn until the girl agrees to
give them what they want.
This is a real turnoff because most women read this as sexual anxiety and insecurity. It's a real turnoff. A slow
pace is what a skilled lover takes. When he finally decides to have sex, the woman is a very willing target. The
advantages of taking your time are numerous. You are different from the hundreds of men stampeding after sex.
Taking you time implies to a woman that you are a skilled lover, whether you really are or not.
It allows you to get to know a woman in a relaxed way so when you do make love to her, it will be very exciting
and wonderful. In the world of winning with women, it is one of the best techniques there is.
This is very important. Don't push a girl to have sex. This goes hand in hand with the "D" technique which I

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