Vivian Grey | Page 5

Benjamin Disraeli
certainly, as
all servants are by gentlemen; but that no further attention was to be
paid them, and that any fellow voluntarily conversing with an usher
was to be cut dead by the whole school. This pleasant arrangement was
no secret to those whom it most immediately concerned, and, of course,
rendered Vivian rather a favourite with them. These men had not the
tact to conciliate the boy, and were, notwithstanding, too much afraid
of his influence in the school to attack him openly; so they waited with
that patience which insulted beings can alone endure.
One of these creatures must not be forgotten; his name was Mallett; he
was a perfect specimen of the genuine usher. The monster wore a black
coat and waistcoat; the residue of his costume was of that mysterious
colour known by the name of pepper-and-salt. He was a pallid wretch
with a pug nose, white teeth, and marked with the small-pox: long,
greasy, black hair, and small black, beady eyes. This daemon watched
the progress of the theatrical company with eyes gloating with
vengeance. No attempt had been made to keep the fact of the rehearsal
a secret from the police; no objection, on their part, had as yet been
made; the twelve weeks diminished to six; Ranger had secretly ordered
a dress from town, and was to get a steel-handled sword from Fentum's
for Jack Maggot; and everything was proceeding with delightful
success, when one morning, as Mr. Dallas was apparently about to take
his departure, with a volume of Becker's Thucydides under his arm, the
respected Dominie stopped, and thus harangued: "I am informed that a
great deal is going on in this family with which it is intended that I
shall be kept unacquainted. It is not my intention to name anybody or
anything at present; but I must say that of late the temper of this family
has sadly changed. Whether there be any seditious stranger among you
or not, I shall not at present even endeavour to discover; but I will warn

my old friends of their new ones:" and so saying, the Dominie
All eyes were immediately fixed on Vivian, and the faces of the
Classics were triumphant with smiles; those of the manager's particular
friends, the Romantics, we may call them, were clouded; but who shall
describe the countenance of Mallett? In a moment the school broke up
with an agitated and tumultuous uproar. "No stranger!" shouted St.
Leger Smith; "no stranger!" vociferated a prepared gang. Vivian's
friends were silent, for they hesitated to accept for their leader the
insulting title. Those who were neither Vivian's friends nor in the secret,
weak creatures who side always with the strongest, immediately
swelled the insulting chorus of Mr. St. Leger Smith. That worthy,
emboldened by his success and the smiles of Mallett, contained himself
no longer: "Down with the manager!" he cried. His satellites chorussed.
But now Vivian rushed forward. "Mr. Smith, I thank you for being so
definite; take that!" and he struck Smith with such force that the Cleon
staggered and fell; but Smith instantly recovered, and a ring was
instantly formed. To a common observer, the combatants were
unequally matched; for Smith was a burly, big-limbed animal, alike
superior to Grey in years and strength. But Vivian, though delicate in
frame and more youthful, was full his match in spirit, and, thanks to
being a Cockney! ten times his match in science. He had not built a
white great coat or drunk blue ruin at Ben Burn's for nothing!
Oh! how beautifully he fought! how admirably straight he hit! and his
stops quick as lightning! and his followings up confounding his
adversary with their painful celerity! Smith alike puzzled and punished,
yet proud in his strength, hit round, and wild, and false, and foamed
like a furious elephant. For ten successive rounds the result was
dubious; but in the eleventh the strength of Smith began to fail him, and
the men were more fairly matched. "Go it, Ranger! go it, Ranger!"
halloed the Greyites; "No stranger! no stranger!" eagerly bawled the
more numerous party. "Smith's floored, by Jove!" exclaimed Poynings,
who was Grey's second. "At it again! at it again!" exclaimed all. And
now, when Smith must certainly have given in, suddenly stepped
forward Mr. Mallett, accompanied by--Dallas!

"How, Mr. Grey! No answer, sir; I understand that you have always an
answer ready. I do not quote Scripture lightly, Mr. Grey; but 'Take heed
that you offend not, even with your tongue.' Now, sir, to your room."
When Vivian Grey again joined his companions, he found himself
almost universally shunned. Etherege and Poynings were the only
individuals who met him with their former frankness.
"A horrible row, Grey," said the latter. "After you went, the Doctor
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