Victorian Short Stories, Vol. 2 | Page 5

Elizabeth Gaskell
docile, obedient ways to her stepmother; the love
which she had inspired in the rough Norah (roughened by the wear and
tear of sorrow and years); but, above all, he saw the wild, deep,
passionate affection existing between her and her child. They spoke
little to anyone else, or when anyone else was by; but, when alone

together, they talked, and murmured, and cooed, and chattered so
continually, that Mr Openshaw first wondered what they could find to
say to each other, and next became irritated because they were always
so grave and silent with him. All this time he was perpetually devising
small new pleasures for the child. His thoughts ran, in a pertinacious
way, upon the desolate life before her; and often he came back from his
day's work loaded with the very thing Alice had been longing for, but
had not been able to procure. One time, it was a little chair for drawing
the little sufferer along the streets; and, many an evening that following
summer, Mr Openshaw drew her along himself, regardless of the
remarks of his acquaintances. One day in autumn, he put down his
newspaper, as Alice came in with the breakfast, and said, in as
indifferent a voice as he could assume:
'Mrs Frank, is there any reason why we two should not put up our
horses together?'
Alice stood still in perplexed wonder. What did he mean? He had
resumed the reading of his newspaper, as if he did not expect any
answer; so she found silence her safest course, and went on quietly
arranging his breakfast, without another word passing between them.
Just as he was leaving the house, to go to the warehouse as usual, he
turned back and put his head into the bright, neat, tidy kitchen, where
all the women breakfasted in the morning:
'You'll think of what I said, Mrs Frank' (this was her name with the
lodgers), 'and let me have your opinion upon it tonight.'
Alice was thankful that her mother and Norah were too busy talking
together to attend much to this speech. She determined not to think
about it at all through the day; and, of course, the effort not to think
made her think all the more. At night she sent up Norah with his tea.
But Mr Openshaw almost knocked Norah down as she was going out at
the door, by pushing past her and calling out, 'Mrs Frank!' in an
impatient voice, at the top of the stairs.
Alice went up, rather than seem to have affixed too much meaning to
his words.
'Well, Mrs Frank,' he said, 'what answer? Don't make it too long; for I
have lots of office work to get through tonight.'
'I hardly know what you meant, sir,' said truthful Alice.
'Well! I should have thought you might have guessed. You're not new

at this sort of work, and I am. However, I'll make it plain this time. Will
you have me to be thy wedded husband, and serve me, and love me,
and honour me, and all that sort of thing? Because, if you will, I will do
as much by you, and be a father to your child--and that's more than is
put in the prayer-book. Now, I'm a man of my word; and what I say, I
feel; and what I promise, I'll do. Now, for your answer!'
Alice was silent. He began to make the tea, as if her reply was a matter
of perfect indifference to him; but, as soon as that was done, he became
'Well?' said he.
'How long, sir, may I have to think over it?'
'Three minutes!' (looking at his watch). 'You've had two already--that
makes five. Be a sensible woman, say Yes, and sit down to tea with me,
and we'll talk it over together; for, after tea, I shall be busy; say No' (he
hesitated a moment to try and keep his voice in the same tone), 'and I
shan't say another word about it, but pay up a year's rent for my rooms
tomorrow, and be off. Time's up! Yes or no?'
'If you please, sir--you have been so good to little Ailsie--'
'There, sit down comfortably by me on the sofa, and let's have our tea
together. I am glad to find you are as good and sensible as I took you
And this was Alice Wilson's second wooing.
Mr Openshaw's will was too strong, and his circumstances too good,
for him not to carry all before him. He settled Mrs Wilson in a
comfortable house of her own, and made her quite independent of
lodgers. The little that Alice said with regard to future plans was in
Norah's behalf.
'No,' said Mr Openshaw. 'Norah shall take care of the old
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