Twenty-Four Short Sermons On The Doctrine Of Universal Salvation | Page 5

John Bovee Dods
their badness here, is
but in substance saying, that vice is attended with some mental joys,

and so far as it fails of punishing its possessor here, the balance is to be
made up hereafter.
It is readily granted that the righteous may suffer. But we ought ever to
make a plain distinction between afflictions and punishments, for the
Bible does this. It is impossible in the nature of things that punishment
can exist except in connexion with guilt. Paul and Silas were cast into
prison and fastened in the stocks, on account of their religion. But
nothing could disturb their mental peace--their heaven-born repose.
They joyfully sung psalms, and lifted up their voices in prayer to God
in the calm enjoyment of a pure unsullied conscience. They suffered
afflictions that were, under the government of God, to work out for
their good. There were no doubt others in that prison justly suffering
for their crimes. To them it was punishment. Because the former were
suffering affliction, the _latter, punishment_. The scriptures say, "Great
peace have they that love thy law; and nothing shall offend them."
"There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked;" and he who says
there is, contradicts Jehovah.
If you would, my young friends, avoid punishment, avoid sin. If you
would be happy, and enjoy a long and tranquil life, follow carefully the
directions of our text; for rest assured that a contrary course of conduct
will not only involve you in misery and wretchedness, but bring you to
a premature grave. Let us then take warning, and not become our own
executioners. Let us make the most of life we may, and not turn our
present existence, which is one of heaven's choicest blessings, into a
curse. Let us do good in our day and generation, and render ourselves
blessings to mankind, by living soberly, righteously and peaceably in
the world? Let us do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with
God--visit the widow and the fatherless in their affliction, and keep
ourselves unspotted from the world.
"And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the
beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and
seven times shall pass over thee until thou know that the Most High
ruleth in the kingdom of, men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will."

Daniel iv:32.
That reason, as well as revelation, teaches an overruling providence,
very few deny. There must exist in nature an omnipotent and
benevolent Being to keep all her works in harmony--to touch the most
secret and subtle springs of the vast machinery of the universe--to
regulate seed time and harvest, summer and winter, day and night; and
to throw the enrapturing charms of countless variety not only over the
landscape, but over all that we behold in the heavens above, or in the
earth beneath. Globes roll in the paths assigned them, and by some
unseen hand are wisely kept from interfering in their orbits, and
disturbing each other's motions. These facts demonstrate the existence
of an omniscient, omnipotent, and Benevolent Being; and every event,
transpiring in the government of the world, proclaims an omnipresent
He not only works in the majesty of the lightning, and in the grandeur
of the storm regulating and directing the whole in its sublime career,
but he notices the fall of a sparrow, and numbers the very hairs of our
head. Events, the most trivial in their nature, are the objects of his
notice, as well as those of the most momentous character. Were not this
the case, universal disorder and ruin would soon find their way into his
works, break the chain of events, and reduce all, that we now admire,
from its present harmony and glory, down to its general confusion and
chaos. This conclusion is unavoidable, because some of the greatest
events that have transpired in the world, owe their existence to
something of a very trivial nature.
If God did not, in the general government of the world, direct also
small events, then he could not be the author of those great events
which flow from them. On this principle there might transpire countless
events of the greatest magnitude without the direction and
superintendance of Deity. The admission of this is but practical
Atheism. It is acknowledging a God in words, but in works denying
him. It alike makes chance the governor of the world to those who
acknowledge such a God, as to those who wholly deny his existence.
In our text a presiding Deity is solemnly recognized by the prophet

Daniel, and his supremacy over the affairs of men is throughout the
whole chapter most strikingly set forth before the Assyrian king. He
had dreamed a dream which
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