Truth and the Myths | Page 9

A.R. Narayanan
doing good, God will do you good;
If the God doesn't do
good, none would say good God!
If you look once again, what you have done earlier,
After years, you
will feel you could have done better!
If you shy ever to make a debut,
Opportunities will fight shy of you!
No wonder continental drift theories stay;
Look at the neighbouring
nations drift away!
Woman is undaunted force;
Man controls it by mere farce!
While being poor is not a bane;
Becoming rich is not a boon.
Why need middle men
Between God and man?
All my vices will be adored
If I have immense wealth amassed!
Something is not better than nothing at all;
For, nothing is better than
something awful!
Who does not spend, have to spend;
Who spends may not have to
Taxes are levied to feed Government employees
Still they tax public
to add spice to luxuries!
Somewhere a tearful farewell.*
Here, a cheerful arrival.
believe in re-birth. The dead soul will be born
somewhere else, quite
often, immediately).
Truth shall prevail
When all lies fail!
Rome was not built in a day;
But it was burnt in a day!
We don't do what we could do when needed to do,
And try to do what

others do which we can't do!
I did not understand what my dad told me;
My son doesn't understand
what I tell him!
I should now be loving my neighbour,
A beautiful dame moved in
next door!
Talk never and you will have friends never;
Talk ever, friends will be
foes forever!
You are not a made yourselves entity,
Society carved out your
If you are fond of the fag's lasting puff,
You'll take last breath in
breathless cough!
Man will not learn good things if taught,
Sure will learn all the vices
On God of heavens I was reposing my faith;
And failed, 'cause I
ignored all little gods of earth!
God hath created man to live a century,
But didn't give a performance
When I was a child, father was my hero;
As I grew up, to me, he is a
Flesh and fish become delicacies
By cooking them with vegetables!
Lo! How I lost huge sums in interest
Because I had no money to
Only virtuous will own
All the wrongs they have done!
Books are loved by knowledge seekers,
And are shelved by antique

Hindu tenets say, treat thy guest as god;
We shall, if he pays in
Dollars for food!
From financier I don't get aid;
From fiancée I may get AIDS!
All that had come were bad,
And all to come are good!
All I do is good;
At times it turns bad!
I wish, all that untoward happened today
Should have been a
nightmare of dead yesterday.
This birth, I'm the wheel beneath,
carrying all load;
Grant me next birth at least as steering wheel, O'
The blind shows the way
For those gone astray!
When two cons bat and dozens bet,
Million fools squat around as
Neither the born nor the borne
Know why, on earth, they have born,
Bonehead who has no seat
Pounces upon throne to sit!
One who turns lie a truth
Is fit to reign the earth!
God is moulded into an idol
For shaping Him a lifeless ideal!
All the dreams I dreamt about
Came true as nightmares aghast!
Even if others love, if you don't love,
You can't feel the love, for
loving is love!
Living man hopes for a future, best;
Dying man repents on futile past!

Where do the senses go on man's death?
None gone did return to tell
that truth!
Why shower rose petals over the tomb?
Can its fragrance reach deep
into its womb?
However fast, through life, we race,
Death will follow us at the same
Dead, we may not be re-born, as legends say;
Our souls, caught in
condoms, will be thrown away!
(* Hindu tenets say that every soul
has rebirth)
Know, death is not at all a calamity,
It's life's
destination at eternity!
If you know wherefrom you have come here,
You will also know,
death takes you where!
With death, we all have a date;
When, where and how, we know not.
The one who was terribly afraid of death
Reclines calm and
composed on its gruesome berth!
While poor dies like a dog;
The rich dies like a Lord!
Obituary says: the dead attained heaven;
Seems, he sent back a
reaching note from heaven!
Man's fear of death
Is source of God.
If now and today I die and go
I'll join manes dead aeons ago!
Blooms meant for propagation
Deck the body of dead person!
The Lord, with His aesthetic touch
Created world, a beauty as such,

Freedom is not growing wings,
It lies in breaking the strings!
We spent our fifty years of freedom
Building, for our leaders, their
We struggled for freedom
And won freedom to struggle!
Fifty years of freedom
Reminds, we need freedom!
We won freedom to put minority in position
Sidelining the majority
into opposition!
We won freedom in midnight,
That's why
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