Truth and the Myths | Page 7

A.R. Narayanan

repeated incarnations!
(* Hindu God Lord Vishnu incarnated on earth
ten times)

"He saved others, let him save himself",
Jesus could, had he not
selfless self.
Horrid grief is hunger;
The blessed is the feeder.
Haughty fire scales up, burning all that's on its way,
Humble water
steps down, to wash earth's sins away!
"Food is medicine and medicine is food",
Gentle food, little medicine,
keeps health good!
"Knock! It shall be opened unto you" – preaching:
We are searching
for doors that open sans knocking!
Our lives are directed or deviated
By certain other, concerned or
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord";
But don't overburden His head!
An important person is respected;
Importance ceased, he will be
Pest cricket is grasshopper's name;
Test cricket is cash hoper's game
If you are enthralled by somebody's feat,
Know, strong-willed, you
also can do it.
If you say, nothing in this world is impossible,
Know, not one, many
hands need to make it possible.
Granite decked daily with bed of rose
Shall gain and own fragrance in
due course!
Cycling rhythm is pace of life
Beats in peace, offbeats facing strife.
Strand that developed in New York and London is 'Nylon'
developed between Pakistan and India is 'Pain'.

You are warned, "look before you leap",
'Cause this leap should not
be last lap.
In India, President can't preside, Speaker may not speak,
Governor should not govern; mere rubber stamps at
"Time and tide do not wait for anyone";
After all, who else waits here
for someone?
"Marriages are made in heaven":
Spouse to spouse should not make it
a hell!
One who cannot use his brain
Will live only under strain!
Don't deride anybody as weakling,
Today's mendicant may be
tomorrow's king!
Only that could be yours, which you earn;
What you gained, did you
Man gave God multiple hands* in His picture
To depict the Lord as
the Superpower.
(* Hindu gods are depicted with multiple hands)
Accustomed to, even pitch darkness
Could be of perceivable
Say one thing and do something else,
Is the first step towards
Man is prisoner of his own mind;
None else can bail him out of the
May be "Money is what money does",
But it can't buy love, a single
Wealth of learning is intangible
Wealth of cunningness is tangible!

"Thy kingdom come": it is my prayer,
Kindly name me Thy Prime
"Give us this day our daily bread" –
A good lot to last a decade!
Hawks may fly even supine,
Over heap of gold coin!
Criminals are not punished;
Idolised, they are worshipped!
Greatness is quality innate,
Which people try to cultivate!
There should be a river that flows
For anyone to swim across!
Lifeless granite idols
Are gods that save our souls!
All we see and hear
Are all lies, my dear!
Heaven and hell are created by man's talent;
And he can make it
anywhere, any moment!
Insulting is the habit of the insolent;
Ignoring insult is the trait of
"Work is worship" rule of the past;
But, now it is "Work for profit"!
Dressed up, spraying fragrant perfumes and made up faces,
know not, they are factories of stinking feces.
All the beauty of women is only skin deep,
To enjoy it, men should
penetrate further deep!
Nature lavished its resources on man:
Man lavishes his resources in
Human beauty is solely external,
Once skinned, it is only stinking

Whether offered to Lord or not, flower
Withers away, in hours
Youngsters have "short-sight";
Elders have "long-sight"!
A blind can guide you,
In total darkness!
Often myth sounds truth
And truth likens myth!
What happens if truth and lie vie?
The lie will stand up and truth lie!
Wailed aloud as you came, availed eventful life,
Prevailed, you will
leave leaving others in wailing
You correct yourself,
The rest will mend itself!
You can assert your right if you are right;
Only can falter when you
are at fault!
Choose who loves you
Than whom you love!
We can reap only what we sow;
Fortunate few reap from mere show!
If you work with your hands, looking up,
You will rise unto heavens,
and up!
Camphor burns to smoke leaving not even ash and odd,
fragrance of selfless oblation to the Lord!
Note down, nothing will go into nothing;
If you have nothing you
will have nothing!
Let you be punished for default,
But never be it for deceit.
I have rich learning, culture and manners;
But beset with poor food,

health and finance!
Be prepared all the while for bitter curses;
Boons may come, once in
a while, as bonuses!
Better to soothe the victim of your ill deed
Than to confess before
Minister ordained!
I'm a lighted but unburnt wick of yesterday;
Don't throw me out when
am willing to burn today.
I had pleasant dreams about life;
It all turned a nightmarish strife!
Muezzins have to call from Minaret
To arouse our prayer instinct?
Which gauge can measure acuteness of pain,
Depth of love and
degree of emotion?
Present life is a present of bygone past,
Only purest present
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