Truth and the Myths | Page 6

A.R. Narayanan
to face even good that comes!
So far, none is born in this world?Whose mind did not, at times, run wild.
None is perfect, each having a blemish;?Even the sun has black spot to tarnish.
Singer wishes to perpetuate his name?Shall stop singing at the peak of his fame.
If tomorrow wouldn't be dawn,?What's the worth of all that you own?
Through mythology we try to know the myth;?Though many of us try to ignore the truth.
I can't say: "miles to go before I sleep",?Because the last sleep is not in my grip.
Behold, if somebody is nobody, nobody respects;?Anybody is anybody, anybody respects.
In this universe of eternal darkness,?Sunshine, at times, brings momentary brightness.
Elation and dejection?Are the mind's self-deception.
We are searching for peace of mind?Keeping it locked up within mind.
What you know now is only a millionth?Fraction of what you ought to learn henceforth!
Better be fragrant flower ephemeral?Than living millennia as granite idol.
Beautiful dame willing for any game?Gains, in record time, all the wealth and fame.
You cannot speak out all that you think;?For, most of them are rubbish that stink!
While mundane life is a myth;?Money is eternal truth!
Follow wise counsel, to the letter,?Even though it always tastes bitter!
Poor know the comforts enjoyed by the rich?Rich are ignorant of poverty's pinch.
Who dives deep down comes up with a pearl;?Who flies high lands with nothing at all!
Boy, titled "Master" grows up to a "Mister"?Can then gray-haired old man be a "Mooster"?
Even wildest fire will itself extinguish?If it has nothing more to devour afresh!
Law of the land is handled by the lawless;?Justice is denied even to Justices!
Towering things are in this world still?That may lean but not at all fall.
Wind blows out tiny lamp timid,?Aiding wild fire, fanning to spread!
Known devil is not better than unknown angel;?For, devil is devil and angel is angel.
Water flowing out, a case for conservation;?Water flowing in may cause great consternation!
Don't say, "a friend in need is a friend indeed"?A friend always in need is a pain indeed!
Failures are stepping-stones to success �C?If they do not mar your confidence!
The flower and fruit and lamb and chicken, life longing?Fellow creatures men sacrifice for better living!
More and more you own?More you wish to earn!
Classicism is nobility;?Classics live unto eternity!
Gift away what you like to possess?And gifted finds it's useful uses.
Sages say, life is a myth;*?Still, they live in search of truth!?(* Hindu philosophy)
You win, you will be society's pride;?You lose, all society will deride!
My own mind is my enemy;?It plays all the havoc in me.
All your kith are kin,?Till you're wealthy man!
My failure is my virtuousness?In this world full of viciousness!
All of you work for me?And make my life creamy!
Within temple, granite idol is worshipped;?Without, it is mere commodity far shipped!
Nature dame had borne millions of life thro' eons;?Still, she looks Miss universe as every day dawns!
"In the beginning was the word........ word was truth"?Now the word of truth has become old-fashioned myth!
Judas, not Jesus, was the cause of Christianity,?For, his betrayal led Jesus to eternity
"Searching the Lord is beginning of knowledge"?And does not end until you break sensual bondage.
Light cannot comprehend darkness ever;?If put out, darkness again takes over!?Money is most powerful in this world;?Did it not kill even the Son of God?
Tinkling talk of money?Drips in ears as honey!
If the dead suddenly returns,?Many living will kill themselves!
Sky is a myth and earth is truth,?Yet they seem, meet at crust of earth!
This body is not for sensual titillation;?It is to fulfil duties assigned by the Great One!
People with money and muscle power,?For their selfish ends, tramp the frail and poor!
Evil souls reign this earth, for generations,?Despite our Lord's repeated incarnations!?(* Hindu God Lord Vishnu incarnated on earth ten times)
"He saved others, let him save himself",?Jesus could, had he not selfless self.
Horrid grief is hunger;?The blessed is the feeder.
Haughty fire scales up, burning all that's on its way,?Humble water steps down, to wash earth's sins away!
"Food is medicine and medicine is food",?Gentle food, little medicine, keeps health good!
"Knock! It shall be opened unto you" �C preaching:?We are searching for doors that open sans knocking!
Our lives are directed or deviated?By certain other, concerned or unconcerned.
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord";?But don't overburden His head!
An important person is respected;?Importance ceased, he will be neglected!
Pest cricket is grasshopper's name;?Test cricket is cash hoper's game
If you are enthralled by somebody's feat,?Know, strong-willed, you also can do it.
If you say, nothing in this world is impossible,?Know, not one, many hands need to make it possible.
Granite decked daily with bed of rose?Shall gain and own fragrance in due course!
Cycling rhythm is pace of life?Beats in peace, offbeats facing strife.
Strand that developed in New York and London is 'Nylon'?Strife developed between Pakistan and India is 'Pain'.
You are warned, "look before you leap",?'Cause this leap should not be last lap.
In India, President can't preside, Speaker may not speak,?And Governor should not govern; mere rubber
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