Troika | Page 6

Hersch L. Zitt
5-11 in Philadelphia.
Leaning back in his chair, he rubbed his face. Enough reading for today. He would begin a serious re-reading tomorrow and prepare to leave for California. Right now it was time to wrap up the day.
He descended one floor to the garage, took his car and drove out into the Virginia countryside. In about two hours he had reached Colonial Williamsburg. He made a dinner reservation at Campbell's Inn for seven thirty, which gave Hank a chance to wander through the town where he often came just to find a place where the late twentieth century, had not intruded. He stopped at the blacksmithy to watch him make a cast-iron finial for a lamp-post. By then, it was time for dinner before returning home.
It was close to midnight when he entered his apartment. The telephone was ringing. "Well, it took you long enough to answer. It's me, Mary--Mary Mallory. Don't tell me you forgot it's Davey's birthday on Friday. We're celebrating on Saturday. He specifically wants you there.
"No, David won't be there. He's in Kuala Lumpur on some sort of business deal, or so his Hong Kong office says. Oh, yes, Bob Cowan told me you're joining the team. Welcome aboard. When you get here Saturday, if you are coming, I'll fill you in a little on what's going on and who's who and who ain't. It'll be nice to work with you on something that's open and above board. Leave your cloak and dagger home! See you, love. 'Bye."
The next morning, Ms Curtis booked him on a late flight to Los Angeles. The birthday celebration was to be near the UCLA campus where his nephew was in medical school.
The flight left, and arrived, on time. This gave him a chance to rent a car and drive to the motel near the campus, where his ever efficient secretary had also reserved a room. At the motel, he undressed, showered, shaved and dropped off to sleep. This was his standard method for overcoming jet lag.
Hank awoke at 6:30 and glancing at his watch, he dressed hurriedly and drove to the restaurant. Just as he parked the rental he saw David get out of a car David opened the door, and his mother stepped out
They arrived within seconds of each other. Uncle and nephew were strikingly similar in looks. David was several inches taller than his uncle. He was wearing the local uniform, a short-sleeved sport-shirt, khaki cords and dirty white sneakers. His uncle was dressed in a striped shirt, open at the neck, a v-neck sweater, blue slacks and tan loafers.
At forty-eight, Mary Mallory was still a striking woman. Her brunette hair framed her heart shaped face and high cheek bones. Mary's wide set gold-flecked hazel eyes accented her tanned skin. The white and gold knit dress she wore softly accentuated her figure. Seeing Hank, she ran to him and greeted him with a kiss full on the mouth.
"How's that for hello?" she laughed.
"It sure beats the hell out of a handshake," he replied, holding her closer than a polite hug would require. He felt her stiffen slightly and then relax. He realized, then, that he was still as much in love with her as ever. Taking her arm, he led her inside while his nephew held the door open for them.
The trio were seated almost immediately. The restaurant was one similar to others near the campus. The food was excellent and the setting unpretentious.
When dinner ended, David left to return home to study, leaving his mother and uncle at the restaurant.
The conversation turned serious. Mary filled Hank in on what was going on in the Verification Unit. There was no more private a place to have such a conversation, unless they returned to his motel or her apartment. Public places make excellent sites for such talks.
"This job is no walk in the woods. I've been to about twenty sites so far and there are more to come I'm due to leave for Hanford, Washington and then Latrobe, Pennsylvania before we get to Philly."
"What do you know about Dr. Obadivsky?" he asked
"I'm vaguely aware of the members of the Russian group, after all there are delegates from about thirty countries most of us now that he had some find of position in Russian Intelligence before he was assigned to ICEVENT. He's polite has sense of humor and is really knowledgeable in his field," she answered.
Hank drove Mary back to her apartment, but did not go in. After helping her out of the car and accompanying her to the lobby, he returned to his hotel room and prepared to leave on the first flight to Washington.
Langley, Virginia
2 November
1400 Hours
CIA Director Miller had just returned from a meeting when his secure line button flashed. Muttering under his breath, he lifted the
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